OBITS Senin 12NOON Senin, 20 Februari 2017 (2 menit 16 detik) KMEM BERITA LOKAL Senin 20 Februari 2017 (4 menit 5 detik) OBITS Senin 7:00 Senin, 20 Februari 2017 (2 menit 7 detik) Blok Lelang Sen 20 Februari 2017 (2 menit 34 detik ) KMEM NEWS 6 8 AM Sen 20 Februari 2017 (2 menit 16 detik) OBITS Jumat 5:00 Jum 17 Februari 2017 (4 menit 3 detik) OBITS Jumat 12NOON Jum 17 Februari 2017 (3 menit 51 detik) OBITS Jumat 7AM Jum 17 Februari 2017 3 menit 25 detik) OBITS Kamis 12NOon Thu 16 Februari 2017 (2 menit 0 detik) OBITS Kamis 7:00 Thu 16 Februari 2017 (2 menit 8 detik) OBITS Rabu 12NOON Rabu 15 Februari 2017 (2 menit 50 detik) OBITS Rabu 7:00 Rab 15 Februari 2017 (4 menit 18 detik) OBITS Selasa 5:00 Sel 14 Februari 2017 (4 menit 13 detik) OBITS Selasa 12NOON Sel 14 Februari 2017 (4 menit 13 detik) OBITS Senin 5:00 Senin 13 Februari 2017 (4 menit 18 detik) OBITS Minggu 7AM Sun 12 Februari 2 017 (1 menit 59 detik) OBITS Sabtu 12NOON Sabtu 11 Februari 2017 (5 menit 20 detik) OBITS Sabtu pukul 7 pagi Sabtu 11 Februari 2017 (5 menit 18 detik) OBITS Kamis 5:00 Kamis 9 Februari 2017 (4 menit 25 detik) OBITS Rabu 5:00 Rabu 8 Februari 2017 (2 menit 38 detik) BERITA KMEM 01272017 Jum 27 Januari 2017 (5 menit 4 detik) Zelda Keith Senin 23 Januari 2017 (3 menit 3 detik) Badai Amy C. Jan 2017 Thu 5 Januari 2017 (3 menit 53 detik ) Perintah Rebus Selesai 13 Desember 2016 (1 menit 0 detik) Lori FulkBazaar 2016 Thu 1 Desember 2016 (1 menit 46 detik) 2016 FCC 100th Homecoming Wed September 28th 2016 (5 menit 26 detik) Beau Becraft 1 Mon September 26th 2016 (2 menit 26 detik) Beau Becraft WAWANCARA LENGKAP Jumat 23 September 2016 (5 menit 5 detik) KALENDER KMEM KOMUNITAS Rabu 21 September 2016 (2 menit 18 detik) KMEM COUNTRY SHOWDOWN Sel pada 9 Agustus 2016 (1 menit 2 detik) Laporan Job Fair 7 Thu 21 April 2016 (4 menit 25 detik) J Laporan Fair Fair 6 Kamis 21 April 2016 (3 menit 20 detik) Laporan Jabatan Pekerjaan 5 Kamis 21 April 2016 (2 menit 26 detik) Laporan Fair Job 4 Thu 21 April 2016 (3 menit 26 detik) Laporan Fair Job 3 Thu 21 April 2016 (2 menit 27 detik) Job Fair Reports 2 Thu 21 April 2016 (2 menit 36 detik) Laporan Job Fair 1 Thu 21 April 2016 (1 menit 51 detik) KMEM PROMO Fall 2016 Sel November 15 2016 (1 menit 1 detik) Meningkatkan Bar Show Jum 24 Februari 2017 (55 menit 0 detik) Toko Umum Jumat Jum 24 februari 2017 (54 menit 30 detik) Coffee Break Jumat Jum 24 februari 2017 (30 menit 0 detik) Toko Umum Kamis Kamis 23 Februari 2017 (54 menit 30 detik ) Coffee Break Kamis Kamis 23 Februari 2017 (30 menit 0 detik) Toko Umum Rabu Rabu 22 Februari 2017 (54 menit 30 detik) Coffee Break Rabu Wed 22 Februari 2017 (30 menit 0 detik) Toko Umum Selasa Sel 21 Februari 2017 (54 menit 30 detik) Coffee Break Sel Hari Selasa 21 Februari 2017 (30 menit 0 detik) Toko Umum Senin Mon 20 Februari 2017 (54 menit 30 detik) Coffee Break Senin Mon 20 Februari 2017 (30 menit 0 detik) Uang dan biaya hidup Sebelum tiba di Lund, Anda perlu Pastikan bahwa Anda memiliki dana yang cukup untuk menutupi biaya kuliah yang mungkin (bila berlaku) dan biaya hidup Anda. Jika Anda diminta untuk membayar uang sekolah, periksa informasi beasiswa jika Anda memerlukan bantuan pendanaan. Biaya hidup di Swedia Biaya hidup Anda di Swedia secara alami akan bergantung pada gaya hidup Anda masing-masing. Makan di luar dan berkeliling bisa mahal dan merupakan sesuatu yang mungkin ingin Anda pertimbangkan saat merencanakan anggaran Anda. Namun, banyak tempat juga menawarkan potongan harga siswa. Mata uang Swedia adalah krona. Hal ini disingkat SEK. Untuk membandingkan, SEK 100 kira-kira EUR 11 atau USD 11. Silakan lihat konverter mata uang untuk tarif terbaru dan untuk harga dalam mata uang Anda sendiri. Siswa yang memerlukan izin tinggal harus, secara hukum, menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki dana sekurang-kurangnya SEK 7 974 per bulan selama 10 bulan. Mahasiswa Swedia yang telah disetujui untuk mendapatkan pinjaman pelajar penuh dan hibah dari pemerintah Swedia akan menerima SEK 9.000 per bulan. Namun, banyak siswa internasional memperoleh anggaran di antara yang dibutuhkan SEK 7 974 per bulan dan anggaran siswa Swedia sebesar SEK 9.000 per bulan. Sebagai perbandingan Anda dapat melihat berapa budget sekitar SEK 8 000month dapat terdiri dari: Makanan SEK 2 300 Akomodasi SEK 3 200-4 800 Literatur kursus SEK 400-1000 Lainnya: pakaian, telepon, waktu luang, dll. SEK 1 500 Harap dicatat bahwa ini hanya perkiraan kasar. Diskon siswa Bila Anda bergabung dengan Studentlund, Anda mendapatkan Studentkortet yang (bersama dengan kartu identitas reguler Anda) memberi Anda akses ke diskon di restoran, restoran dan perjalanan tertentu (misalnya Skanetrafiken dan SJ) serta komputer, telepon genggam. Fashion dan buku dll di toko-toko dan online. Perbankan di Swedia Di Swedia, bank umumnya buka dari hari Senin sampai Jumat pukul 10.00 sampai 15.00 (3pm). Beberapa bank telah memperpanjang jam buka pada hari Kamis. Ada beberapa bank berbeda yang tersedia di Lund, Helsingborg dan Malm. Tidak ada bank khusus yang terhubung dengan Universitas Lund. Cabang bank yang berbeda memerlukan dokumentasi yang berbeda dari Anda sebagai pelanggan internasional. Persyaratan untuk membuka rekening bank Swedia biasanya mencakup masa inap minimal 12 bulan serta nomor pribadi Swedia (untuk beberapa atau semua layanan). Nomor pribadi Swedia hanya dapat diperoleh jika Anda memiliki ijin tinggal yang berlaku di Swedia selama 12 bulan atau lebih. Anda mengajukan permohonan untuk nomor pribadi Swedia melalui kantor pajak (Skatteverket) setelah Anda tiba di Swedia. Siswa pertukaran Sangat disarankan agar siswa pertukaran membuat pengaturan perbankan dari bank asal mereka. Siswa yang tinggal di Swedia kurang dari enam bulan akan mengalami kesulitan untuk membuka rekening bank. Membuka rekening Bila Anda berencana untuk membuka rekening bank Swedia, perlu diketahui hal berikut: Sebagian besar bank Swedia akan mengenakan biaya untuk layanan yang berbeda. Tanyakan tentang biaya sebelum memilih bank Anda. Secara umum, bank tidak menyediakan kartu kredit kepada siswa internasional untuk pembayaran online. Sebagian besar kartu kredit diterima di Swedia. Jika Anda memiliki kartu kredit dari rumah Anda bisa menggunakannya di Swedia. Perhatikan bahwa di Swedia kebanyakan kartu kredit dilengkapi dengan chip dan kode pin. Jika Anda tidak memiliki kode pin, Anda masih dapat menggunakan kartu Anda di kebanyakan tempat, namun Anda mungkin tidak dapat membeli tiket kereta dari mesin penjual otomatis, misalnya. Dalam kasus itu Anda harus mengunjungi kantor tiket. Jangan membawa sejumlah besar uang tunai ke bank. Undang-undang pencucian uang mewajibkan bank untuk mengajukan pertanyaan tentang transaksi tunai yang besar. Jika pelanggan tidak memberikan identifikasi atau memberikan penjelasan yang memuaskan mengapa pelanggan menginginkan bank untuk melakukan layanan tertentu, bank tidak diizinkan untuk melakukan layanan yang diminta berdasarkan risiko hukuman pidana dan sanksi. Jangan gunakan travellers atau cek bank. Saat membuka akun Swedia, Anda akan mendapatkan nomor IBAN nr dan SWIFT, yang memungkinkan Anda atau keluarga mentransfer uang dari akun beranda ke akun Swedia dengan mudah. Baca lebih lanjut tentang perbankan di platform SwedenthinkManual Trading. Semoga berhasil mencoba berdagang tanpa mereka. Kami tahu bahwa jika Anda bisa, Anda mungkin memiliki perintah Anda dieksekusi dengan jepretan jari atau tipuan pikiran Jedi Anda. Tapi karena Anda tidak bisa, Anda harus menggunakan hal terbaik berikutnya - teknologi yang hebat. Jenis dosent mengharuskan Anda untuk pergi ke luar platform untuk alat dan informasi yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengkonseptualisasikan, meneliti, menempatkan, dan mengelola perdagangan - apakah saham, opsi, futures, atau forex. Dapatkan manualnya disini ThinkMoney thinkMoney Issue 32 - Summer 2016 Jangan Lupakan Helm Bull Anda HANYA SAAT ANDA BERPIKIR Anda menemukan jalan musim semi Anda, musim panas akan berada di sini sebelum Anda menyadarinya. Jadi sebelum Anda menukar keyboard Anda dengan pancing, pastikan untuk mengemas buku-buku perdagangan favorit Anda dan beberapa masalah pemikiran kembali untuk dibaca dengan mudah saat Anda tidur di antara beruang. Meski tidak ada strategi di majalah ini yang akan membantu Anda menghadapi tipe berdarah dan berdarah panas, ada banyak cara untuk mempersiapkan jelang koreksi pasar berikutnya. Pertama, pedagang pintar cenderung lebih fokus pada pengelolaan risiko daripada memprediksi arah. Tapi terlepas dari pendekatan Anda, keliru adalah manusia. Apakah yourquore taruhan di atas, bawah, atau apakah Bey dan Jay akan bertahan tahun ini, Anda pasti akan kadang-kadang salah dan salah di lain waktu. Tidak peduli apa ukuran trading Anda, mungkin ada saat dimana Anda memiliki posisi buka semalam dan begadang semalaman khawatir tentang bagaimana pasar dapat dibuka keesokan harinya. Itu tidak pernah bagus, tapi mungkin ada cara untuk menghindarinya. LdquoTiga Hal yang Menjaga Pedagang Bangun di Nightrdquo di halaman 16 menyarankan beberapa teknik manajemen risiko untuk dipertimbangkan yang bisa menyembuhkan insomnia perdagangan. Semakin baik Anda dapat mengelola risiko Anda, semakin agresif Anda bisa menjadi tanpa melanggar bank. Kerah dinamis adalah strategi yang banyak trader profesional usemdashand Anda juga bisa. Jika berada di Bawah, Pesta di Toprdquo di halaman 20 mungkin membuat Anda berpikir secara berbeda tentang bagaimana membangun posisi saham tanpa menghabiskan uang Anda, dan tanpa memperhatikan arahan saham. Dan berbicara tentang pesta-pesta, ingat rumah-rumah frater dan kolorinya dengan nama-nama Yunani di pintu. Mereka mungkin hanya memberi surat, tapi untuk pedagang pilihan, mereka memiliki arti yang berbeda. The nenearticle ldquoThe Myth of Delta Netral (dan Kisah Yunani Lainnya) rdquo di halaman 30 mendemistikan beberapa pilihan kesalahpahaman yang dimiliki pedagang tentang orang-orang Yunani dan menunjukkan kepada Anda apa yang sebenarnya mereka maksudkan. Ketika sampai pada perdagangan, tidak ada kekurangan pecundang. Anda bisa, dan mungkin akan, salah satunya dari waktu ke waktu. Thatrsquos tidak ada hubungannya dengan kepribadian menawan Anda. Ini hanya sifat perdagangan. Dan dalam mempersiapkan yang tak terelakkan, terkadang pertahanan terbaik Anda adalah Anda. Happy Trading, Kevin Lund Editor-in-Chief, thinkMoney thinkMoney Issue 33 - Fall 2016 Gundukan gajah atau keledai JIKA ANDA DONrsquoT TAHU partai mana yang berencana bergabung dengan Anda tahun ini, milikmu tidak sendirian. Berita utama dan liputan media tentang tontonan yang merupakan pemilihan presiden tahun ini adalah memberikan teguran Dems and Reps yang paling keras, dan pedagang yang paling agresif berkemauan keras. Tapi lihat lebih dekat, dan apa yang Anda miliki, nah, banyak kebisingan. Mereka tidak mengatakan hasilnya tidak penting, dan Anda seharusnya tidak memperhatikannya. Itu akan terjadi, dan Anda harus bemdashfor dengan berbagai alasan. Tapi bagi investor dan pedagang, Armageddon finansial lebih dari mungkin jauh lebih jauh keluar dari bulan November. Apa artinya ini bagi Anda Apa yang membuat berita utama bagus adalah antara kandidat, dan pukulan sesekali pada status politik quo. Dan karena tidak ada kekurangannya tahun ini, kita berpotensi meningkatkan volatilitas masuk ke dalam pemilihan. Apa yang terjadi selanjutnya adalah tebakan anyonersquos. Tapi cerita sampul kami, ldquoHow to Trade Presidentsrdquo (halaman 16), mencoba untuk mengungkapkan beberapa kebenaran yang berguna tentang pemilihan umum perdagangan khususnya yang satu ini. Sekarang, jika Anda benar-benar tertarik untuk melakukan perdagangan pemilihan sampai jam kesebelas, Anda bisa mempertimbangkan opsi mingguan yang menunjukkan nama mereka secara implisit dalam tujuh hari. Entah itu acara seperti pemilihan, pendapatan, atau kesalahan Trump berikutnya, Anda dapat berspekulasi mengenai arah pasar berikutnya, atau hanya membentuk pagar murah selama beberapa hari dalam beberapa waktu sampai pantai menjadi jelas. Di ldquoLife is ShortmdashStretch It with Weekly Optionsrdquo on page 26, wersquoll memecah kembang api jangka pendek ini untuk membantu Anda memahami apa yang bisa mereka lakukan dan bagaimana cara menukarnya. Tentu saja, itu tidak akan menjadi pemilihan bulan November tanpa Halloween Oktober datang lebih dulu. Jadi, jangan heran tahun ini jika Anda melihat beberapa kostum Trumpewary yang menyeramkan di depan pintu Anda. Dan mereka juga kemungkinan berusia 10 sampai 12 tahun. Namun, terlepas dari usia, pastikan untuk membaca rekomendasi kami di halaman 38 untuk trik atau suguhan yang pasti membuat pedagang tumbuh menangis atau anak kecil lari ke mama. Dan jika Anda mendapati diri Anda menertawakan saran ini, Anda pasti tahu bahwa Anda memiliki kekuatan yang sama seperti kita. Happy Trading, Kevin Lund Editor-in-Chief, bull thinkMoney Cara Memproduksi Presiden Bull Covered Cover di Fast Lane bull Life is Short - Peregangan Ini Dengan Mingguan Bull Futures Scalpers Guide ke Galaxy thinkMoney Issue 34 - Winter 2017 bull WELL, 2016 TERJADI. Dengan pemilihan sekarang ada kenangan suram, saatnya untuk kembali berbisnis. Jika merasa tidak yakin, jangan berkeringat. Bagaimanapun, pedagang biasanya menyukai ketidakpastian karena ketidakpastian menimbulkan volatilitas pasar. Dan volatilitas pasar menghasilkan peluang trad-ing potensial sering terjadi di tempat-tempat yang mungkin tidak Anda duga. Jadi, terlepas dari pandangan pribadi Anda tentang dunia dan tempat ia berada sekarang di lanskap politik, sosial, dan ekonomi, setidaknya dari perspektif pasar, putaran volatilitas baru selalu diterima di rumah kita. Mengingat semua perubahan yang terjadi, kami pikir ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk menghilangkan beberapa gagasan yang membuat Anda berpikir untuk melakukan berbagai hal secara berbeda, dan melihat apakah Anda perlu membuat tweak dengan gaya trading Anda sendiri. Mungkin Anda mendapati diri Anda menggaruk-garuk kepala di PL datar atau melihat strategi perdagangan yang dulu tercinta berubah menjadi debu dan tidak tahu sebabnya. Cerita sampul kami, ldquoApa yang Saya Learned to Dordquo di halaman 16 mungkin memberi petunjuk saat kita mempelajari pelajaran yang dipetik pada tahun 2016 tentang risiko arah, waktu, dan volatilitas. Kemudian, wersquoll menyerahkan tongkat ke ldquoItrsquos Not You, Itrsquos Merdquo di halaman 22 untuk memberi Anda beberapa tip praktis tentang apa yang mungkin Anda lakukan saat melakukan beberapa kesalahan itu, dan peta bagaimana Anda bisa kembali bermain. Dan akhirnya, melangkah keluar dari zona kenyamanan jual beli tradisional, wersquoll melemparkan Anda ke dunia alt perdagangan berjangka dan pasang. Yang pertama bisa membuat Anda menyukai makanan dan energi dengan cara yang tidak pernah Anda bayangkan, sementara yang terakhir bisa mengakhiri pertempuran pribadi Anda di antara dua raksasa minuman tanpa harus memilih sisi sama sekali. Jika yourquore baru untuk kedua jenis perdagangan, wersquoll membantu Anda menyelam di bawah tenda pertama untuk melihat apakah ada sesuatu yang ingin Anda kendarai. Jadi, ambillah, 2017 Wersquoll dengan senang hati menerima perubahan Anda. Selamat berdagang, Kevin Lund Editor-in-Chief, thinkMoney Dalam Issue ini: bull2016 Lessons Learned bullRecovering From Mistakes bullAll About Futures bullPairs Trading Primer thinkMoney Issue 31 - Spring 2016 bull SEBAGAI JIKA INVESTOR DONrsquoT MEMILIKI cukup banyak untuk menangani pada tahun 2016, apa dengan Pemilihan Presiden AS yang menjulang, debat minyak yang melemahkan kekacauan saraf, dan sekarang, gemuruh guncangan Eropa yang potensial saat Inggris mengancam undang-undang Uni Eropa. Di samping kekhawatiran yang lebih baru, kami masih bertanya, apakah yang akan diajukan oleh para pedagang pertanyaan? Adalah, ldquoMengapa kita harus carerdquo Intinya adalah, permainan spekulasi tingkat tidak akan pergi. Dan seperti yang mereka katakan, jangan melawan The Fed. Jika Anda telah menjaga jarak dari perdagangan suku bunga, waktu untuk uang dan belajar sesuatu tentang apa yang telah Anda hindari. Cerita sampul kami, ldquoPopping the Cork dengan Fedrdquo di halaman 14 memulai Anda dari awal dan apa yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk melakukannya. Spekulasi mengenai tingkat suku bunga, merupakan kelas aset baru di kota yang bisa duduk nyaman di sebelah portofolio saham tradisional-portofolio tunai. Volatilitas sebagai aset Yup. Pertimbangkan ini. Pada tahun 2008 ketika semua kelas aset lainnya mabuk pada timemdash yang sama, dengan meniupkan teori portofolio modern dari watermdashvolatility adalah satu dari sedikit hal yang meningkat. Dan ketika pasar pulih, volatilitas turun. Kabar baik bagi para pedagang dan investor adalah Anda sekarang dapat berinvestasi dalam volatilitas melalui banyak produk indeks ldquofear yang memanfaatkan tren ini. Untuk lebih lanjut, baca ldquoThe Traderrsquos Cure for the Volatility Bluesrdquo di halaman 26 dan putuskan sendiri. Kami tidak perlu mengatakan bahwa sisa tahun ini terbukti sulit diprediksi. Jadi memilih strategi hati-hati untuk mengakomodasi banyak kondisi pasar akan pergi jauh untuk memperkuat keahlian Anda. Kalender menyebar, khususnya, adalah salah satu strategi semacam itu. Mereka tidak hanya bisa diperdagangkan di pasar netral, tapi bisa bullish dan bearish. Mereka bisa banyak hal. Jadi, jika Anda memiliki seorang pedagang veteran dan masih bingung dengan mereka, lihatlah di Bawah Dasar: Kalender Menyebarkan 3.0rdquo di halaman 22. Seiring tingkat suku bunga melakukan apa pun yang akan mereka lakukan sebagai kandidat politik joki untuk cinta penyusun dan sebagai minyak, nah terus Berminyak, jaga agar kepala Anda tetap dingin. Pelajari beberapa trik baru dari masalah ini, dan siapkan satu hal yang pasti seperti kematian dan pajak. Happy Trading, Kevin Lund Editor-in-Chief, thinkMoney thinkMoney Issue 30 - Winter 2016 Lets Have a Little Reksa Fun (d) bull YOUrsquoD HARUS PERGI kembali ke penemuan roda untuk menentukan kapan penasihat keuangan pertama memuji kebaikan Pendekatan jangka panjang yang dikelola dengan menggunakan reksadana. Selain itu, tidak ada alasan bahwa ini telah menjadi strategi yang sukses bagi banyak orang selama periode tertentu selama bertahun-tahun ketika ada lebih sedikit pilihan. Namun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, menjadi pedagang individu atau investor semakin mudah, lebih murah, dan dengan kemampuan untuk memperdagangkan opsi di akun pensiun yang disetujui dengan tepat, jauh lebih beragam. Saat ini, bagi banyak fund manager, mengungguli indeks dan portofolio saham individual bisa menjadi crapshoot. Dan ada beberapa kebenaran investasi reksa dana yang ditinggalkan dari semua kelesuan pemasaran yang telah menyebabkan pedagang dan investor menyimpulkan manajer reksa dana memiliki semacam keunggulan. Sebagai pedagang, Anda mungkin bertanya bagaimana ini berlaku untuk Anda. Meskipun jari pemicu kecepatan kilat dan strategi jangka pendek Anda, kemungkinan besar ada beberapa keuntungan yang Anda dapatkan dalam investasi jangka panjang seperti, reksa dana yang bagus. Jadi dengan semangat pendekatan openoutquo yang ldquoeyes, yang disarankan oleh wersquery adalah Anda terus berpikir seperti trader saat bertindak seperti investor. Untuk beberapa wawasan ini, lihat cerita sampul kami di halaman 16. Dan jika Anda kebetulan memiliki reksa dana atau aset lain yang tidak dapat Anda gunakan untuk membeli opsi perdagangan, namun perusahaan Anda ingin menerapkan strategi yang dirancang untuk menghasilkan pendapatan atau menyiapkan lindung nilai , Teknik yang bisa membantu anda yang kita bahas di ldquoHow to Resussitate Your Dead Investmentsrdquo di halaman 24. Saling reksa tersisih, trader naik tren, titik. Dan salah satu perjuangan terberat yang dimiliki trader adalah mencari tahu kapan tren akan mematahkan kaki. Tentu saja, tidak ada yang bisa memprediksi masa depan, dan kecuali namamu Nostradamus, kemungkinan besar Anda hanya menebak kapan ini bisa terjadi. Kabar baiknya adalah ada beberapa indikator bagan yang bisa Anda perhatikan lebih dekat yang mungkin bisa membantu analisis Anda sedikit kurang subyektif. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, baca LdquoLong Tooth, Busted Jawrdquo di halaman 20. Pada saat edisi ke-30 ini dipikirkan oleh ThinkMoney, 2016 mania suku bunga dan kampanye pemberontakan tahun pemilu akan berlaku penuh. Dan sementara kita tidak tahu di mana pasar berjalan, sekarang mungkin saat yang tepat untuk menyusun strategi pilihan dan teknik lindung nilai yang harus ditutup sejak pasar bull dimulai pada tahun 2009. Yang terbaik dari yang terbaik, lihat arsip kami di tickertape. tdameritradethinkmoney Happy Trading, Kevin Lund Editor-in-Chief, thinkMoney Dalam edisi ini: bull Trader Vs. Manajer Dana banteng Spotting Trend Reversals bull Resuscitating Dead Investments bull Cara Baru untuk Perdagangan Berjangka thinkMoney Issue 29 - Volatilitas Fall 2015 atau Bull Bust untuk Mengacu pada kuartal terakhir adalah sedikit volatile adalah sebuah pernyataan yang meremehkan. Jika Anda bangun sekitar pukul 9.30 ET pada 24 Agustus dan memeriksa aplikasi TD Trader Mobile Ameritrade Anda sebelum bangun (Anda tahu Anda melakukannya), Anda tidak menemukan satu-satunya yang jatuh dari tempat tidur. Begitu juga pasar dengan pingsan tidak terlihat sejak tahun 2008. Tapi tentu saja, sebagai pedagang, Anda tidak melihat ketakutan, Anda melihat sebuah kesempatan, bagaimanapun, tanpa sedikit gerakan, tidak banyak yang bisa diperdagangkan. Jadi menjual volatilitas, tanpa memperhatikan harga saham saat CBOE VIX melonjak di atas 50, kemungkinan akan menjadi langkah bagus bagi Anda jika Anda bertaruh ke sisi positifnya. Ini menyoroti argumen kuno tentang mana yang lebih penting untuk masuk ke perdagangan: harga saham atau volatilitas. Dalam Mengatasi Masalah Market Grudge matchrdquo (Page 16) wersquoll membahas beberapa teknik pemilihan strategi yang seharusnya membuat Anda berpikir dua kali untuk mengabaikan volatilitas sekali dan untuk selamanya. Dan jika Anda cukup beruntung untuk mendapatkan keuntungan hari itu, Anda mungkin bertanya kepada diri sendiri, apakah ada masalah, atau mungkin saya menunggu untuk menjualnya, kembali ke ldquoHow to Hold lsquoEm. Cara Melipat lsquoEmrdquo di halaman 20. Therersquos lebih banyak mengeluarkan perdagangan daripada sekadar keluar. Sebenarnya, Anda bisa mengatakan bahwa ada karya seni untuk itu, apakah Anda menang atau kalah, terutama jika Anda ingin mencoba memeras lebih banyak jus dari pemenang Anda. Atau jika Anda hanya ingin memperbaiki pecundang Anda. Berbicara tentang volatilitas penjualan, jika Anda ingin memaksimalkan potensi beberapa strategi pendek dan berisiko, ada sedikit trik untuk mengubah profil berisiko mereka di kepala mereka, tanpa memasuki dunia dengan risiko tak terbatas. Lanjutkan ke halaman 24 untuk lebih. Sementara pingsan tahun 2015 mungkin telah berlangsung beberapa hari saja, ini seharusnya menjadi pengingat yang tidak begitu lembut sehingga kepuasan tidak memiliki bisnis di bisnis saham. Anda tidak akan pernah tahu kapan bola berikutnya akan turun, namun dengan memusatkan perhatian pada pemilihan strategi, rencana keluar, dan pengelolaan uang, Anda pasti siap untuk waktu berikutnya Anda ditendang dari tempat tidur. Happy Trading, Kevin Lund Editor-in-Chief, thinkMoney Dalam edisi ini: Bull Volatility vs Stock Price bull Bagaimana Keluar dari Bull Perdagangan Rahasia Spread Pendek banteng Tip untuk Non-Trader thinkMoney Issue 28 - Summer 2015 QUICK, WHATrsquoS Hal pertama Anda pikirkan saat Anda mendengar investasi tingkat tinggi. Lambat. Konservatif. Bagi yang sudah hampir pensiun atau mungkin Anda pikir itu membingungkan, rumit, dan terbaik bagi Wall Street untuk ditangani. Lagi pula, Anda memiliki seorang pedagang. Jadi tidak ada peluang di sini, bukan tidak benar. Singkatnya, ketika Anda berinvestasi pada obligasi, investasi Anda terkait dengan suku bunga. Dan hal itu membuat volatilitas suku bunga yang memberi peluang kepada para pedagang dengan banyak peluang, sebagian besar didorong oleh antisipasi apa rencana Fed untuk melakukan dengan mereka sekarang dan di masa depan. Mungkin obligasi mendapat reputasi lamban dan stabil dari yang biasa kami dapatkan dari Grammy dan Grampy setiap ulang tahun saat kami masih kecil. Atau mungkin itu karena mereka hampir diajak bicara oleh hampir setiap penasihat keuangan sebagai bagian dari pendekatan portfoliordquo yang ldquobalanced untuk investor jangka panjang. Karena volatilitas membawa peluang, itrsquos layak mempelajari dasar-dasarnya serta produk yang memanfaatkan volatilitas suku bunga. Dalam fitur sampul emiten ini, ldquoDick dan Jane Party bersama the Fed, kami memutuskan semuanya untuk membantu Anda memutuskan apakah Anda ingin mencoba-coba di dunia ini. Tentu saja, dengan volatilitas muncullah risiko jika ada obligasi dagang, saham, opsi, atau produk keuangan lainnya. Dan meskipun risiko mungkin muncul dalam berbagai bentuk, bagi pedagang, ada dua tipe utama yang harus Anda perhatikan. Dalam fitur spesial kami, Anda bisa belajar bagaimana menganalisis risiko dengan menggunakan alat yang Anda inginkan. Seperti risiko dalam memperdagangkan saham yang tinggi di pasar bull yang terlalu lama berada di gigi, Perawatan untuk Perdagangan Vertigordquo memperkenalkan strategi yang bisa membantu Anda tidur lebih nyenyak di malam hari jika saham Anda masih mengincar 300 saham. Sebagai pedagang, apa yang membuat Anda bangun pada malam hari Alat dan strategi mana yang ingin Anda pelajari lebih lanjut, dan apa yang telah Anda harapkan dari yang Anda temukan di halaman ini Memukul kami di thinkmoneytdameritrade. Happy Trading, Kevin Lund Editor-in-Chief, thinkMoney bullDick dan Jane Party With The Fed: Jelajahi Cara Menuju Suku Bunga Perdagangan bullTrading Vertigo: Bagaimana Mempercepat Saham dengan Rasio Spreads bullBig Margin Untuk Misa: Kacang-kacangan dan Baut Margin Portofolio BullDont Get Roasted: Breaking Down Resiko Pasar Saham (untuk Real) thinkMoney Issue 27 Spring 2015 Apa Kemungkinannya Dihasilkan SEBAGAI ADA sebagai salah satu pertanyaan paling sering diajukan yang tidak perlu kita pikirkan untuk mendapatkan jawaban sebenarnya. Misalkan Anda bertemu dengan mantan Anda dari sekarang di kedai kopi di Poughkeepsie. Anda bertanya pada diri sendiri, quotWhat adalah oddsquot Anda bisa disambar petir, atau melihat penguin di padang pasir. Sekali lagi, quotWhat adalah oddsquot Tapi ketika melihat kemungkinan perdagangan, quotWhat adalah oddsquot bukan lagi pertanyaan retoris. Dalam trading, peluangnya adalah segalanya. Dan jika Anda tidak menganggapnya serius, mereka bisa meninggalkan Anda tanpa apa-apa. Mintalah pemain kartu profesional atau pemain sepak bola fantasi yang benar-benar baik ldquoApa kemungkinan oddsquot dan peluangnya, mereka bisa memberi tahu Anda. Itu karena untuk semua rap buruk tentang perjudian dan permainan kebetulan lainnya, ada orang-orang yang berhasil secara konsisten karena beberapa prinsip dasar membuat keputusan yang sama akan menemukan beberapa pedagang sukses juga ikut bergabung. Mengatakan trading isnt judi mungkin benar. Tapi mereka berbagi beberapa kesamaan untuk kesuksesan yang ditangani dalam quotTrading adalah (Tidak) Gamblingquot di halaman 16 yang mungkin mengejutkan Anda. Sekarang Heres sesuatu yang baik mencoba untuk sizemdasha cara baru untuk perdagangan pasar membosankan. Frustrasi pilihan penjual yang cant membuat cukup untuk membeli sekaleng tuna ketika pasar kusam, mungkin menangkap marlin dengan beralih hal-hal di sekitar. Dalam quotShow Me the Moneyquot di halaman 24, perkenalkan juga konsep dispersi quotvol, yang biasa digunakan oleh pedagang pro. Dan jika Anda ingin pergi ke tanah untuk membeli barang premium (baca: beli telepon dan telepon), lebih baik pakai jas hujan Anda atau Anda akan basah. Sementara membeli opsi menyajikan beberapa peluang terburuk dalam trading, tidak ada yang melepaskan daya pikat mereka. Jadi jika Anda harus membeli, maka cobalah untuk membeli dengan aman. Dalam quotGoing Long dengan Jaring Pengaman, halaman 20, tunjukkan strategi untuk Anda pertimbangkan. Anda mungkin mengatakan bahwa tema isu ini adalah tentang mencari peluang yang tidak dapat dilihat orang lain. Dengan pemikiran tersebut, jika satu hal yang telah dipelajari selama bertahun-tahun, isnt uang selalu dalam tren, dalam menanggapi tren. Penguin mungkin tidak tinggal di padang pasir, tapi bahkan kota-kota gurun pun memiliki kebun binatang. Happy Trading, Kevin Lund Editor-in-Chief, thinkMoney thinkMoney Issue 26 Januari 2015 Jika ini adalah cerita pertama Anda tentang thinkMoney, selamat datang di klub. Jika tidak, Anda mungkin menyadari bahwa kita mengalami facelift. Yup, setelah tujuh tahun, kami putuskan sudah waktunya untuk memanggil normal baru. Penggemar mati-keras mungkin ingin tahu mengapa. Nah, sejak edisi pertama terbit pada musim gugur 2007, secara kolektif, cara kita menyerap dan menyebarkan informasi sangat berbeda dari pada puncak puncak pasar di tahun 2007. Sejak saat itu, kita sebagai pedagang, bertahan dari resesi besar, melihat Pasar saham terpotong setengahnya (hanya untuk mengaum kembali ke tertinggi baru sepanjang masa), menyaksikan kelahiran iPad, dan tweeted, friended, dan berbagi jalan kita ke dalam paradigma perdagangan sosial yang baru. Singkat kata, banyak hal telah berubah dan kami pikir sudah waktunya kita melakukannya juga. Kami perlu mengatur pendidikan hebat yang sama dengan yang bisa Anda lakukan selama bertahun-tahun dengan cara baru dan baru. Masukkan: pemikiran baru dan yang lebih baik Salah satu nilai terbesar majalah seperti ini adalah membicarakan hal-hal yang mungkin tidak Anda pikirkan, sehingga Anda dapat menjelajahinya lebih jauh, atau mencobanya sendiri. Dan dengan perangkat baru seperti barometerrdquo ldquoSkills (lihat halaman 4), Anda akan merasa lebih mudah untuk menilai apakah informasi itu penting bagi Anda, tergantung pada tingkat keahlian Anda. Sedangkan untuk cerita cerita ini, muncul saatnya ketika tren semakin lama di gigi. Jika Anda seperti kebanyakan, Anda tidak dapat memprediksi masa depan, dan Anda biasanya ingin mengendarainya sepanjang mungkin. Anda bahkan mungkin mengabaikan buzz tentang akhir yang dekat dari semua kepala berbicara. Thatrsquos keren. Tapi jika Anda tetap akan terlambat menghadiri pesta, ada beberapa trik dalam fitur sampul kami, ldquoHow to Keep the Party Goingrdquo (Halaman 16) yang mungkin bisa membantu Anda sampai ke hari lain. Tapi sebelum Anda bisa bertahan dalam jangka panjang, Anda perlu mengembangkan sistem strategi yang solid dan teknik pengambilan stok yang andal. Fokus Khusus Dua Bagian - Membangun Sistem Perdagangan - dimulai di halaman 26. Anda tidak hanya akan belajar cara menguji dan memvalidasi strategi pilihan Anda, namun ide perdagangan Anda juga kurang dari 60 detik sebelum Anda memasukkan uang ke dalamnya. . Ini kecepatan kencan untuk pedagang. Jadi di sana Anda memiliki paket baru dan bagus, rasanya sama besar. Dan sementara kita tahu akan tergoda untuk melongo melihat benda baru yang mengilap itu, seperti biasa, berdagang dengan aman. Donrsquot membaca dan menyetir. ThinkMoney Issue 25 - Oktober 2014 thinkMoney Issue 25 - Oktober 2014 Teman Dengan Monster Mungkin bintang pop bisa berdamai dengan monster di kepala mereka, tapi pilihan pedagang adalah jenis yang berbeda. Ketika PL Anda dipertaruhkan, semua jenis boogeymen perdagangan keluar dari bawah tempat tidur dan bisa membuang semuanya. Untuk berdamai dengan mereka, Anda harus melakukan lebih dari sekadar menyanyi. Anda mungkin juga harus menari. Tidak juga, tapi sementara ada banyak buku yang ditulis tentang psikologi perdagangan dan pola pikir yang tepat, tidak banyak yang diarahkan pada calon pedagang pilihan. Dalam cerita sampul kami, ldquoHow untuk menjinakkan monster Anda di halaman 10, wersquoll memberi Anda beberapa petunjuk bagaimana meredakan ketakutan di kepala Anda dan membunuh monster perdagangan terbesar untuk selamanya. Setelah Anda mengatasi ketakutan Anda, untuk menang dalam trading, Anda harus belajar bagaimana untuk kalah. Thatrsquos benar, menerima kerugian sebagai bagian alami dari strategi kemenangan bisa menjadi bagian penting dari kurva belajar Anda sebagai trader. Therersquos pendekatan logis untuk mengambil ketika menghadapi kerugian, dengan tujuan bahwa tidak ada perdagangan tunggal harus menghapus Anda. Dan tidak satu pun dari kerugian Anda seharusnya merupakan hasil dari kepuasan. Dengan belajar menyerap kerugian dengan cerdas, Anda pasti lebih cenderung membuat pilihan yang lebih baik di masa depan. LdquoBagaimana Menurunkan Traderdquo di halaman 18 memberikan beberapa petunjuk tentang cara mendarat dengan lembut. Dan akhirnya, ketika membahas masalah pendekatan perdagangan yang logis, kapan terakhir kali Anda mengambil langkah mundur untuk menilai metode pemungutan saham Anda Jika Anda mengalami kemerosotan, atau hanya mencari ide baru, fokus khusus kami pada pilihan saham. Di halaman 32 akan memandu Anda melalui beberapa gagasan untuk menavigasi labirin pilihan. Mungkin tidak ada yang namanya monster, tapi rasa takut kalah itu nyata. Tidak peduli seberapa besar atau kecil ukuran akun Anda, peraturan selalu merupakan pilihan cerdas, pilihan yang tepat, dengan mantap menjaga modal Anda, dan menggunakan alat Anda di manapun kepalamu bisa membuat barang berantakan. Jika Anda bisa mencapainya, segera Anda akan mencium monster itu selamat malam daripada berlari dari mereka. Banteng Cara Membunuh Monster Monster Anda Bagaimana Menurunkan Bull Perdagangan Menjadi Skewed dan Menyukainya Bull Fokus Khusus: Seleksi Saham thinkMoney Issue 24 - Juli 2014 Letrsquos menghadapinya. Tidak masalah seberapa mengesankan sistem pemindaian otomatis Anda dengan mudah, grafik, Twinkiesmdashat setengah dimakan akhir hari, benar-benar sebuah tebakan terpelajar di mana stok yang Anda inginkan mengincar selanjutnya. Meskipun indikator Anda semua mengarah ke atas atau ke bawah, Anda tidak benar-benar tahu untuk suremdashwhich yang berarti tingkat kepercayaan Anda terhadap perdagangan berada pada spektrum. Macam. Dengan kata lain, lebih banyak perasaan berbasis data yang akhirnya mendorong keputusan Anda. Anda mungkin tahu saham mana yang ingin Anda jual. Tapi memilih strategi pilihan yang tepat bisa membuat perbedaan besar dalam probabilitas kesuksesan Anda, tergantung pada seberapa yakin Anda. Dan di sinilah usus memenuhi sains. Dalam fitur cover hourrsquos ini, ldquoTrading on the Sour Stomachrdquo (halaman 10), wersquoll menunjukkan kepada Anda apakah perbedaan antara merasakan masalah ldquosure atau hanya mungkin mendikte strategi mana yang mungkin ingin Anda pertimbangkan untuk perdagangan tertentu. Tapi anggaplah Anda tidak memiliki sistem, dan Anda pasti menemukan platform trading thinkorswimreg untuk pertama kalinya. Melanjutkan Fokus Khusus kami pada alat platform yang lebih baik, bersiap-siap terjun ke dalam diagram pemikir (mulai di halaman 32). Melayani tidak lebih dari wastafel dapur, halaman Charts memiliki alat yang bahkan tidak digunakan oleh trader lain untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari trader. And of course, after yoursquove pulled the trigger and entered a trade, at some point, yoursquoll find yourself in one of two situationsmdash facing a loss or staring at a profitmdashand not sure what to do next. ldquoHow to Neuter Your Traderdquo on page 24 is a must-read for you nail-biters that could provide some relief. Itrsquos been said that trading can be traced back to our simian ancestors. As Trader Erectus once wrote on his cave wall while contemplating his next Paleo snack, ldquommfphrdquomdashwhich was later translated to ldquoBuy sparingly and sell often. rdquo We agree. Trading With A Sour Stomach News For Show Vol For Dough How To Neuter Your Trade Special Focus: Charting for Everyone Happy trading Kevin Lund, Editor-in-Chief, thinkMoney thinkMoney Issue 23 - March 2014 Pop Goes the World The universe of exchange traded funds is huge. Really huge. And just when it seemed investor interest in these things was catching up with their mutual-fund brethren, along came leveraged and inverse ETFs. Game over. Peace out. Retail traders rejoiced at the idea that you donrsquot need a degree in quantitative physics, let alone a margin account, to enjoy a way to short the market, or the type of leverage you can enjoy with options and futures. Unfortunately, common sense sort of went out the window as well, and a lot of traders have lost their pants trading inverse and leveraged ETFs because they forgot to read the print on each fundrsquos prospectus about how they really work. Yup, therersquos a reason they can leave you scratching your head when your PL doesnrsquot add up to what you thought. Thatrsquos where we cut to the chase in this issuersquos cover storymdashldquoETFs With Their Pants Downrdquo on page 10mdashto uncover the naked truths about these complex instruments. Now if yoursquod rather cut your teeth on shorting options rather than trade inverse ETFs, but have been too afraid to try, ldquoShut Up and Sellrdquo on page 18 just might be what you need to better understand the potential risks and rewards of trading short option-strategies. And finally, moving over to the due-diligence side of trading, when it comes to doing your own ldquoDD, rdquo therersquos nothing like thinkorswimrsquos Analyze page to induce tears of joy. Sure, you probably know it can analyze the potential PL of that butterfly spread you just put on. And you may even have a vague idea about how to use a probability cone. But did you know that it can help you understand what your position might look like after expiration on a multi-month strategy you hold In this issuersquos special focus on trade analysis, wersquoll uncover some nuggets of trading gold you didnrsquot know existed on the Analyze tab of thinkorswim. If after reading it, your head doesnrsquot burst with imagination, perhaps at least yoursquoll be left with a better idea of just how far you can take this tool. And if not that, at least yoursquoll now sound like the smartest person in the room. Momma would be proud. ETFrsquos with Their Pants Down Shut Up and Sell Charts Who Needs Charts Special Focus: Trade Analysis thinkMoney Issue 22 - January 2014 There are two camps in the stock market todaymdash investors and traders. And while the differences between them has been better summed up in vol - umes of books on the sub - ject, itrsquos really the style that separates the two. Investors tend to be more risk averse, and ldquoin itrdquo for the long haul. While traders are looking to make a quick buck on a short - term move using market momentum as a guide. But readers already know this. After all, just by receiving this, yoursquore likely a very active trader. So moving past the mundane finance lesson, the point is that investors can be traders, and traders can be investors. However, as the investing paradigm shifts, and the markets become more short-term obsessed, the lines have become blurred as to which disci - pline you might use to uncover investment ideasmdashi. e. PE ratios and dividend yields, or proba - bilities and volatility. The answermdashperhaps both. Doing your due dili - gence to unearth your next hidden gem doesnrsquot stop at fundamental analysis. If yoursquore skipping over the things yoursquove learned as a tradermdashi. e. probabilities and volatility analysismdash yoursquore missing out on some valuable informa - tion. Our cover feature, ldquoYoursquore Not an Investor Anymore, rdquo on page 10, helps break down where you can go to blend it all, right on the thinkorswimreg trading platform. And while wersquore look - ing through the active investor lens for a moment, you might want to think about dusting off the lsquool covered call strategy and rethinking why it may not just be for retirement accounts and conservative investors. Traders can ben - efit as well. On page 18, yoursquoll find strategy enlight - enment in ldquoThe Truth About Covered Calls. rdquo And finally, if yoursquove ever thought about creat - ing your own tool on thinkorswim before the developers beat you to it, you ought to learn about scripting in this issuersquos special focus on page 34. As they say, if you can dream it, you can build it. Give it a whirl and share your ideas with us if you create your own tool you just canrsquot live without. Who knows. It just might end up on the platform Youre Not An Investor Anymore The Truth About Covered Calls The Unfair Advantage Special Focus: Script Writing on thinkorswim thinkMoney Issue 21 - December 2013 Thatrsquos what itrsquos all about, right We thought it was time to take the dense subject of volatility and option pricing theory, tone them down some, and give lsquoem some thinkMoney bling. Now before you say ldquoNay, cant be donerdquo, ask yourself what you truly know about these two subjects, or rather, how much do you want to know about them Probably not much more than what can fit into the palm of your hand. And thatrsquos the pointmdashwersquoll give you the thumbnail version of what you ought to know about the two subjects. First, you may think you understand volatility because itrsquos now as common to hear the word dropped as much on financial TV as there are cat pictures on the internet. But volatility can be very confusing, particularly since it exists as an abstract concept buried in an option pricing formula. You may already know that volatility can affect the price of options, but there are many ways to look at volatility that could help you become a smarter trader, beyond what you might hear every day by talking heads. Check out ldquoPopping the Volatility Balloon, rdquo page 10. And speaking of option pricing formulas, when was the last time you actually tried to understand what makes an option tick Granted, dropping the phrase ldquoBlack Scholesrdquo in just about any conversation isnrsquot likely going to make you the life of the party. But having a foundational knowledge of this iconic formula will make you a smarter trader. Be sure to read ldquoItrsquos the Math, Stupidrdquo on page 18. Trust us, if itrsquos all you ever read about the subject, itrsquoll be enough. Popping the Vol Balloon Its the Math, Stupid Big Trader, Small Trades Special Focus: Spread Trading Pt. 4 thinkMoney Issue 20 - August 2013 Donrsquot Be Afraid If ever there were a monster issue of thinkMoney to boast of, this could be it. But not because itrsquos double the content. (Itrsquos not.) And not because there are monsters inside, or articles about monsters. (There arenrsquot.) Itrsquos because when deciding what to put in issue 20 we wanted to include some really big ideas. Not your 10-cent article on how to place a trade mind you. Or 30-minute dinner recipes for ravenous traders. (Um, is there such a thing) This is more of a recipe book of strategies for the discerning trader, who either wants to sharpen her skills or aspire to a new level of trader-dom. For starters, we needed a good charting article on what not to do. Chart reading might be both art and science, but itrsquos also prone to monster mistakes by everyonemdasheven you. In the cover story on page 10, ldquoHow to Muck Up a Chart, rdquo we highlight four common chart-reading mind traps, and how to avoid them. Taking it up a notch, many traders go for monster hits during earnings season, while taking on unnecessary risk. During one of the most volatile times in the market, earnings season will tempt fate for some of you by testing your ability to take decisive, disciplined action with an appropriate strategy. We canrsquot promise you a magic formula, but if you must trade earnings, ldquoDonrsquot Get Skewedrdquo on page 24 might help. Finally, in the third installment of our four-part Special Focus on spread trading on page 34, wersquoll give you the step-by-step on how to build monster strategies by combining verticals and calendars spreads together. There are probably at least 25 option strategies that typically make it to any respectable list of option strategiesmdashthe building blocks of which are verticals and calendars. See If you read thinkMoney, you really donrsquot have to be afraid of monsters. But thatrsquos not to say that the one hiding under your bed since you were seven isnrsquot really therehellip bull How to Muck Up a Chart bull The Big Bad QA on Index Futures bull Donrsquot Get Skewed bull Special Focus: Spread Trading thinkMoney Issue 19 - April 2013 Head Games By now, yoursquove probably heard the laymanrsquos definition of insanitymdashthe propensity to keep making the same mistake, thinking the next outcome will be different. If thatrsquos true, then traders the world over are doomed to strait jackets and white-padded rooms. It seems that no matter how many times we think wersquore not going to chase a stock or throw good money after bad, well, we wind up doing exactly that. over and over again. So what are you going to do about it For one, you could stop making the same mistakes. But surely that voice in your head will fall on deaf ears. After all, yoursquore as smart as they come. And yoursquove got the greatest trading tools at your fingertips to help with that soft landing when you make your next mistake. The problem is that yoursquore not really using those tools correctly, now are you Whether yoursquore choking on the entry, or going all in when you should be staying out, therersquos probably a better way to solve the problem than engaging in self-flagellation. And by using the tools you get for free on our trading platforms, you might find yourself staying out of trouble more (and out of those pesky padded rooms). Our cover feature, ldquoUnwarping Your Mind, rdquo on page 10 not only highlights four of the biggest no-nos in trading, but also suggests a mechanical solution to each that might prevent you from making your next big mistakemdashagain. Speaking of head trips, itrsquos a misnomer to believe the market moves in only two directions. While we dutifully respect up and down, therersquos a third directionmdash sidewaysmdashwhich is ripe with potential opportunity as well. In Part 2 of our four-part series on spread trading (page 36), wersquoll focus on calendar spreads, i. e. analyzing, trading, and ldquorollingrdquo them. Calendars, along with vertical spreads discussed in Part 1 of this series (thinkMoney, Winter 2013), is a critical, must-know strategy if yoursquore truly going to master spread trading. And lastly, for those of you whorsquove been crying for bond-trading lessons since the birth of this magazine, you can now have your cake, and eat it toomdashon page 18. We wouldnrsquot want to neglect the needs of traders of all shapes and sizes. And for this issue, bonds are a welcome addition. quotUnwrapping Your Mindquot quotBondsBondsBondsquot quotFinally, Numbers That Matterquot quotSpecial Focus:Spread Trading--Calendarsquot thinkMoney Issue 18 - January 2013 By the time you read this, the ldquoholidaysrdquo have already passed. But despite time taken off by leagues of investors, anchoring their rightfully-earned two weeksrsquo worth of rest after a year of binge-working and tireless nights, traders know that the market never sleeps. Sure, it might doze off a little now and again, but therersquos usually some fiscal goings-on or political events somewhere in the world shaking things up. Last year the U. S. alone gave the world a healthy serving of Presidential election with a side of fiscal cliffmdashcreating investor inertia, while traders frolicked with volatility delight. Whatrsquos next We donrsquot know. But herersquos what we do know. At some point, there will be another financial or political hiccup somewhere in the world that makes the markets yin, when you thought they should yang. All we can do as traders is watch for opportunities that might happen and protect ourselves when they donrsquot. Okay, that might sound a little patronizing. We donrsquot mean to be. But the lesson here is that the markets are largely unpredictable. We can use all the tools in the world to assess longer-term trends and attempt to predict futures, but at the end of the trading day, the markets give (or take) whatever they want. You canrsquot help the things you canrsquot control, so donrsquot give up the things you can control. Like what, you ask Learning how to ldquospreadrdquo your risk when trading options is a good start. And over the next few issues, wersquoll introduce you to the world of spread tradingmdash starting with verticals on page 30. If yoursquore already a vertical genius, skip to the butterfly article on page 18. And why not The fly is basically just two verticals in one. Consider it a post-holiday treat. Itrsquos the least we can do. Every year about this time, we broadcast our desire to hear from you. Perhaps itrsquos ego, but your input means the world to us. No, it doesnrsquot come with a consolation prize as a gift for your efforts, but if you love what you learn in thinkMoney, yoursquoll help keep this engine running with the things you want. Without you involved, all this is just words on paper. Crsquomon, whatrsquos two minutes Go totdameritrade. comtmsurvey. bull ldquoOption Trader Decoder Ringrdquo bull ldquoBanking on Boringrdquo bull ldquoMonkey Walks, Options Talkrdquo bull ldquoSpecial Focus: Spread Tradingrdquo thinkMoney Issue 17 - October 2012 Adages. Everybody knows at least one. You knowmdashA bird in the handhellipA stitch in timehellipthat sort of thing. We tend to rely on such trite advice to give perspective to those we teachmdashparticularly when we canrsquot come up with our own way of saying things. Some adages are good. Some are bad. Some are just pure myth, and need to be revisited. For this issuersquos cover feature on page 10, we thought wersquod have a little fun and come up with the four of the most wellknown adages-turnedmyths that need debunkingmdash or at least revisiting. Some of them are so deeply engrained in the collective trading psyche, we universally accept them as truths. But it really depends on what yoursquore trading, and how yoursquore trading it. As for what yoursquore trading, if your vehicle of choice has been equity options thus far, and you want to spread your wings a little, be sure to read the unofficial part two of our special focus on futures. In this issue, wersquoll focus on trading options on futures. Wersquoll spew the nuts, bolts, and practical application of it all, packed into six tight pages. You decide if theyrsquore the right fit. If needed, therersquos even a step-by-step on how to open a futures account at TD Ameritrade on page 32. If yoursquore thirsty for new strategies and volatility has you befuddled, check out ldquoVol for One, and One for Volrdquo on page 18. quotFour Trading Myths--Bustedquot quotVol for One, and One for Volquot quotLEAPS, Longs and Dodging Volquot quotFutures Options Specialquot thinkMoney Issue 16 - August 2012 Yup, Content is King. Sound like a clicheacute Guilty as charged. But thatrsquos because, at least from the perspective of you, the trader, itrsquos true. Why Trading is largely a self-taught skill. There are no universities offering trading as a curriculum, and yoursquore not likely going to mentor under a famous billionaire trader anytime soon. But whenever you have an opportunity to get inside the mind of one of the greats, you take it. In our first exclusive interview ever (it only took us five years), we dive inside the mind of Tom Sosnoff, CEO of tastytrade, Inc. You may know him as the guy who originally brought you thinkorswim, which revolutionized retail option trading. But what you might not know is that hersquos now leading the charge in the content revolution thatrsquos underway for traders. See page 10 for the interview. Revolution, evolution, pick a volution, and wersquore involved. In recent years, itrsquos all about mobile trading. You may already be trading mobile, maybe not. Whether yoursquore in the game, or thinking of getting started, we have a few tips for you in ldquoGo Outside and Traderdquo on page 26. Of course, therersquos the evolution of your own skill set, lest we forget the strategy addicts. For those who are thinking about dipping your feet in the water on futures, check out our special focus on futures trading, beginning on page 34. Wersquoll get right to the what, why, and how to get you started trading futures with TD Ameritrade. Traders tend to be rulebreakers. Which means your reality is different from that of traditional investors. You rely on skills that have been honed over time. But again, where do you learn them It starts with contentmdashi. e. the spoken or written word. You might find those skills in a book, or maybe a video. At least for the moment, you may find them in an article or two in the pages of this issue of thinkMoney. Thatrsquos a promise. quotFutures Specialquot quotA Chat with Tom Sosnoffquot quotSynthetics for the Little Guyquot quotFive Tips for Mobile Tradingquot thinkMoney Issue 15 - June 2012 Trends Who Needs Trends Should it go without saying that the rest of 2012 will be, shall we say, politically interesting Probably, but therehellipwe said it anyway. Thankfully, this isnrsquot a political rag, and while personally, you may care about the outcome of the Presidential race, the market doesnrsquot. Bridges will get built, and roads will get paved. Or maybe not. Who knows Your focus as a trader is to try to position the wind at your back, whichever way it blows. But what if there was a way to trade without trying to pick a direction at all Huh There is. This month, our Special Focus on pairs trading (p.34) explores a totally different way of trading the marketmdashthat of speculating on price discrepancies. Think of it as a ldquobattle of two stocks, rdquo but you donrsquot care which one wins, just as long as when prices are out of line, they eventually find common ground. Like choosing between chocolate and vanillamdashwithout any egos at stake. And with the Pairs Trader toolmdashone of our newest features on the thinkorswim trading platform wersquove simplified the process of placing pairs trades. Of course, some will suggest that no matter which direction the market goes, itrsquos a zero-sum gamemdashi. e. for every dollar made in the market, another dollar is lost somewhere. If you believe that, then you may also likely buy into the idea that only the ldquotop 1rdquo makes all the money. These are just the types of myths we like to debunk, and our cover feature on page 10 takes on that debate mercilessly. Wersquore all capable of blaming someone or something else for a loss. But if yoursquore trading like 99 of the rookies, expect the same results. Read the article for more. ldquoTrading Secrets for the Rest of Usrdquo ldquoA Cure for SPX Hangoversrdquo ldquoWill the Next Bond Party Be a Dudrdquo ldquoDirection is Overratedquot thinkMoney Issue 14 - January 2012 Do You Need a VIX Fix An old rule of thumb that many traders have leaned on for years goes, ldquoWhen the VIX is low, itrsquos time to go. When the VIX is high, itrsquos time to buy. rdquo Then therersquos the other adage by regular people that goes, ldquoJust when you think yoursquove figured it all out, suddenly, you donrsquot. rdquo If yoursquore trying to figure out whatrsquos considered ldquolowrdquo these days in the CBOEs Volatility Index (VIX), get in line. The market has been a little bit hysterical the past couple of years, making a ldquomean revertingrdquo index like the VIX a little more challenging to pinpoint exactly what itrsquos telling us. But donrsquot let that deter you. Our cover story on the VIX (page 10) ought to debunk any burgeoning myth that somehow the now-famous volatility index just ainrsquot working the way it once was. It was never meant to predict the future, but it can help to clue you into what traders overall are thinking, and how to develop a strategy. Speaking of volatility, there comes a time when most tradersmdashespecially newmdashget spooked out of a trade by taking on too much risk when volatility strikes. Since ldquoweak handsrdquo donrsquot win, ldquoHow to Keep Your Headrdquo on page 24 will clue you in with some tips on how you might rise above the noise when things go a little topsy-turvy. And lastly, if margin has you scratching your head trying to figure out what it all means, how to calculate margin for a particular strategy and some of its special considerations, be sure to read this issuersquos Special Focus on margin, page 32. So, enjoy the latest Serving of thinkMoney. Wersquore pretty sure yoursquore going to like what you see. quotIs the VIX Still Relevantquot quotHow to Trade Time, Not Directionquot quotA Treatment for Weak Hand Syndromequot quotNow You See It, Now You Dontquot thinkMoney Issue 13 - October 2011 Viva la quants hellipOr is it revile the quants Wersquore not sure. But what we are sure of is that therersquos a lot of blame for this past summerrsquos unusual (and sudden) volatility being attributed to high-frequency trading, or should we say the machines that trade HFT and the geeksmdasher, quants who programmed them. But hey, wersquore not here to accuse and abuse one way or another. What we do know is that you donrsquot need an HFT firm or a genius IQ to take on the market. You just need some common sense, a little less emotion, and more than likely, a little structure. In a word, you need a systemmdasha simple one. If you donrsquot have a system (astrology aside, please), maybe our cover feature ldquoStickinrsquo It to the Nerdsrdquo (p. 10) will help. Now, if yoursquore like a lot of traders, ldquodata creeprdquo is setting in by way of talking heads discussing this and that about the latest super important economic report thatrsquos going to move the markets. The real question is, which ones matter the most to you as a trader, or perhaps to your long-term portfolio In ldquoHow to Trade the Governmentrdquo (p. 26), wersquoll pick apart the five most widely followed reports to see how they measure up. Speaking of portfolios, if you have one, you may have picked up on the fact that we really donrsquot live in a ldquoset it and forget itrdquo world anymore. So if you have any positions for the long haul (we realize this is a relevant term), then you might want to learn just how to size up your hedge by reading ldquoHedge hellip Not a Four-Letter Wordrdquo (p. 32). As you can see, therersquos a lot of stuff we pack into each issue of thinkMoney. quotBeating the Machinesquot quotNaked Shorts and Dirty Secretsquot quotHow to Trade the Governmentquot quotETF Special: Know the Essentialsquot thinkMoney Issue 12 - June 2011 Superman would be a great options trader, what with being able to leap tall buildings and all. And though his only known weaknesses are a form of green stalagmite and Lois Lane, he typically doesnrsquot fall prey to his emotionsmdash at least when it comes to scary situations and high volatility. But itrsquos not just that he doesnrsquot fear evil, itrsquos that he doesnrsquot really fear missed opportunity, either. He seems content just being a klutzy, understated reporter when he isnrsquot capturing megalomaniacal villains as a caped avenger. Case in point: He has no fears, and he gets results. Okay, so maybe it helps that he was born with freakishly obscene strength and was brainwashed with a Harvard-equivalent education en route to planet earth before the tender age of three. But thatrsquos irrelevant right now. Fear is a trade-killer. It causes us to sell too soon, buy too late, or leaves us writhing by 4 p. m. because we refused to step away from our oversized position to ldquorelieverdquo ourselves after the eight cups of morning joe we had just prior to the market open. But if the market moves based on a disproportionate aggregate of fear or greed, is it really possible to overcome fear If the answer could simply be bottled up, wersquod all buy that elixir. But since thatrsquos not going to happen, perhaps instead you should be asking if there are any tools you can use to protect yourself from yourself the next time fear rears its ugly head. Lucky for you, help is on page 10 with our cover feature, ldquoYou Missed the Rally. So Whatrdquo And speaking of fear, what does the collective consciousness of all that fear and greed create Uncertainty. And with uncertainty, therersquos volatility. Without volatility, therersquos no market to trademdashwhich is really bad for the stock market business. So if the subject of volatility has you even slightly confused or at less than Clark Kent-y standards, our volatility primer starting on page 32 will at least help you understand, and possibly tame, the volatility beast. Do you have what it takes quotYou Missed the Rally. So Whatquot quotThe Calls Best Kept Secretquot quotLovin the Diagonal Spreadquot quotVolatility Special: Dont Fear It. Revere It. quot thinkMoney Issue 11 - January 2011 Now that the eggnog and Aunt Bessie have worn out their holiday welcome, itrsquos time to dust off the 2010 book of trading resolutions (most of which wersquore sure yoursquove conveniently forgotten) and make some new ones. But in case you have writerrsquos block, we thought wersquod help you through your creative impasse by doling out a few unsolicited 2011 resolutions of our own: Think beyond the long call. Learn at least half of what you hope to learn. Donrsquot judge an asset by its past reputation. As in trading, too many rules can lead to indecision and confusion. And the point of this annual exercise isnrsquot to make you feel guilty for not following through on last yearrsquos resolutions. Wersquore givers. So, wersquove crafted this issue of thinkMoney to help you live up to your promisesmdashor, if nothing else, to make us feel better about having done our job. If speculating with options means buying calls and puts to you, then yoursquore kind of missing the point. Not that therersquos anything wrong with them, but therersquos usually a better alternative. If yoursquore not using vertical spreads yet, be sure to read ldquoDown and Dirty with Verticalsrdquo on page 18, and cross off Resolution 1. Trading, like other skill sets, requires the ability to recognize changes a-cominrsquo and to be able to shift gears before itrsquos too late. Thatrsquos the point of diversification in the traditional sense. However, for traders, diversifying a portfolio means more than simply mixing asset classes. ldquoNot Your Daddyrsquos Diversificationrdquo on page 10 ought to help with Resolution 2. And what about Resolution 3 The doors to currency trading have swung wide open in the last 10 years. If you havenrsquot dipped your toes in the water, be sure to read this issuersquos Special Focus on forex trading. There, see Not only did we help you come up with new resolutions, but over the next 45 minutes or so, wersquoll help you cross them off your list. Please, no applause. quotNot Your Daddys Diversificationquot quotTrading in the Red Zonequot quotForex Special: Stock Trader Meet Forexquot quotDown and Dirty with Verticalsquot thinkMoney Issue 10 - October 2010 Here We Go Again Donrsquot be fooled by the title. Wersquore not going to hit you with chatter about doubledip recessions or end-of-year market ostulations. Wersquoll let the business media wrangle over those tidbits on their own. After all, this is a trading magazine And traders, whomdashfor the most partmdashare more concerned with shorter time horizons, probably care less about where the markets will be this time next year than most long-term investors. Besides, a market prediction is just a number, not a milestone. What matters more than ROI to a trader is PL. In other words, when you count up your trades at the end of the day, month, or year, do you win more than you lose Although there are thousands (maybe millions) of opinions about how to predict where markets are going, most rely on fundamental and technical analysis to evaluate ripe opportunities for the picking. However, therersquos a school of thought that largely dismisses both disciplines. Loyalists of ldquorandom walkrdquo believe that markets cannot be predicted at all, but they can be profitablemdasheven if the odds are no better than a coin-toss. Our cover story on page 10 reveals just how. Now, we know therersquos a chance you may be living a double life both as a trader and investor, and may actually own a few (gasp) longterm stock holdings. However, aside from the plain-vanilla long put, yoursquore befuddled as to what the heck you can do to protect your stocks in the event of a market collapse, or worse, the return of another flash crash. Well, you and your alter ego should find plenty of nuggets in ldquoCollars, Conversions, and Clarityrdquo on page 18. So, as someone who thinks in hours, days, or weeks, you might scoff at the guy on TV talking about a ldquostock-pickerrsquos marketrdquo (duh). Therersquos even a good chance carpe diem defines your philosophy. The traderrsquos creed boils down to this: Embrace volatility, adapt quickly, and learn to love the good, the bad, and the ugly as it comesmdashwhen it comes. But if yoursquore still looking for market advice, perhaps the random-walk guy says it bestmdashthe market has as much of a chance of moving up tomorrow as it does down. What are you going to do about it quotBack-testing Stinks (And Why You Should Do It)quot quotCollars, Conversions amp Clarityquot quotMarkets are Random, Your Portfolio Shouldnt Bequot quotFutures Trading Specialquot thinkMoney Issue 09 - June 2010 Something for Everyone The first thing you might notice as yoursquore reading this is that something feels different. No, itrsquos not that tingling sensation in your belly. But if yoursquore finding these words a bit easier to read than in previous issues, itrsquos probably because we made the magazine, well, easier to read. As our following has grown, it seems many of you prefer to get your thinkMoney fix while running on the treadmill or driving down the highway (okay, not really). So sure, why not We hope the new and improved typeface helps make your 45 minutes of editorial bliss more enjoyable. The markets have certainly come a long way from the bottom we fell to early last year. But interestingly, as they spring back and new traders are opening options trading accounts for the first time, some are not actually trading them. It seems that some people still believe that ldquoprofessionalrdquo traders still have the upper hand (largely untrue), and their practices are shrouded in such mystique (probably true), that itrsquos best to not get involved at all (mostly untrue). If yoursquore not trading options because yoursquore scared for the wrong reasons, be sure to read our cover story, ldquoIf Not Now, Whenrdquo Now, if yoursquore in the other camp of traders not using options for reasons other than fear (perhaps yoursquore just a stock guy at heart), yoursquoll want to read this issuersquos Special Focus on options analysis, including the feature, ldquoOptions hellip Worth More Than You Think. rdquo Ignore options altogether, and you might be missing out on some mucho important info that might actually help your tradingmdash and doesnrsquot require you to actually trade options. So you see, therersquos something for everyone in this issue. Call it the Giving Issue. Of course, we havenrsquot forgotten about our advanced options traders as well. Therersquos some brain candy for you, too, with ldquoOn Beyond Condorsrdquo highlighting a few strategies for those in search of a bold, new frontiermdashbeyond the world of defined risk that we normally focus on. If you try them, just donrsquot forget to fasten your seat belt hellip particularly if yoursquore reading this while driving. quot4 Stumbles and 1 Step (To the Trade)quot quotIf Not Now, Whenquot quotOn Beyond Condorsquot quotOptions Analysis Specialquot thinkMoney Issue 08 - December 2009 Hey, did you hear the one about the Great Recession Assuming we donrsquot get the dreaded ldquodouble dip, rdquo that one-liner is likely to become the financial equivalent of ldquoSo a guy walks into a barrdquo for years to come by jesters waxing comedic about the first decade of the new millennium. But if 401(K)s turned 201(K)s turned 301(K)s keep rocking in lieu of rolling, such jokes will certainly be lost on the next generation of traders and investors, while this generation suffers the same fate as the last remaining survivor of the Titanicmdashsaying things like ldquoI was once on a really big ship that sunk when it hit an iceberg. rdquo Lest we forget the lessons learned when we first started trading, we thought it appropriate to go back to basics this issue, starting with our cover feature, ldquoThe Last Order Standing. rdquo It serves as a reference guide to most of the order types yoursquoll find on our trading platform, along with a few pearls on why you shouldnrsquot use them as a surrogate for human intervention. Next, and this may come as a shock to many, wersquove devoted this issuersquos entire Special Focus to (gasp) technical analysis. What the heck, right Ah, well, therersquove been plenty of requests by readers to discuss the subject, but our motto has always been to give you something that nobody else will. So, instead of rehashing what you can already get in, ahem, other magazines, it hit usmdashwhy not tell you what NOT to do with your charts in ldquoFive No-Nos of Technical Analysis. rdquo Donrsquot worry, we wouldnrsquot think of giving you the yin without the yang. Therersquos still plenty of brain candy in this issue for even our most advanced traders (double diagonals, anyone). Despite the distant memory of falling markets, if wersquove learned nothing else from 2009, itrsquos that bad things happen to good money. With that, this issue of thinkMoney could serve as the ldquowhat not to dordquo issue going into 2010. Having lived through (and survived, thank you) a market shellacking of seismic proportions, we like to think we can impart some wisdom about what to do if (and when) we hit another iceberg. quotKilling Time with the Double Diagonalquot quotThe Last Order Standingquot quotTwo of a Kindquot quotTechnical Analysis Specialquot thinkMoney Issue 07 - September 2009 Give lsquoEm What They Want Good things may come in small packages, but who doesnrsquot love all-you-can eat buffets, huh The bottomless salad bar, the endless concoctions of chicken, beef, and pastamdashand donrsquot even get us started on the dessert table. Now, given the choice, are you a one-trip person who piles a mountain of food on a single plate, do you grab two plates, or do you create modest servings on a single plate and take multiple trips (Stay with us here.) Now, we donrsquot need to bore you with the numbers, but so long as you havenrsquot been sleeping under a rock, yoursquore probably aware that everything from John Thainrsquos famous trash can to bankrupt insurance companies have rallied off of the March lows. But like that guy who bites off more than he can chew, sometimes its hard to know when to quit and just let things settle in a little. Sure, those baby back ribs you meant to grab on the last round look tempting, but if you forgot to pack your Zantac, yoursquore in for a rude awakeningmdashand you know it. No, wersquore not about to start predicting a market direction one way or the other. But itrsquos worth noting that while itrsquos a neat trick to be able to call market bottoms and trade with a rear-view mirror, itrsquos probably a better idea to develop a trading system that works in any market, has a high probability of success, keeps you from getting suckered into trades that look too good to be true, and wonrsquot blow you up when yoursquore wrong. Call it a high-level view of such a system, but thatrsquos what wersquore attempting to give you with this issue. After all, good times come and go, bellies get full, and eventually, the restaurant is going to kick you out. quotRisk Doesnt Sleep (Neither Should You)quot quotA Crash Course in Trader Econquot quotAll the Worlds a Tradequot quotGreeks Special: When Greeks Failquot quotStrategy Focus: How can TOS help you build your hedgesquot thinkMoney Issue 06 - June 2009 Forgive us for starting out with the title of an arguably overplayed pop song. But hey, we canrsquot really think of any phrase more apropos to describe the marketrsquos giddiness since ldquothe March low. rdquo And thankfully you didnrsquot think to ask us where we actually thought the market would go or by how much, because if you had, wersquod have had some explaining to do about why Monkey took out a second mortgage to sell put spreads on SPY (hersquos got connections). The truth is, any question about market direction is about as loaded as the eternal question, ldquoHow does my butt look in these jeansrdquo that men have endured since denim was invented. We figure the question is ephemeral, so if we talk long enough around it, the inquisitor might forget he asked it (or just go away). All things considered, a lot of stock portfolios that were torn and tattered at the dawn of the new year are starting to look like new growth forests after a nasty brush fire. And while some savvy investors are wisely hedging their stocks with puts, this is not the time to take your eyes off the ball. Our cover story, ldquoRisk Doesnrsquot Sleep (Neither Should You),rdquo will guide you through the process of dynamically hedging your stock with puts. And for those of you making a fortune paper trading, but who canrsquot seem to put some real skin in the game, check out ldquoSo, You Wanna Be a Traderrdquo for some coaching lessons. All in all, despite the ldquoGreat Recession, rdquo it seems that our loyal followers are, for the most part, still in one piece and ready to take on the next trade. And if we happen to have something to do with that, then wersquove gladly done our job. quotFive Trades Under 1,000quot quotLip-Smackin Good Rollsquot quotSucker or Savvyquot quotPortfolio Management: Positions up the creek Heres your paddlequot quotStrategy Focus: How can TOS help you build your hedgesquot thinkMoney Issue 05 - February 2009 A Note from the Prez Yoursquove probably already heard the news that TD Ameritrade is in the process of buying thinkorswim. So, let me take this opportunity to answer some questions that I get asked frequently. The main thing people want to know is whether wersquoll still be sending out the monkeys. Thatrsquos a board decision. As of this writing, itrsquos about 40 for and 40 against. Wersquore working hard to get the majority of the remaining 20 to the pro-monkey side by the next meeting. We think wersquoll be able to pull it off. Then, what about commissions There has been a lot of thought about that, and although we canrsquot make any guarantees, we believe that TD Ameritrade will treat this as it has its other acquisitions and grandfather in everybodyrsquos existing TOS rate. Also, there are no plans whatsoever to charge any fees for the products and services you get for free, such as live data, news, the trading platform, service, etc. In fact, TD Ameritrade does not currently charge for any of its platforms, either. Yoursquoll always be able to call our trade desk for help. Wersquoll going to be adding a number of experienced traders to our desk to handle the increasing trading volume and support requests. The product development schedule will also proceed full-steam ahead. Our development team is going to remain intact, and wersquoll continue to hammer out new releases, with enhancements and trading toys, every month as we always have. And yes, yoursquoll still be able to trade complex option spreads, futures, and FX on the platform. Wersquoll even continue to expand the list of products you can trade. As for the option margins and ability to trade in IRAs, that will stay the same. Wersquoll also be expanding our educational products and classes to a much wider audience, as well as the number of advisors that we will support for auto-trading. The bottom linendash this monkey ainrsquot going anywhere. Now, I have to get back to answering emails. quotShut Up and Tradequot quotGamma Scalping tipsquot quotThe Diary of Joe Traderquot quotVix Special: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to knowquot thinkMoney Issue 04 - November 2008 Sure, the proverbial writing may have been on the wall, but this The obvious question on everyonersquos mind right now is, Where do we go from here But, since wersquore not in the business of predicting the future, itrsquos probably best to just state the obvious: Volatility is here to stay, and ainrsquot goin anywhere for a while. For traders, this means that those seeking out gains in a manic market ought to find solace in one of two things: staying in cash or carpe diem (seize the day). After all, the last thing you want to do when new rules are being written and new opportunities abound is dwell on the past. And while wersquore feeling linguistically frisky, traders might also heed the advice, memento mori (remember that you are mortal), which simply means donrsquot kick yourself too hard for decisions gone awry during the marketrsquos misgivings. In fact, now might be a good time to think about how to fix your broken trades, or at least ask if there is such a thing. This issuersquos cover feature, ldquoDo Adjustments Really Workrdquo provides some insight into the fact vs. fiction debate on this very hot option topic. And before you go diving into any naked option strategy in todayrsquos environment, be sure to check out the feature ldquoSwimming Nakedrdquo for some TOS-style tips on avoiding the same mistakes so many others have made before you. A year ago our cover feature discussed something we cheekily dubbed ldquoumbrella tradingrdquo, or how to trade a falling market. Not that we were clairvoyant or anything. We just subscribe to the idea that even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and again, so it pays to collect as many nuts as possible when the day of reckoning comes. And come it has. But whether yoursquove profited or periled during the recent market malaise, maybe itrsquos time to simply push the big red ldquoEasyrdquo button, shore up your trades and reset your plan going forward. Thatrsquos what any level-headed trader would do in the midst of a sizeable drawdown because, as they say, Contra paratum vix fortuna vires habet (Against the prepared man chance scarcely has power). quotDo Adjustments Really Workquot quotWhy Commissions Dont Matterquot quotSwimming Nakedquot quotPairs Trading Specialquot quotAdvanced pairs trading discussionquot thinkMoney Issue 03 - June 2008 If there was one word that could surmise the first six months of rsquo08 it would be volatility. And since wersquore about to jump the hump and head into the second half of what has proven to be one of the more volatile years of the decade, it may not be a bad idea to do a little reflection as we watch history unfold through the year. Donrsquot worry, wersquore not going to waste your time jabbering about the Presidential election, the credit crunch, or the looming world food shortage as cars start eating more corn than people do. But what we do want to focus on this issue is how to keep your cool during uncertain times and make some money under these circumstances (or any for that matter), regardless of which way the wind blows in your world. So, if yoursquove ever contemplated sticking it to the man and becoming a professional trader, be sure to read the cover feature ldquoGot Guts Go Prordquo. Itrsquos a good place to start if yoursquore looking for perspective from someone whorsquos already been there, done that. Now, if yoursquore just starting out as a new trader, or perhaps youve hit a dry spell in your trading career, it doesnrsquot hurt to go back to the basics of discipline. Traders who blow out tend to do so because they spend so much time searching for the Holy Grail, they dont understand that when it comes to trading, itrsquos mostly the jockey, not the horse that wins in the end. Though it ainrsquot glamorous (and at times pretty dang boring), risk management is crucial to staying in the game and eventually going pro. So we thought it was worth revisiting this topic from our perspective in this issuersquos ldquoMoney Management: A Traderrsquos Least Fun Jobrdquo condensing the really important stuff in plain English, rather than complicated formulas. All in all, though we canrsquot tell the future, we can say this with certainty ndash Where therersquos a market, therersquos volatility, otherwise therersquod be no market. And as volatility goes, so goes opportunity. quotGot Guts Go Proquot quotThe Ugly Butterflyquot quotRisk Management: A Traders Least Fun Jobquot quotFutures SpecialThe Decoupling Theory - Fact or Fantasyquot Market volatility, volume and system availability may delay account access and trade executions. Past performance of a security or strategy is no guarantee of future results or investing success. Trading stocks, options, futures and forex involves speculation, and the risk of loss can be substantial. Clients must consider all relevant risk factors, including their own personal financial situation, before trading. Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, as well as its own unique risk factors. Pilihan tidak sesuai untuk semua investor karena risiko khusus yang melekat pada perdagangan opsi dapat mengekspos investor terhadap kerugian yang berpotensi cepat dan besar. Prior to trading options, you should carefully read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Spreads, Straddles, dan strategi pilihan beberapa kaki lainnya dapat memerlukan biaya transaksi yang substansial, termasuk beberapa komisi, yang dapat mempengaruhi potensi pengembalian. Futures and futures options trading is speculative and is not suitable for all investors. Silakan baca Pengungkapan Risiko untuk Futures and Options sebelum perdagangan produk berjangka. Forex trading involves leverage, carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Please read the Forex Risk Disclosure prior to trading forex products. Futures and forex accounts are not protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). Futures, futures options, and forex trading services provided by TD Ameritrade Futures amp Forex LLC. Hak istimewa perdagangan tunduk pada review dan persetujuan. Not all clients will qualify. Forex accounts are not available to residents of Ohio or Arizona. Akses ke data pasar real-time dikondisikan pada penerimaan perjanjian pertukaran. Akses profesional berbeda dan biaya berlangganan mungkin berlaku. For details, see our Professional Rates amp Fees . Supporting documentation for any claims, comparison, statistics, or other technical data will be supplied upon request. TD Ameritrade does not make recommendations or determine the suitability of any security, strategy or course of action for you through your use of our trading tools. Any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility. TD Ameritrade Inc. member FINRASIPC. TD Ameritrade is a trademark jointly owned by TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. and the Toronto-Dominion Bank copy 2016 TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with Permission Powered by Magnolia - Intuitive Opensource CMS
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