Forex trading dengan Alpari: ketergantungan dan inovasi dalam trading Mengapa memilih Alpari Today Alpari adalah salah satu broker Forex terbesar di dunia. Berkat pengalaman yang telah diakuisisi perusahaan tersebut selama bertahun-tahun, Alpari dapat menawarkan kepada kliennya berbagai layanan berkualitas untuk perdagangan internet zaman modern di pasar mata uang asing. Lebih dari satu juta nasabah telah memilih Alpari sebagai pemasok terpercaya layanan Forex mereka. Apa itu Forex The Forex (FOReign EXchange) pasar muncul pada akhir tahun 1970an setelah banyak negara memutuskan untuk membatalkan nilai mata uang mereka dari dolar AS atau emas. Hal ini menyebabkan terbentuknya pasar internasional dimana mata uang bisa ditukar dan diperdagangkan dengan bebas. Saat ini, Forex adalah pasar keuangan terbesar di dunia. Tidak masalah di mana Anda tinggal atau bahkan di mana Anda berada sekarang karena Anda memiliki akses ke internet, terminal perdagangan (program khusus untuk trading Forex) dan akun dengan broker Forex, semua instrumen dan peluang Forex adalah Terbuka untukmu Siapa pedagang Pedagang adalah orang-orang yang bekerja di pasar Forex, mencoba untuk memastikan arah di mana harga mata uang akan pergi dan melakukan perdagangan untuk pembelian atau penjualan mata uang tersebut. Dengan demikian, dengan membeli mata uang lebih murah dan menjualnya lebih banyak lagi, trader mendapatkan uang di pasar Forex. Pedagang membuat keputusan berdasarkan analisis semua faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi harga, sehingga memungkinkan mereka untuk bekerja secara tepat ke arah mana harga bergerak. Keuntungan bisa dilakukan trading Forex pada jatuhnya harga suatu mata uang, sama seperti profit yang bisa diraih pada kenaikan harga mata uang tertentu. Selanjutnya, trader bisa melakukan trading di pasar Forex dari mana saja di dunia, entah itu London atau Timbuktu. Di mana Anda bisa belajar bagaimana bertransaksi Forex Bagi pemula yang baru saja mengambil langkah pertama mereka ke pasar Forex, kami merekomendasikan untuk mendaftarkan diri ke salah satu kursus pendidikan Akademik Investasi. Kursus akan mengajarkan Anda tidak hanya dasar-dasar pasar valuta asing, tetapi juga metode untuk menganalisis Pasar Forex dan bagaimana menghindari perangkap umum. Dengan pendidikan dari Akademi Investasi Anda akan mendapatkan pengetahuan teoritis yang berharga yang dapat Anda terapkan saat melakukan perdagangan. Selain itu, Anda akan mencari tahu tentang Pengelolaan Uang, belajar mengendalikan emosi Anda, temukan bagaimana robot perdagangan bisa bermanfaat dan banyak lagi. Anda bisa mengikuti kursus dari kenyamanan rumah Anda sendiri: online. Analisis dan berita keuangan mingguan, ide perdagangan siap pakai serta layanan analisis gratis di situs web Alpari akan membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang benar saat melakukan trading Forex. Bagaimana Anda bisa trading Forex Jika Anda belum pernah bekerja dengan Forex sebelumnya, Anda bisa menguji semua peluang perdagangan mata uang pada akun demo dengan dana virtual. Dengan akun demo Anda akan dapat menjelajahi pasar Forex dari dalam dan mengembangkan strategi trading Anda sendiri. Anda selalu bisa memanfaatkan solusi siap pakai dengan mengenalkan diri Anda dengan umpan balik dari pedagang lain. Setelah Anda membuka rekening, apakah itu demo atau live account, Anda perlu mendownload program khusus untuk bekerja di pasar Forex sebagai terminal perdagangan. Di terminal Anda dapat melacak penawaran pasar, melakukan perdagangan dengan membuka dan menutup posisi dan terus diperbarui dengan berita keuangan. Anda dapat memilih dari terminal perdagangan untuk PC dan juga untuk perangkat mobile: semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat pekerjaan Anda dengan Forex senyaman mungkin. Anda bisa memulai trading di pasar valuta asing dengan Alpari yang memiliki sejumlah dana di akun Anda. Jika Anda ingin mencoba trading Forex di akun live, namun untuk menjaga risikonya serendah mungkin, cobalah melakukan trading dengan akun nano. mt4 dimana mata uang diperdagangkan di eurocents dan sen dolar AS. Alpari US vs Alpari UK Im sorry you Merasa seperti itu, tapi Id seperti Anda untuk mempertimbangkan hal berikut. Reputasi Alpari (Inggris) 8217 untuk integritas dan kesepakatan yang adil mengharuskan kita mempertahankan standar etika dan profesionalisme tertinggi setiap saat. Kami mematuhi kode etik dengan menentukan sepuluh nilai inti yang harus diikuti semua karyawan Alpari (Inggris) saat menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari mereka. Selain itu, Alpari (Inggris) diatur oleh industri jasa keuangan di Inggris (FSA) dan diwajibkan memenuhi standar keuangan yang ketat. Kami berkomitmen untuk memastikan bahwa prinsip FSA Mengobati Pelanggan dengan Adil (TCF) diterapkan di semua area kegiatan bisnis sehari-hari. Dalam mengadopsi prinsip TCF kami menyadari bahwa perlakuan adil terhadap pelanggan kami adalah tentang menambahkan nilai pada layanan yang kami tawarkan dengan tujuan untuk: melindungi kepentingan pelanggan kami pada setiap tahap siklus hidup produk, mulai dari hak promosi hingga layanan purna jual. Sebisa mungkin kebutuhan setiap pelanggan dengan menawarkan layanan yang transparan, efisien dan profesional, dan terus-menerus meninjau layanan kami untuk mengidentifikasi area yang dapat kami tingkatkan. Jika Anda memiliki masalah khusus yang ingin Anda diskusikan, kirim email kepada kami di supportalpari. co. uk. Ada di sini untuk membantu. Untuk apa yang saya tahu, Alpari AS khusus untuk warga negara AS. Alpari UK tersedia untuk warga Uk dan orang lain di tempat lain di dunia. Saya pikir mereka berdua memiliki spread, layanan, bekerja sama dengan MT4 dan dengan platform mereka sendiri dan mereka melakukan hal yang sama. Saya menemukan link ini, ini menjelaskan perbedaannya sedikit lebih banyak: Semoga berhasil. Selamat mencoba Sebenarnya saya juga baru mengetahui bahwa ada juga alpari-forex. Yang merupakan perusahaan yang sama, tapi untuk warga eropa timur. Jika Anda bertujuan untuk bintang-tapi rindu, Anda tetap mendapatkan bulannya. Alpari. co. uk Discussion Bergabung Feb 2006 Status: Member 59 Posts Dalam 8 tahun saya pikir saya menggunakan semua orang LOL Alpari UK memulai hidup sebagai spin off dari Rusia Alpari mereka adalah kru yang sama menjalankannya tapi berbasis di London untuk versi Inggris mereka sepenuhnya diatur FSA. Uang yang di lakukan oleh kawat atau perbankan online Inggris pada dasarnya adalah hari berikutnya. Out membutuhkan faks. Mereka sekarang memiliki 5 server live untuk redundansi, lebih dari itu hampir semua orang lain yang saya kenal di ritel sehingga koneksi solid. Saya tidak pernah mengalami downtime dalam 5 bulan saya bersama mereka. Perdagangan mengisi selalu dalam 4 detik sebagian besar 2 dan 3 detik sesuai dengan log EA saya. Slips dan requote sangat jarang bahkan berita utama saya bisa kulit kepala 30 detik sebelum dan sesudah NFP hampir tidak ada orang lain yang akan membiarkan itu. Meskipun mereka menyatakan spread bisa bervariasi saya tidak pernah melihatnya bergerak selalu 2 pips euro solid. Untuk keamanan teknis dan keamanan FSA finansial saya berikan kemudian 910. Saya juga memberi North Finance broker MT4 live lain yang saya gunakan secara teknis 810 namun keamanan tunai sedikit cerdik di Siprus. Sekali lagi requote jarang terjadi, 2 pip euro 99 pada saat saya memang melihatnya berubah satu kali. Memerlukan sekitar 1 dari 15 transaksi. NF akan berdagang dengan lot mini mereka tidak begitu tertarik untuk melakukan scalping sekalipun. Rekening dengan kawat atau EGOLD mereka menghapus pembayaran emas dan OUT dalam beberapa jam. Alpari UK sekarang mengizinkan lot mikro yang 0,01 ideal untuk pengujian live EA tanpa mempertaruhkan terlalu banyak uang tunai. Menurut forum mereka mereka adalah scalper friendly. Aku tidak akan mengambil pi dan pergi untuk 1 pip meskipun tapi aku 5 sampai 20 pips dan tidak ada yang mengeluh. Dibandingkan dengan gerombolan AS, dua broker MT4 ini adalah yang terbaik yang saya tahu. Jika Anda tidak mempercayai saya, maka semoga sukses berhubungan dengan siapa saja yang berbasis di New Jersey. Jika Anda berada di Inggris dan TIDAK memerlukan bot untuk berdagang maka spreadbet perdagangan bukan sebagai pajak GRATIS. Igindex dan Big Brother Igmarket akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menukar apapun dari harga rumah, emas minyak hingga gandum dan babi. Mereka adalah yang terbesar di Inggris sekarang im diberitahu dengan dukungan likuiditas yang sangat baik ke London Banks. Dari 2 pip euro spot Anda tidak akan pernah melihat slip dan trade ke 0,1 pip increment dan Anda akan terisi sebesar 1,45674 euro. Karena pada dasarnya futures tidak ada yang namanya pengisian yang buruk pada berita utama dengan baik, bukankah saya pernah melihatnya sebelum dalam 2 tahun saya mempunyai akun dengan mereka tapi sadarilah tempat masa depan menutup semua posisi setiap malam dan buka kembali. Ini adalah kejutan jika Anda tidak tahu akan terjadi. IGindex akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menukar taruhan biner ke bawah tangga dan pilihan konvensional setiap minggu dan bulanan. Opsi perdagangan membuka keseluruhan sistem risiko rendah baru kemudian diperdagangkan dan memungkinkan seseorang untuk menggunakan opsi karena mereka seharusnya digunakan untuk melindungi risiko yang mendasari bahkan di akun lain. Yaitu euro pendek 14 hari berjangka dengan opsi call euro yang panjang. Bagi teman-teman AS kami, walaupun saya tidak percaya bahwa Anda dapat membuka akun spreadbet sebagai taruhannya dan dengan demikian ilegal bagi AS dan Alpari UK mungkin tidak mengizinkan akun AS yang harus Anda periksa sendiri. Dalam 8 tahun saya pikir saya menggunakan semua orang LOL Alpari UK memulai hidup sebagai spin off dari Alpari Rusia mereka adalah kru yang sama menjalankannya tapi berbasis di London untuk versi Inggris mereka sepenuhnya diatur FSA. Uang yang di lakukan oleh kawat atau perbankan online Inggris pada dasarnya adalah hari berikutnya. Out membutuhkan faks. Mereka sekarang memiliki 5 server live untuk redundansi, lebih dari itu hampir semua orang lain yang saya kenal di ritel sehingga koneksi solid. Saya tidak pernah mengalami downtime dalam 5 bulan saya bersama mereka. Perdagangan mengisi selalu dalam 4 detik sebagian besar 2 dan 3 detik sesuai dengan log EA saya. Slips dan requote sangat jarang bahkan berita utama saya bisa kulit kepala 30 detik sebelum dan sesudah NFP hampir tidak ada orang lain yang akan membiarkan itu. Meskipun mereka menyatakan spread bisa bervariasi saya tidak pernah melihatnya bergerak selalu 2 pips euro solid. Untuk keamanan teknis dan keamanan FSA finansial saya berikan kemudian 910. Saya juga memberi North Finance broker MT4 live lain yang saya gunakan secara teknis 810 namun keamanan tunai sedikit cerdik di Siprus. Sekali lagi requote jarang terjadi, 2 pip euro 99 pada saat saya memang melihatnya berubah satu kali. Memerlukan sekitar 1 dari 15 transaksi. NF akan berdagang dengan lot mini mereka tidak begitu tertarik untuk melakukan scalping sekalipun. Rekening dengan kawat atau EGOLD mereka menghapus pembayaran emas dan OUT dalam beberapa jam. Alpari UK sekarang mengizinkan lot mikro yang 0,01 ideal untuk pengujian live EA tanpa mempertaruhkan terlalu banyak uang tunai. Menurut forum mereka mereka adalah scalper friendly. Aku tidak akan mengambil pi dan pergi untuk 1 pip meskipun tapi aku 5 sampai 20 pips dan tidak ada yang mengeluh. Dibandingkan dengan gerombolan AS, dua broker MT4 ini adalah yang terbaik yang saya tahu. Jika Anda tidak mempercayai saya, maka semoga sukses berhubungan dengan siapa saja yang berbasis di New Jersey. Jika Anda berada di Inggris dan TIDAK memerlukan bot untuk berdagang maka spreadbet perdagangan bukan sebagai pajak GRATIS. Igindex dan Big Brother Igmarket akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menukar apapun dari harga rumah, emas minyak hingga gandum dan babi. Mereka adalah yang terbesar di Inggris sekarang im diberitahu dengan dukungan likuiditas yang sangat baik ke London Banks. Dari 2 pip euro spot Anda tidak akan pernah melihat slip dan trade ke 0,1 pip increment dan Anda akan terisi sebesar 1,45674 euro. Karena pada dasarnya futures tidak ada yang namanya pengisian yang buruk pada berita utama dengan baik, bukankah saya pernah melihatnya sebelum dalam 2 tahun saya mempunyai akun dengan mereka tapi sadarilah tempat masa depan menutup semua posisi setiap malam dan buka kembali. Ini adalah kejutan jika Anda tidak tahu akan terjadi. IGindex akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menukar taruhan biner ke bawah tangga dan pilihan konvensional setiap minggu dan bulanan. Opsi perdagangan membuka keseluruhan sistem risiko rendah baru kemudian diperdagangkan dan memungkinkan seseorang untuk menggunakan opsi karena mereka seharusnya digunakan untuk melindungi risiko yang mendasari bahkan di akun lain. Yaitu euro pendek 14 hari berjangka dengan opsi call euro yang panjang. Bagi teman-teman AS kami, walaupun saya tidak percaya bahwa Anda dapat membuka akun spreadbet sebagai taruhannya dan dengan demikian ilegal bagi AS dan Alpari UK mungkin tidak mengizinkan akun AS yang harus Anda periksa sendiri. Terima kasih untuk informasi. Saya belum pernah mencoba Alpari, tapi mungkin tertarik. Kotak chat layanan pelanggan mereka ada di Rusia, peringatan saya tentang umpan MT4 w alpari russia bekerja menunjukkan waktu yang tepat, namun grafik MT4 dibekukan menunjukkan angka 10:15 waktu rusia. Yang akan menjadi 4:15 am EST tapi sekarang 1:29 pm EST saya tidak diberitahu untuk memeriksa kembali selama waktu Rusia 9: 30-18: 30 yang jelas 2:30 EST 11:30 EST tapi grafik saya Semua beku, dan telah sejak pagi ini saya berpikir bahwa Anda akan menemukan bahwa pasar ditutup. Dalam 8 tahun saya pikir saya menggunakan semua orang LOL Alpari UK memulai hidup sebagai spin off dari Alpari Rusia mereka adalah kru yang sama menjalankannya tapi berbasis di London untuk versi Inggris mereka sepenuhnya diatur FSA. Uang yang di lakukan oleh kawat atau perbankan online Inggris pada dasarnya adalah hari berikutnya. Out membutuhkan faks. Mereka sekarang memiliki 5 server live untuk redundansi, lebih dari itu hampir semua orang lain yang saya kenal di ritel sehingga koneksi solid. Saya tidak pernah mengalami downtime dalam 5 bulan saya bersama mereka. Perdagangan mengisi selalu dalam 4 detik sebagian besar 2 dan 3 detik sesuai dengan log EA saya. Slips dan requote sangat jarang bahkan berita utama saya bisa kulit kepala 30 detik sebelum dan sesudah NFP hampir tidak ada orang lain yang akan membiarkan itu. Meskipun mereka menyatakan spread bisa bervariasi saya tidak pernah melihatnya bergerak selalu 2 pips euro solid. Untuk keamanan teknis dan keamanan FSA finansial saya berikan kemudian 910. Saya juga memberi North Finance broker MT4 live lain yang saya gunakan secara teknis 810 namun keamanan tunai sedikit cerdik di Siprus. Sekali lagi requote jarang terjadi, 2 pip euro 99 pada saat saya memang melihatnya berubah satu kali. Memerlukan sekitar 1 dari 15 transaksi. NF akan berdagang dengan lot mini mereka tidak begitu tertarik untuk melakukan scalping sekalipun. Rekening dengan kawat atau EGOLD mereka menghapus pembayaran emas dan OUT dalam beberapa jam. Alpari UK sekarang mengizinkan lot mikro yang 0,01 ideal untuk pengujian live EA tanpa mempertaruhkan terlalu banyak uang tunai. Menurut forum mereka mereka adalah scalper friendly. Aku tidak akan mengambil pi dan pergi untuk 1 pip meskipun tapi aku 5 sampai 20 pips dan tidak ada yang mengeluh. Dibandingkan dengan gerombolan AS, dua broker MT4 ini adalah yang terbaik yang saya tahu. Jika Anda tidak mempercayai saya, maka semoga sukses berhubungan dengan siapa saja yang berbasis di New Jersey. Jika Anda berada di Inggris dan TIDAK memerlukan bot untuk berdagang maka spreadbet perdagangan bukan sebagai pajak GRATIS. Igindex dan Big Brother Igmarket akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menukar apapun dari harga rumah, emas minyak hingga gandum dan babi. Mereka adalah yang terbesar di Inggris sekarang im diberitahu dengan dukungan likuiditas yang sangat baik ke London Banks. Dari 2 pip euro spot Anda tidak akan pernah melihat slip dan trade ke 0,1 pip increment dan Anda akan terisi sebesar 1,45674 euro. Karena pada dasarnya futures tidak ada yang namanya pengisian yang buruk pada berita utama dengan baik, bukankah saya pernah melihatnya sebelum dalam 2 tahun saya mempunyai akun dengan mereka tapi sadarilah tempat masa depan menutup semua posisi setiap malam dan buka kembali. Ini adalah kejutan jika Anda tidak tahu akan terjadi. IGindex akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menukar taruhan biner ke bawah tangga dan pilihan konvensional setiap minggu dan bulanan. Opsi perdagangan membuka keseluruhan sistem risiko rendah baru kemudian diperdagangkan dan memungkinkan seseorang untuk menggunakan opsi karena mereka seharusnya digunakan untuk melindungi risiko yang mendasari bahkan di akun lain. Yaitu euro pendek 14 hari berjangka dengan opsi call euro yang panjang. Bagi teman-teman AS kami, walaupun saya tidak percaya bahwa Anda dapat membuka akun spreadbet sebagai taruhannya dan dengan demikian ilegal bagi AS dan Alpari UK mungkin tidak mengizinkan akun AS yang harus Anda periksa sendiri. Wow, Anda terdengar seolah-olah Anda bekerja dengan mereka. Terima kasih, info anda sangat berguna. Hai, (1) Apa isu menjadi kelas sebagai trader berpengalaman (2) Apa itu HMRC (3) Saya ditanya pertanyaan ini saat membuka rekening jika mereka terdaftar di FSA atau badan peraturan lainnya (4) Bagaimana dengan Isu penggolongan keuntungan Anda sebagai pendapatan atau keuntungan modal (5) Tolong katakan sesuatu tentang Pajak. Anda sangat baik dalam membalas posting. Alnames. Rupanya Anda di Nigeria dan seperti Xaron ada di Jerman, saya ragu dia dapat membantu Anda dengan kueri Pajak Anda. Untuk alasan kepatuhan mereka perlu bertanya apakah Anda terdaftar dengan FSA atau dalam peran yang dapat menyebabkan konflik kepentingan yaitu perbankan. Ada beberapa undang-undang di sini di Inggris dan saya melakukan pelatihan untuk mereka saat saya bekerja untuk JP Morgan tapi sangat tidak ingat banyak, google adalah raja. (4) Bagaimana dengan masalah penggolongan keuntungan Anda sebagai pendapatan atau keuntungan modal Hanya berlaku jika Anda tinggal di Inggris. Anda perlu meneliti undang-undang pajak negara Anda sendiri. Apa masalahnya menjadi kelas karena trader berpengalaman Alpari tidak akan membuka rekening kecuali Anda mencentang kotak ahli, sekali lagi ada hubungannya dengan FSA. Jika saya mengingatnya dengan benar berarti jika Anda digolongkan sebagai ahli Alpari tidak perlu memisahkan dana (bisa salah) pendapatan dan pamrunya yang agung
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Alternatif trading system adalah
Kirimkan berita Anda di newssystemdynamics. org. Halaman Link Karir SD memiliki beberapa daftar pekerjaan yang baru saja diposting. Anggota Masyarakat David Wheat Dipromosikan menjadi Profesor Sistem Dinamika Penuh di University of Bergen di Norwegia (24 Februari 2017) Selama tiga dekade, David adalah presiden dari Wheat Resources Inc, sebuah perusahaan konsultan manajemen yang melayani klien bisnis dan pemerintah. Ia menerima gelar PhD di System Dynamics di University of Bergen, gelar masternya dalam kebijakan publik dari Harvard University, dan gelar sarjana di bidang ilmu politik di Texas Tech University. Selama tahun 1970an, dia bertugas di Gedung Putih sebagai asisten staf Presiden Amerika Serikat. David mengajarkan kursus proses pemodelan dan kursus desain kebijakan dan mengawasi penelitian siswa dalam program gelar master8217 di System Dynamics. Penelitiannya berfokus pada isu-isu demografis dan ekonomi, ditambah penelitian perancangan kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan metodologi pemodelan Sistem Dinamika. Proyek penelitian saat ini melibatkan pengembangan kapasitas pemodelan ekonomi dinamis di Universitas Nasional Kiev-Mohyla Academy di Ukraina, menciptakan model makroekonomi berbasis SD untuk Lithuania, dan mengembangkan model peramalan makroekonomi yang bekerja sama dengan para ekonom di Bank of Lithuania. Ia juga bekerja sama dengan para peneliti di University of North Dakota untuk mendapatkan kesehatan masyarakat. David juga mengunjungi profesor ekonomi di Universitas Manajemen dan Ekonomi ISM di Lituania dan profesor ekonomi di Virginia Western College di Amerika Serikat. Dia adalah mantan presiden Kapitel Ekonomi dari Sistem Dinamika Masyarakat, dan telah mengadakan kuliah tamu di Afrika, Eropa, dan Amerika Utara dan Selatan. Selamat kepada David Atas nama Sistem Dinamika Masyarakat, kami mengucapkan semoga sukses di posisi baru Anda. SATU BULAN tetap mengirimkan karya Dinamika Sistem Anda ke Konferensi Internasional Sistem Dinamika Masyarakat, yang akan diadakan di Cambridge, Massachusetts USA 16 Juli 8211 20, 2017. Batas waktu pengiriman adalah 22 MARET. Harap tinjau pedoman dan instruksi pengiriman. Jadilah bagian dari acara yang menarik dan beragam ini dengan mengirimkan pekerjaan Anda hari ini. Submisi tiba melalui portal Web setiap hari Semua catatan konferensi dan lokakarya mengharuskan masing-masing pengarang memiliki ID pengarang. Mintalah rekan kerja Anda untuk mendaftar langsung di Societys Web Portal minggu ini untuk memastikan informasi pengarang yang benar. Bebas untuk mendaftar dan hanya butuh beberapa saat. Adalah tanggung jawab penulis kontak untuk memastikan semua informasi pengajuan selesai. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang konferensi ini, kunjungi situs konferensi. Andrew Jones, anggota Masyarakat dan co-director Climate Interactive, akan memberikan presentasi tentang perubahan iklim global yang diikuti oleh sesi tanya-jawab terbuka di University of North Carolina Asheville pada tanggal 23 Februari. Diskusi Drews, 10 Alasan Harapan untuk Iklim Kita, akan berlangsung dari pukul 6-7: 30 siang. Di UNC Ashevilles Highsmith Union, di Kamar Sungai Swannanoa 104. Acara ini disponsori oleh Student Environmental Center, sebuah organisasi kemahasiswaan di UNC Asheville, dan gratis dan terbuka untuk semua orang. Untuk rincian tambahan, lihat situs web UNC Asheville. Bab Siswa Sistem Dinamika mengundang Anda untuk mengirimkan desain diagram arus dan arus terlaris (SFD) atau kausal loop diagram (CLD) Anda dalam gambar beresolusi tinggi. Kompetisi ini terbuka untuk semua orang, baik pelajar maupun senioris sistem dinamis. Satu-satunya persyaratan untuk kontes ini adalah desainnya perlu disesuaikan dengan t-shirt. Kirimkan desain Anda ke phdcolloquium-di systemdynamics. org atau kirimkan melalui halaman Facebook PhD Colloquium sebagai pesan pos atau pesan pribadi. Pemenang akan menerima contoh barang dagangan gratis SDC dengan desain kemenangan mereka, serta semua kemuliaan dan perhatian yang dapat diberikan oleh Bab Siswa, yang akan menjamin status selebriti selama konferensi minggu8230 dan di luar Kami telah menciptakan sebuah Dewan Teman Sekamar Konferensi pada sebuah Halaman LinkedIn yang tidak terdaftar untuk membantu peserta menemukan teman sekamar. Kelompok ini hanya terbuka untuk 2017 peserta ISDC Conference atau Summer School yang sedang mencari teman sekamar. Silahkan hubungi kantor kami untuk meminta undangan bergabung dengan grup ini. Situs web konferensi memiliki tautan ke Formulir Reservasi Hyatt dengan daftar rincian ruang dan biaya. Hyatt Regency Cambridge telah menawarkan tingkat pelajar khusus - mendapatkan pilihan yang paling terjangkau dengan membagikan tarif siswa kepada teman sekamar. Batas waktu pemesanan kamar hotel adalah 22 Juni 2017. Jika Anda berencana untuk mengirimkan makalah untuk ISDC 2017, periksa Dari artikel bermanfaat ini dari reviewer lama, Tom Fiddaman, dengan tip untuk menulis makalah Konferensi Dinamika Sistem yang bagus. 8220 Mengkaji Kertas Konferensi SD8221 dan 8220 Mengkaji kertas dinamika sistem yang baik II 8221 tersedia di halaman Submisi di situs web konferensi Societys. Makalah harus disampaikan melalui portal web pada batas waktu 22 Maret. Pemberitahuan penerimaan akan dikirim pada tanggal 11 Mei 2017. Memanggil 2017 nominasi Penghargaan Peneliti Lupina Young (13 Februari 2017) Mahasiswa FYI dan Lulusan Terkini (5 tahun) Presenter Kelompok Minat Kebijakan Kesehatan (HPSIG) dari Society Dynamics Sistem adalah Senang mempersembahkan Lupina Young Researchers Award untuk pekerjaan yang berfokus pada fenomena dinamis dalam sistem dan masalah kesehatan. Penghargaan yang dinominasikan sendiri ini disponsori oleh Yayasan Lupina di Ontario, Kanada. Penghargaan Lupina akan diberikan kepada orang-orang pada tahap awal karir mereka untuk mendorong mereka melakukan pekerjaan lebih lanjut dalam Dinamika Sistem Kesehatan. Prosedur pencalonan diri harus diikuti saat menyerahkan kertas Anda. Batas waktu pengiriman adalah 22 Maret. Rincian penghargaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di situs Societys. Ventana Systems baru saja merilis Ventity 1.0. Membuat ventilasi lebih mudah untuk merepresentasikan sistem dengan struktur, data dan struktur yang tidak beraturan, sehingga pemisahan model yang bersih dari data. Beberapa fitur softwares meliputi: modularitas dan orientasi objek, pemisahan data-model yang kuat, penciptaan dinamis dan penghapusan komponen dan hubungan model, dukungan untuk kolaborasi tim dan charting lanjutan. Kemampuan ventilasi bekerja untuk melengkapi perangkat lunak Vensim. Kedua program dikembangkan secara paralel dan tersedia sebagai bundel. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Ventility kunjungi website Ventana Systems. Dr. Eng. Stefano Armenia, VP Project Dynamics Societys VP Project, baru-baru ini ditunjuk sebagai Co-Editor Kybernetes: Jurnal cybernetics, sistem dan ilmu manajemen internasional. Diterbitkan oleh Emerald-Insight. Peran Pemimpin Redaksi telah diangkat oleh Prof. Gandolfo Dominici, Direktur Ilmiah BSLab. Kybernetes memiliki Dewan Editorial baru dan lingkup yang diperbarui dengan kaya, yang sekarang lebih berfokus pada aplikasi sosial, organisasi, dan manajerial tentang pemikiran sibernetika dan sistem. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs web journal8217. Artikel Pengalaman Belajar dan Pendidikan di Dinamika Sistem Manajemen Siswa: Studi Kasus, oleh anggota Masyarakat Miroljub Kljaji. Andrej kraba dan rekan mereka Mirjana Kljaji Bortnar, diterbitkan dalam International Journal of Decision Support System Technology. Dalam artikel tersebut, penulis membahas penelitian mereka, yang menyatakan Makalah ini menjelaskan pengalaman dalam pengajaran kursus Modeling dan simulasi bagi mahasiswa ilmu manajemen di Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Organisasi, Universitas Maribor Slovenia. Kursus kami terdiri dari simulasi kontinyu berdasarkan dinamika sistem dan simulasi acara diskrit DES. Kursus ini pada tahun ke-3, dan siswa telah mengikuti kursus matematika, statistik, teori sistem, serta kursus organisasi dan ekonomi. Nilai akhir kursus ini berasal dari proyek siswa dan ujian tertulis. Dalam tulisan ini, kita akan membahas metode pengajaran SD dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja siswa (kelas akhir). Artikel lengkap tersedia di situs IGI Global. Awal bulan ini, sistem isee mengumumkan peluncuran update baru di Stella Architect 1.2. Fitur perbaikan dari perangkat lunak ini meliputi: manajer data yang lebih baik, fungsionalitas yang lebih baik untuk mengimpor kinerja eksternal, update windows parameter control, perbaikan tampilan model dan animasi, penambahan operator membagi 0, melestarikan grafik dan tabel dan pengecekan sirkularitas. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang fitur baru kunjungi situs sistem isee. Artikel Hazhir Rahmandad: Menerapkan Dinamika Sistem untuk Tantangan Sosial diterbitkan pada tanggal 6 Februari 2017 di situs The Huffington Post. Artikel tersebut merupakan bagian dari serangkaian wawancara oleh Proyek Kontribusi Amerika Iran yang menampilkan orang-orang Iran-Amerika terkemuka yang telah membuat dampak besar di bidang profesional mereka. Artikel tersebut meliput informasi biografi Hazir sebelum menyelidiki pertanyaan spesifik tentang permulaannya di bidang teknik, karya penelitiannya saat ini, dan ditutup dengan pemikiran Hazir tentang menjadi orang Iran-Amerika. Hazir, seorang profesor Sistem Dinamika di MIT Sloan School of Management, adalah pemenang Jay W. Forrester Award tahun 2015 dan saat ini melayani Society sebagai Workshop Chair untuk ISDC 2017. Silakan lihat artikel lengkap di situs Huffington Post. Di situs Societys di bawah kategori Apa itu SD, Anda akan menemukan bagian baru yang disebut Aplikasi Penghargaan Pemenang Dinamika Sistem. Aplikasi pemenang penghargaan SD ini terkait dengan halaman Case Repository kami dan Aplikasi Komersial Sistem Dinamika yang baru sebagai halaman Oral Histories. Halaman baru ini akan menampilkan kumpulan video pendek di mana pemodel senior menceritakan kisah aplikasi komersial dengan dampak tinggi dari Dynamics Sistem, memberikan pujian atas materi tertulis yang tersedia di Case Repository. Pada musim gugur dan musim dingin tahun 2016, Ken Cooper mengunjungi kantor komunitas System Dynamics Society untuk membuat serangkaian video yang menceritakan beberapa aplikasi komersial yang berdampak tinggi dan lebih menarik dari karirnya yang terkemuka. Kami sangat senang mengumumkan Kens video pertama, Litton Industries Case. Sekarang tersedia di website kami. Video tambahan akan dirilis dalam minggu-minggu berikutnya, jadi segera periksa kembali untuk mendengar lebih banyak cerita menarik tentang aplikasi SD yang memenangkan penghargaan Berita dari Bab Korea (7 Februari 2017) Pada tanggal 31 Januari, setelah perayaan Hari Tahun Baru Imlek8217s, sebuah acara khusus Kuliah terbuka untuk System Dynamics diadakan di Ewha Womans University di Seoul, Korea Selatan. Kehadiran melebihi harapan, karena lebih dari lima puluh peserta termasuk siswa sekolah menengah dan eksekutif perusahaan berpartisipasi dalam acara ini. Profesor Dong-Hwan Kim, mantan presiden Korean System Dynamics Society (2010-2012), memberikan kuliah energi tinggi selama dua jam. Bab Korea juga mengumumkan bahwa konferensi musim dingin Korea System Dynamics 2017 akan diadakan di tempat yang sama, Universitas Womans Www Womans pada tanggal 25 Februari. Atas nama System Dynamics Society, kami ingin Korea Chapter terus sukses. Situs web ReThink Health, yang disponsori oleh Rippel Foundation, menampilkan editorial. Waspadai konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan: model kesehatan ReThink yang menceritakan tentang dampak kebijakan Presiden Trumps, oleh yayasan Presiden dan CEO, Laura Landy. Editorial ini didasarkan pada sebuah makalah putih oleh Jack Homer, yang menganalisis dampak potensial terhadap kesehatan AS terhadap empat wilayah di mana pembalikan kebijakan di bawah Trump tampaknya mungkin terjadi: asuransi kesehatan, pertumbuhan pekerjaan, peraturan lingkungan, dan penegakan hukum yang berpikiran masyarakat. Model SD digunakan untuk memperkirakan dampak terhadap morbiditas, mortalitas, produktivitas pekerja, dan biaya perawatan kesehatan dari tahun 2017 sampai 2029, dengan asumsi bahwa pembalikan kebijakan tetap berlaku selama itu. Ketika keempat pembalikan digabungkan, tiga hasil pertama diperburuk dengan 3 sampai 4 poin persentase selama 12 tahun. Biaya perawatan kesehatan agak berkurang tapi hanya karena akses terhadap perawatan yang dibutuhkan telah dikurangi. Pada catatan yang lebih optimis, model ReThink Health juga digunakan untuk menganalisis kebijakan konstruktif untuk sistem kesehatan regional, dalam sebuah artikel yang diterbitkan di Health Affairs. Sebuah jurnal kebijakan kesehatan terkemuka, awal tahun 2016. Laman berita situs web Universitas Bergen berisi artikel pendanaan UE untuk proyek dinamika iklim, yang ditulis oleh Sverre Ole Drnen. Artikel tersebut menyoroti proyek penelitian terbaru dari Birgit Kopainsky, seorang peneliti Sistem Dinamika dari Departemen Geografi di University of Bergen and Society member. Proyek ini berfokus pada keberlanjutan dan ketahanan sistem pertanian Eropa dan dikoordinasikan oleh Universitas Wageningen di Belanda. Proyek tersebut, yang diberi nama SURE-Farm (Menuju Sistem FARMing Uni Eropa yang Sejati dan Mutlak), telah menerima 4,8 juta Euro dari program Horizon 2020 Uni Eropa. Dalam artikel tersebut, Birgit menjelaskan, proyek SURE-Farm akan menilai alat manajemen untuk memperbaiki ketahanan ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial pertanian Eropa. Idenya adalah mencari peluang untuk menciptakan industri pertanian yang lebih berkelanjutan. Artikel lengkap tersedia di situs web University of Bergens. Penelitian yang melibatkan System Dynamics pada layanan sustainability, baru-baru ini telah dipublikasikan di Journal for Cleaner Production. Dalam uraian jurnal tiga puluh lima artikel, Karl-Henrik Robrt, penulis dan co-editor edisi khusus Journal of Cleaner Production ini. Menulis Fokus dari volume khusus adalah pada sains yang melayani kepemimpinan sistematis menuju keberlanjutan. Pengetahuan yang tertangkap dalam volume khusus ini membantu para pemimpin memahami apa itu keberlanjutan, yaitu bagaimana mendefinisikannya, dan mengoperasionalkannya secara sistematis dan strategis di arena atau organisasi manapun dan lintas disiplin dan sektor. Salah satu dari tiga puluh lima artikel, Boundary penting: potensi dinamika sistem untuk mendukung keberlanjutan oleh Ehsan Nabavi, Katherine Daniell, dan Husain Najafi, membahas bagaimana penggunaan Sistem Dinamika meningkatkan pemahaman dan mendukung keberlanjutan. Dalam abstrak penulis menyimpulkan, Makalah ini juga membahas bagaimana dan mengapa Sistem Dinamika perlu digunakan oleh analis secara lebih lengkap (yaitu pendekatan kualitatif, kuantitatif, dan partisipatif) untuk memastikan bahwa dalam kasus penerapan tertentu, model, Dan penilaian yang mendasari perkembangan mereka, tertanam secara efektif dalam konteks sosial dan politik yang memungkinkan penggunaannya untuk mendukung keberlanjutan. Artikel ini dan jurnal lengkap dapat diakses di situs web Science Direct. Makalah diserahkan ke 2017 ISDC diklasifikasikan menjadi satu dari empat belas benang. Di antara benang di konferensi tahun ini adalah Thread Informasi dan Pengetahuan. Benang ini berkaitan dengan dinamika informasi dan pengetahuan termasuk manajemen pengetahuan, sistem informasi, analisis jaringan sosial, penelitian dan pengembangan, penemuan, dan inovasi. Kursi untuk Informasi dan Pengetahuan Thread adalah anggota Christian Kampmann, Associate Professor di Copenhagen Business School, dan Gnen Yucel, Associate Professor di Universitas Bogazii dan pemenang Dana Meadows Award 2014. Call for Papers: Konferensi Internasional Sistem Dinamika Masyarakat Sedunia (2 Februari 2017) Portal Web sekarang terbuka untuk menerima kiriman kertas serta proposal untuk lokakarya dan tutorial yang akan dipresentasikan di International System Dynamics Conference di Cambridge, Massachusetts dari 16-20 Juli 2017. Tahun ini menandai peringatan 60 tahun berdirinya bidang System Dynamics. Dinamika Sistem digunakan di seluruh dunia, mulai dari kelas K-12 sampai program doktor, dalam penelitian ilmiah di banyak disiplin ilmu, dan dalam aplikasi dari perubahan organisasi terhadap perubahan iklim, mulai dari pengobatan hingga manajemen. Konferensi tersebut akan merayakan pencapaian dari enam dekade terakhir dan mengeksplorasi tujuan masa depan dengan menampilkan karya terbaik dalam pemodelan dinamis yang sedang dilakukan hari ini. Untuk daftar terperinci dan deskripsi topik sesi konferensi, kunjungi Threads for 2017 website. Batas waktu penyerahan adalah 22 Maret. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs web Call for Papers. Artikel Anggota dalam Matematika Matematika Enthusiast (31 Januari 2017) Artikel penelitian Reorganisasi Pemikiran Aljabar: Pengantar Pemodelan Sistem Dinamis, oleh anggota Masyarakat Diana Fisher, telah dipublikasikan di jurnal Mathematics Enthusiast. Artikel tersebut menyajikan gagasan mengenalkan pemodelan Sistem Dinamika ke kelas menengah atau kelas menengah aljabar. Di dalam abstrak Diana menjelaskan, Di dalam tubuh kertas, sekumpulan contoh akun bank sederhana, yang meningkat dalam kompleksitas, digunakan untuk menunjukkan perbandingan antara menggunakan pendekatan bentuk tertutup dan menggunakan Stella untuk mengolah setiap situasi. Perbandingan, menunjukkan persamaan rekursif yang setara, persamaan bentuk tertutup, dan diagram pemodelan Stella, dirancang untuk memberi pembaca (guru aljabar, pengambil keputusan pendidikan matematika, peneliti, atau siapapun) pengenalan yang mudah dipahami untuk memahami diagram model Stella dan mesin matematika Beroperasi di bawah tenda perangkat lunak. Diana menyimpulkan dengan membahas kelebihan siswa yang memanfaatkan perangkat lunak pemodelan dan keterbatasan kurikulum matematika tradisional. Artikel lengkap tersedia melalui situs Scholar Works University of Montana. Menghubungi 2017 Dana Meadows Award Nominasi (26 Januari 2017) Perhatian Presentasi Siswa: Dana Meadows Meadows Award (DMA) melambangkan komitmen Societys kepada siswa dengan mengenali karya siswa terbaik. Ini juga menghormati, dengan cara yang abadi, kehidupan dan karya Dana Meadows. Dana Meadow Award adalah penghargaan yang dinominasikan sendiri yang diberikan untuk makalah yang beredar yang ditulis oleh siswa yang hadir di konferensi tersebut. Prosedur pencalonan diri harus diikuti saat menyerahkan makalah konferensi Anda. Portal Web akan dibuka untuk pengiriman pada tanggal 2 Februari dan dijadwalkan pada batas waktu 22 Maret. Informasi lebih lanjut tentang Dana Meadows, Dana Meadow Award, dan panduan pengiriman rinci dapat ditemukan di situs kami. Rapat Dewan Kebijakan Musim Dingin: 16 Maret di Cambridge, Massachusetts (26 Januari 2017) Dewan Kebijakan Masyarakat Dinamika Sistem akan bertemu untuk Pertemuan Musim Dingin pada tanggal 16 Maret pukul 11:00. Presiden Len Malczynski akan memimpin pertemuan tersebut. Pertemuan akan diadakan di Hyatt Regency Cambridge. Sebagaimana tercantum dalam Anggaran Rumah Tangga, Dewan Kebijakan akan bertemu sebagai badan terpisah, secara elektronik atau pribadi, setidaknya dua kali setiap tahun, sekali pada konferensi internasional tahunan dan satu kali pada kuartal pertama tahun fiskal pertama. Kami menyambut perwira dan anggota PC yang baru dan kembali serta berterima kasih kepada mereka yang telah memenuhi persyaratan mereka. Silakan lihat e-brosur Temui Petugas dan Anggota Dewan Kebijakan. Pemesanan di muka diperlukan untuk peserta silahkan hubungi kantor Society. Semua notulen Rapat Dewan Kebijakan lalu diarsipkan di situs Society. Dan dapat ditemukan dengan menggunakan item menu Governance. Anggota masyarakat Ellis Ballard telah menerima posisi baru sebagai Direktur Associate Laboratorium Desain Sistem Sosial Sekolah Brown di Universitas Washington di St. Louis. Ellis, yang menerima gelar Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Magister Kerja Sosial dari Sekolah Brown, telah mengajarkan Dinamika Sistem Berbasis Masyarakat dan telah merancang dan memimpin lokakarya pembuatan model kelompok. Dia juga menerapkan pendekatan SD ini dalam penelitian dan praktiknya yang melibatkan masalah keadilan dan hak kesehatan di negara berpenghasilan rendah dan menengah. Direktur Pendiri Lab Desain Sistem Sosial, Peter Hovmand mencatat Selama berada di Lab Desain Sistem Sosial, Ellis telah memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap lab dan arahan keseluruhan, dan mengembangkan gaya manajemen yang dimiliki oleh para siswa, fakultas, staf, dan mitra masyarakat. Semua datang untuk menghargai dan menikmati. Ellis membawa semangat energi positif yang luar biasa, semangat untuk memajukan praktik pengembangan model kelompok dan dinamika sistem, keterampilan manajemen yang luar biasa, dan komitmen terhadap keadilan sosial. Atas nama Sistem Dinamika Masyarakat, selamat kepada Ellis Artikel Apakah menurut Anda berita palsu bisa terbunuh dengan kebenaran Pikirkan lagi, oleh Sharon Pian Chan dan Andre Alfred, yang muncul di situs pemasaran ART. Digunakan System Dynamics untuk menganalisa data mengenai berita palsu. Catatan Chan dan Alfred Kami memutuskan untuk menggabungkan latar belakang teknik dan jurnalisme kami untuk melakukan penyelaman yang lebih dalam mengenai bagaimana berita palsu masuk pada dirinya sendiri dengan menggunakan pemikiran sistem, alat yang telah kami pelajari di MIT tahun lalu. Penulis memberikan penghargaan kepada anggota Masyarakat dan MIT System Dynamics Professor, John Sterman dan Nelson Repenning atas umpan balik mereka. Peta sistem dibuat menggunakan perangkat lunak Vensim. Penulis menggambarkan data ini, melaporkan Ketika kita menambahkan diagram lingkaran kausal ke arus saham, kita dapat melihat hubungan antara permintaan sumber berita partisan, penyaringan Facebook, bias konfirmasi dan bagaimana sistem memberi makan pada dirinya sendiri untuk mendorong terciptanya tiruan. berita. Penulis berusaha untuk mengeksplorasi solusi di posting berikutnya dan meminta umpan balik. Silakan lihat artikel lengkap untuk rincian tentang data dan untuk informasi kontak penulis. Pada tanggal 12 Januari, co-director anggota dan koordinator Iklim, Andrew Jones berbicara dengan Jeremy Loeb di WCQS Radio Publik North Carolina Utara. Dalam wawancara tersebut, Andrew berbicara tentang masalah iklim setelah pemilihan Donald Trump. Berkenaan dengan masalah publik tentang arah mana pemerintahan baru akan menghadapi perubahan iklim, Andrew mengatakan bahwa ini bisa menjadi hal yang membuat orang lebih terlibat dalam sesuatu yang selalu membutuhkan tindakan warga negara. Loeb juga mengemukakan cerita digital The New York Times yang menggunakan data yang disediakan oleh Interactive Climate. Perancang grafis menggunakan data iklim dengan cara yang menarik dan interaktif yang melibatkan orang. Fakta bahwa ada kekhawatiran dan percakapan yang berkembang di iklim memberi harapan. Andrew berbicara tentang membuat orang tertarik dan terlibat dalam sebuah gerakan, seperti yang dia ungkapkan dalam wawancara saya melihat orang-orang yang datang bersama untuk menuntut yang lebih baik dengan menarik bersama. Untuk mendengarkan wawancara penuh. Silahkan kunjungi situs WCQS. The 2017 ISDC merayakan enam dekade prestasi dan mengeksplorasi masa depan dengan menampilkan karya terbaik dalam pemodelan dinamis yang sedang dilakukan hari ini. Upacara Penghargaan dari konferensi ini merupakan kesempatan untuk mengenali prestasi individu di lapangan. Kami mengundang Anda untuk mempertimbangkan untuk mencalonkan kolega atau diri Anda untuk pekerjaan luar biasa di bidang Dinamika Sistem. Informasi penghargaan dapat ditemukan di situs konferensi. Di sana Anda akan menemukan kriteria nominasi, tanggal jatuh tempo dan deskripsi rinci untuk masing-masing penghargaan berikut: Penghargaan Wight Forrester Jay Wright, Penghargaan Aplikasi Sistem Dinamika, Penghargaan Dana Meadows, Penghargaan Peneliti Lupina Young, dan Penghargaan Barry Richmond. Kami berharap dapat menghormati pemenang penghargaan tahun 2017. Sampai jumpa di Cambridge, System Dynamics Society dengan bangga mengumumkan bahwa pendaftaran Konferensi Dinamika Sistem Internasional ke-35 sekarang telah dibuka. Diselenggarakan oleh System Dynamics Group di MIT Sloan School of Management, konferensi akan diadakan di Hyatt Regency di Cambridge, Massachusetts mulai 16-20 Juli 2017. Kami mengundang Anda untuk ambil bagian dalam perayaan ulang tahun ke 60 ini sebagai ISW 2017 Diharapkan menjadi kumpulan dinamika sistem terbesar yang pernah ada Peristiwa tambahan termasuk Konferensi Dinamika Summer School (12-14 Oktober) dan Kolokium PhD (20 Juli). Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk presentasi presentasi, lokakarya, kesempatan belajar dan jaringan yang menarik. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pendaftaran, silakan kunjungi situs konferensi. Lihat daftar 2017 Conference Sponsors. Dalam sebuah artikel blog baru-baru ini di situs Review Manajemen Rantai Suplai, Larry Lapide mendedikasikan kolomnya, sebuah update tahunan tentang minyak dan rantai pasokan, untuk mengenang Jay W. Forrester. Lapide menulis, Beberapa manajer akan tahu siapa dia dan apa yang dia capai terkait dengan manajemen rantai pasokan. Bagi orang lain, mereka harus memikirkan permainan bir pendidikan yang paling mungkin mereka mainkan. Ini mensimulasikan bagaimana kurangnya informasi hilir dan hulu menyebabkan persediaan yang berlebih dan tidak stabil yang harus dipegang oleh mitra dagang sepanjang rantai pasokan. Kedua, mengenai minyak ia menjadi bapak Sistem Dinamika yang ditangani dengan menggunakan simulasi untuk memahami sistem besar, seperti dampak emisi CO2 terhadap lingkungan global. Lapide mencatat bahwa buku-buku Jays Urban Dynamics dan World Dynamics menghasilkan model yang memulai bidang pemodelan global dan menghasilkan model yang kita baca tentang simulasi perubahan iklim dewasa ini dan mendukung kebutuhan untuk membatasi emisi CO2 dengan mengurangi penggunaan energi berbasis karbon . Makanya, forresters relevan dengan update minyak ini. Artikel lengkap bisa dibaca di Website Manajemen Rantai Pasokan. Kursi Program Konferensi 2017 mengucapkan selamat tahun baru yang sehat dan produktif dan berharap bisa bertemu dengan Anda di ISDC 2017 musim panas ini, di Cambridge, Massachusetts. Tahun ini kita merayakan ulang tahun ke 60 berdirinya bidang System Dynamics. Sementara konferensi ulang tahun ke-50 merayakan prestasi setengah abad pertama kami, untuk konferensi ulang tahun ke 60 ini, kami berusaha membangun sebuah program yang menunjukkan jalan ke masa depan dengan menampilkan karya terbaik dalam pemodelan dinamis yang sedang dilakukan hari ini. Kami juga akan merayakan kehidupan Jay W. Forrester, pendiri bidang System Dynamics, yang meninggal pada bulan November. Nantikan detailnya. Pengiriman akan diterima dari 2 Februari sampai 22 Maret. Kami menerima studi tentang fenomena dinamis berdasarkan studi lapangan kualitatif atau kuantitatif, eksperimen di laboratorium atau lapangan, dan sumber data dan metode lainnya. Kami sangat menyambut baik pekerjaan yang memberikan pendekatan baru terhadap isu teoretis dan metodologis yang penting, area aplikasi, praktik pemodelan, pedagogi, metode empiris dan integrasi pendekatan yang berbeda untuk memodelkan dinamika sistem yang kompleks. Sumbangan yang tepat dapat memajukan metodologi, mengembangkan teori baru untuk menjelaskan fenomena dinamis yang penting, menguji teori yang ada atau menunjukkan dampak dunia nyata. Jika pekerjaan tersebut membahas isu penting, mengambil perspektif yang dinamis dan endogen, menangkap pengambilan keputusan perilaku aktor dalam sistem, terdekumentasi dengan ketat dalam data, dan didokumentasikan dan ditiru sepenuhnya, kami menyambutnya untuk dipertimbangkan, tidak peduli perangkat lunak apa Atau formalisasi pemodelan digunakan. Apapun fokus Anda, pastikan kertas Anda memenuhi standar kualitas tinggi yang kami cari di bidang kami. Pastikan kertas Anda: 8211 membahas masalah penting, 8211 menilai dan menilai secara tepat literatur yang relevan, 8211 ditulis dengan jelas, 8211 secara jelas menyajikan model, analisis, dan hasil Anda, 8211 mengikuti standar dokumentasi lengkap untuk Tinjauan Dinamika Sistem, termasuk Tunduk pada model sebenarnya sedapat mungkin, Akhirnya, pastikan judul makalah Anda menjelaskan masalah atau kontribusi utama. CATATAN PENTING: tolong hindari judul seperti Judul Anda: Pendekatan Sistem Dinamika (atau sejenisnya). Fokuskan judul Anda pada substansi studi Anda, bukan metode yang Anda gunakan. Detail judul lengkap dapat ditemukan pada saat pengiriman di Informasi Kertas untuk Halaman Penyerahan di Portal Web. Untuk informasi tambahan, silakan hubungi Kursi Program Konferensi, John Sterman dan Nelson Repenning. Topik tahun ini untuk Konferensi Kolokium adalah Building Capacity. Formatnya akan baru tahun ini dan akan mengubah temu wicara menjadi lingkungan belajar dimana siswa dapat sepenuhnya berinteraksi dan memanfaatkan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh para dinamisis sistem senior yang hadir. Tahun ini kolokium ini tidak hanya menampilkan pleno dan poster PhD tradisional, tapi juga dua sesi menarik baru dalam format Open Space dan World Caf. Selain itu, program Penasihat Malaikat Sukses akan kembali. Baik siswa PhD maupun Master didorong untuk menyerahkan pekerjaan mereka, dan seruan untuk membuat makalah siswa sudah ada dan dapat ditemukan di halaman Facebook baru triptumium. Senioris sistem senior akan menerima undangan untuk berpartisipasi dalam kolokium tahun ini dalam waktu beberapa minggu. Untuk saat ini, informasi lebih lanjut tentang acara baru tahun ini dapat ditemukan di link di atas. Sampai jumpa di komunitas Cambridge Society Raafat Zaini telah berhasil mempertahankan disertasinya yang berjudul 8220Modeling Manifest and Latent Structures in a University: Memahami Resource and Dissent Dynamics8221 di System Dynamics Ph. D. Program di Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Raafat ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ph. D. Komite program: K. Saeed (kursi), M. Elmes, dan O. Pavlov, atas dukungan mereka. Minat penelitian Raafats berada di wilayah dinamika organisasi dan keberlanjutan inovasi dengan fokus pada organisasi R038D dan institusi pendidikan tinggi. Pekerjaannya saat ini melibatkan analisis dan pemodelan strategi universitas yang dinamis, dan menyelidiki peran perbedaan pendapat dalam iklim inovasi organisasi. Raafat memenangkan Graduate Innovation Exchange Award untuk Ph. D. Penelitian ilmu sosial dan bisnis di WPI pada tahun 2013 dan 2014, dan menjabat sebagai presiden klub WPI System Dynamics pada tahun 2016. Saat melanjutkan gelar Ph. D. Raafat telah bekerja sebagai peneliti di MIT Sociotechnical Systems Research Center dan berkonsultasi dengan Advance Management Group. Raafat menjabat sebagai ketua bersama kelompok kepentingan khusus Bisnis Dynamics Society 2013-15, dan saat ini merupakan anggota Dewan Kebijakan Societys. Atas nama Perhimpunan, selamat kepada Dr. Zaini New Ph. D. Anggota SDS Saeed Langarudi (06 Januari 2017) Anggota masyarakat Saeed Pourmasoumui Langarudi telah berhasil mempertahankan disertasinya yang berjudul 8220 Ekonomi Politik tentang Ketergantungan Sumber Daya Manusia: Pendekatan Dinamika Sistem8221 di Dinamika Sistem Ph. D. Program di Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Saeed berterima kasih kepada Ph. D. Panitia: Dr. Michael Radzicki (ketua), Dr. Alexander Smith, dan Dr. Rajib Mallick, atas dukungan mereka. Dia juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas komentar dan umpan balik yang dia dapatkan dari pekerjaan doktornya dari peserta Pertemuan Pembelajaran Bersama di WPI8217s System Dynamics Club. Ucapan terima kasihnya yang terdalam disampaikan kepada Profesor Khalid Saeed dan Isa Bar-On atas dukungan, dorongan, dan bimbingan mereka yang luar biasa. Dia juga berterima kasih kepada Profesor Homa Katouzian dan Ali Mashayekhi atas komentar dan nasehat mereka yang berharga. Saeed sekarang adalah seorang Ilmuwan Riset Doktoral di Universitas New Mexico State University of Britain 017 Range Sciences. On behalf of the System Dynamics Society, congratulations to Dr. Langarudi Symposium organizers of ABM 2017: Agent-Based Models in the Social, Human-Environment, and Life Sciences, have announced a call for papers. The symposium, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, will be held in San Diego, California, from April 20-22, 2017. The goal of this symposium is to transform the science, technology, and application of agent-based models in the context of social, human-environment, and life sciences. Abstracts of presentations and posters should be submitted by the January 31 st deadline. Students, postdocs and assistant professors may apply for an ABM Professional Enhancement Awards to cover expenses related to attending the symposium. Additional details about ABM 2017 and submission guidelines can be found on the symposium website . Strategy Dynamics is now combining a new instructor led online course on building living business models with their existing strategy dynamics business frameworks course. The course is designed to guide the non-specialist through the process of building working, quantified business models. The course is divided into two parts: Core Structures and Models, and Extension Frameworks and Models. The core frameworks course starts on January 9 th. For additional details and registration information, please visit the Strategy Dynamics website. The Journal of Simulation editors have announced a call for papers for a special issue on System Dynamics. The guest editors for the special issue are Sally Brailsford and Society members Martin Kunc and John Morecroft. In an effort to connect System Dynamic modelling to other simulation methods, the journal is interested in submissions that discuss: mode conceptualization, model development and testing, policy development, and other areas. Please read the call for papers on the Springer website for details. The deadline for submission of papers is March 31 st. 2017. SD Article on Mental Health Intervention (January 04, 2017) The research article titled Community based system dynamic as an approach for understanding and acting on messy problems: a case study for global mental health intervention in Afghanistan, by Society members Ellis Ballard and Peter Hovmand, along with their colleagues Parul Bakhshi and Jean-Francois Trani, was published by BioMed Central in a recent issue of the Conflict and Health journal. The article explores the factors that prevent persons with mental illness from using available health care services. Describing the methods used, the authors stated We employed community based system dynamics to examine interactions between multiple factors and actors to examine the problem of persistently low service utilization for people with mental illness. Group model building sessions, designed based on a series of scripts and led by three facilitators, took place with NGO staff members in Mazar-I-Sharif in July 2014 and in Kabul in February 2015. The full article is available on the BioMed Central website. The System Dynamics Club at WPI, founded by Professor Oleg Pavlov, hosts lectures, discussions, games and other social events to promote SD to the community of WPI and Worcester College Consortium. Among these events, is the Collective Learning Meeting (CLM). The CLMs are informal meetings to share work in progress, invite guest speakers on specific topics, or dive deep into 8220classic8221 texts or videos (e. g. Jay Forrester8217s MIT series or Meadows lectures on games.) The CLMs are held weekly by the WPI SD Club on site and broadcasted online over Google hangout. All are welcome to join or present. The WPI SD Club has recently announced new leadership: Timothy Clancy (President), Christine Tang (VP), Shia Cao (Treasure). The outgoing team includes: Raafat Zaini (President), Saeed Langarudi (VP), Christine Tang (Treasurer). For more information about the WPI SD Club and the CLMs, please visit their website . On December 16th, 2016, the WPI SD Club participated in the 33rd System Dynamics Colloquium at the University at Albany. (See photo below.) The Colloquium, with students and faculty from WPI, MIT and UAlbany, provides the attendees with an amazing opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with faculty members, students, and practitioners of System Dynamics. System Thinking Webinar Series Starting in January Bridgeway Partners announced a six session webinar series titled Systems Thinking Practice. The courses, sponsored by isee systems, will begin on January 20, 2017, with subsequent classes on: February 3rd, March 3rd, March 17th, March 31st and April 14th. The courses will enable you to apply System Thinking principles and tools in real time to a complex problem in your own organization or community. The core text for the program is David Peter Strohs book Systems Thinking for Social Change: A Practical Guide for Solving Complex Problems, Avoiding Unintended Consequences, and Achieving Lasting Results (Chelsea Green, 2015). For a complete overview of the courses and registration information, please visit the isee systems website . isee systems has created a new option for student licenses to help with the increasing demand for student access to the software. Similar to university lab packs, the student packs are owned by the university and come with support, but the licenses can be installed directly on a students personal computer. Support is included with these licenses and enables the students to download and install the latest versions of the software while they have access to the license. Please visit the isee systems website for details. System Dynamics Modelling and Simulation . by Bilash Kanti Bala, Fatimah Mohamed Arshad and Kusairi Mohamed, is now available on the Springer website. The book, featuring the essentials of System Dynamics and systems engineering, is useful as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses, and is an excellent reference guide for practitioners and researchers. The summary on the publishers website states, This book covers the broad spectrum of system dynamics methodologies for the modelling and simulation of complex systems: systems thinking, causal diagrams, systems structure of stock and flow diagrams, parameter estimation and tests for confidence building in system dynamics models. It includes a comprehensive review of model validation and policy design and provides a practical presentation of system dynamics modelling. It also offers numerous worked-out examples and case studies in diverse fields using STELLA and VENSIM. The system dynamics methodologies presented here can be applied to nearly all areas of research and planning, and the simulations provided make the complicated issues more easily understandable. System Dynamics Modelling and Simulation is available in hardcover or as an eBook on the Springer website. Member Hassan Qudrat-Ullah was appointed a Full Professor of Decision Sciences at the School of Administrative Studies, York University, Canada, in January, 2016. Dr. Hassan has over 18 years of teaching, research, industry, and consulting experience in the USA, Canada, Singapore, Norway, UK, Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Colombia, Switzerland, Spain, and Pakistan. His research interests include dynamic decision making, sustainable energy policies, and System Dynamics modeling. Hassan teaches courses on quantitative methods, operations management, decision analysis, and systems thinking for management in the 21st century. He has received several teaching awards including the Recognition for Excellence in Teaching by the School of Administrative Studies for five consecutive years and the 2015 Doctoral Workshop Teaching Award for Excellence by Monarch Business School, Switzerland. Hassan is serving as the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Complexity in Applied Science and Technology . Associate Editor, International Journal of Global Energy Issues . appointed member of the Advisory and Editorial Board of Springer Complexity, USA, and director of board of Swiss Federation of Private Business Schools, Switzerland. On behalf of the Society, congratulations to Hassan The journal article Using dynamic models to support inferences of insider threat risk, by Elise Axelrad and Paul Sticha, was published in a recent issue of Computational and Mathematical Organizational Theory . In the abstract, the authors explain Two modeling approaches were integrated to address the problem of predicting the risk of an attack by a particular insider. We present a system dynamics model that incorporates psychological factors including personality, attitude and counterproductive behaviors to simulate the pathway to insider attack. Multiple runs of the model that sampled the population of possible personalities under different conditions resulted in simulated cases representing a wide range of employees of an organization. We then structured a Bayesian belief network to predict attack risk, incorporating important variables from the system dynamics model and learning the conditional probabilities from the simulated cases. The full article can be accessed on the Springer Link website. Dynaplan was announced the winner of the Business Supercharger Award at the People Analytics 2016 conference in London on November 22. With more than 300 delegates representing 220 companies from 30 countries, this annual conference is one of the largest HR analytics events in Europe. In a news article on their website, Dynaplan founder Magne Myrtviet states, We are proud to have received this award it reconfirms to us, as well as to our customers, that we are on the right track. Our journey started at the strategic level, where the impact of making the right decisions is the greatest. But the other levels of the maturity pyramid also brings value to workforce management. Dynaplan is continuing its innovative journey, expanding our technology and services into the areas of statistics and benchmarking as well. Additional details are available in the full article. The new version of Vensim 6.4E is available for download or purchase in the Vensim store. Some interesting new Vensim 6 features include: Significant upgrades to the Help system, including improved indexing and nearly 100 sample models illustrating the use of almost every built-in function Native Mac support (licenses are portable across platforms) GET DIRECT functions that can access spreadsheets and other delimited data files, like the GET XLS functions without the overhead of launching Excel The option of observing integer constraints in the ALLOCATE AVAILABLE function Great for managing allocation of discrete items like customers or aircraft Enhancements to the document tool and SyntheSim functionality with lookups in large models On-the-fly configuration of subscripts (arrays) with the GET DIRECT SUBSCRIPTS or GET ODBC SUBSCRIPTS functions Great for matching model detail to your data EXCEPT: statements that let you handle exceptions to subscripted equations more easily Ventana is also on track to release a beta version of 64-bit Vensim this month, available to Vensim P ro and DSS users current with their maintenance. The Vensim team is developing a major revisionupgrade with new capabilities and dramatic improvements for ease of use. One cool feature in the pipeline is Synthesim for sensitivity simulations, exploiting Vensims speed to make risk and uncertainty interactive. For quick turnaround help, visit the Vensim support forum. The forum now has over 2000 successfully answered queries, and also contains the archive of the SD mailing list. Among the many queries posted, a few recent topics include: setting calibration results into the model, reordering a matrix, and sensitivity simulation setup. The Creative Learning Exchange, a collaborative group of experienced systems thinking and System Dynamics practitionerseducators, invites you to participate in a short survey as a part of their research on where and how ST and SD are being used globally in pre-college education. The CLE hopes to collect information about what STSD tools you use, how you assess the effectiveness of student learning, and the impact STSD has had on your students learning. Please complete the survey by December 23, 2016. If you respond by December 16 and include your name and email in the appropriate survey questions, you will receive a 20 off coupon for one purchase at the Creative Learning Exchange Climate Interactive Provides Data for The New York Times Digital Story Society member and co-director of the Climate Interactive, Andrew Jones, has posted a blog article that discusses the data used in The New York Times digital story How Trump Can Influence Climate Change . The article, written by Jasmine C. Lee and Adam Pearce, uses models and analysis obtained from the Climate Interactive to illustrate how potential policy changes by a Trump administration would affect the goals of the Paris agreement. Jones post explains the analysis and provides references for the data that the Climate Interactive provided for the story. He states, The data we provided for this story pulls together several analyses from others (particularly LBNL) and some from ourselves (the C-ROADS simulation and Climate Scoreboard analysis). Read more about the climate related data and the models used in the full blog post . The EMSD partner universities have announced two additional scholarships for next year8217s cohort. Adding to the three Erasmus Mundus scholarships and the 6 EMSD scholarships that were already available, there are now 11 scholarships for non-EU students entering the program. The European Master in System Dynamics is a two year master program that equips students to analyze complex issues in an analytically sound and socially responsible manner. Students learn to use an advanced approach to feedback-rich problems: System Dynamics modelling. Models are built in close collaboration with decision-makers and stakeholders so that their insights are captured and recommendations implemented. The program offers a truly international experience as students from all over the world participate. Semesters are in four different European locations: Bergen (Norway), Lisbon (Portugal), Palermo (Italy) and Nijmegen (the Netherlands). The deadline for applying for scholarships has been extended to January 15, 2017. More information on the program and scholarships can be found on the EMSD website . The Creative Learning Exchange, in collaboration with the Center for Interdisciplinary Excellence in System Dynamics and BTN, has developed four new apps that feature simple System Dynamics models. Based on the models created by Society member Jeff Potash and his colleague John Heinbokel, these fun apps were designed as an educational tool for kids and adults alike. With these apps, you can explore models on population, retirement planning, bacterial growth and inflation on your phone, tablet or Chromebook. Visit the CLE website for access to the free System Dynamics apps . An open-access review article regarding SD applications in agriculture and natural resource problems was recently published in the journal Resources . The paper, System Dynamics Modeling for Agricultural and Natural Resource Management Issues: Review of Some Past Cases and Forecasting Future Roles, was written by Society members Ben Turner, Hector Menendez, Roger Gates, Luis Tedeschi and Alberto Atzori. The article also cites many other Society members work and introduces System Dynamics to the natural resource disciplines. Read the full article on the MDPI website. Since Jays passing, several obituaries have been published in various newspapers and local university newsletters. Most recently Jays obituary was published in The Wall Street Journal . The Bergen Times and The Concord Journal . Please see the web page for Jay to see the full list including links to the obituaries. Information regarding services for Jay is listed in the obituary from The Concord Journal . A memorial service will be held at 10 AM on Saturday, December 10, 2016, at the Trinity Episcopal Church, 81 Elm Street, Concord, Massachusetts. The System Dynamics Society is pleased to announce the official start of two new Special Interest Groups: the Asset Dynamics SIG and the Transportation SIG. The Asset Dynamics SIG promotes and supports the application of System Dynamics for the management of complex technical systems, complex inter - and intra-organizational collaboration, multi actorstakeholder involvement and long-term interests. If you are interested in joining, please email the Asset Dynamics representatives Michel Kuijer and Arjen Ros. The Transportation SIG supports and promotes the use of System Dynamics within the transportation sector. If you are interested in joining the Transportation SIG, please email the groups representatives, Simon Shepherd and Enzo Bivona. Websites for each of the new SIGs will be available soon. The web based journal, Complexity is now accepting submissions for their upcoming Special Issue titled 8220Managing Information Uncertainty and Complexity in Decision-Making,8221 which will be published in September 2017. Authors are encouraged to submit both original research articles and review articles by April 28, 2017. Complexity is a peer-reviewed journal published by Hindawi as part of a publishing collaboration with John Wiley 038 Sons. Visit the Hindawi website to access the full Call for Papers and to see the submission guidelines . How do we find pathways to limit temperature change and its effects 45 students, faculty, and community members from the University at Albany, State University of NY enacted the World Climate Exercise climate negotiation role play, learning about the near-term actions to protect our future world. The System Dynamics Group at UAlbany organized the event, with Eliot Rich as facilitator and Babak Bahaddin as the Secretary-General of the UN. Dr. Rich noted: This World Climate Exercise was different than others Ive run. The need for determination and activist-driven optimism has never been greater. The WCE provides both. Participants surveyed after the session loved the role play and interactions built into the exercise. Through the debrief, attitudes changed from hopelessness to engagement: I was surprised how much developing countries contributed to global warming. A moving simulation Activism and consensus is more important. I want to work with businesses to help them mitigate climate change the best part was the learning process at the end. I will work harder towards my political classes and share this knowledge with friends, family and where I work. I plan to think more about my daily actions and what I can change. Starting next year, the World Climate Exercise will be integrated into the Universitys MBA programs through its G3 Going Green Globally capstone course. The exercise will be used to introduce the entire first year class to the systems perspective on sustainability, bathtub dynamics, feedback, and stakeholder dynamics. As part of their course project, students bring these concepts to bear on sustainability strategies and tactics for local businesses and non-profit agencies. At the recent UN climate conference in Morocco, an MIT team including Society member John Sterman worked together with the Climate Interactive to discuss issues concerning the Paris agreement. Through the use of models and educational tools, they are helping political leaders, policymakers and the public to see the urgency of emissions cuts, how plans that move past the Paris agreement make an impact and potential problems. The Climate Interactive has released new analysis on the 2050 climate goals of the United States, Canada and Mexico. The full report is posted on the Climate Interactive website . Member John Sterman Quoted in Live Science Article on Climate Change In the article How to Avoid Stephen Hawking8217s Dark Prediction for Humanity published by Live Science, John Sterman responded to a statement made by Stephen Hawking regarding the extinction of humans and the need to colonize other planets. John states While I respect Stephen Hawking enormously, speculating on how long Homo sapiens will survive before extinction is foolish. Whether we survive and thrive or descend into chaos is not something to predict or lay odds on, but a choice to be made.8221 John concludes by saying Anyone who thinks we can solve these problems by colonizing other worlds has been watching too much 8216Star Trek.8217 We must learn to live sustainably here, on the one planet we have, and there is no time to lose. Read more in the full article. A newly released Early View of the System Dynamics Review features the research article Estimating the parameters of system dynamics models using indirect inference , by Society member Hazhir Rahmandad and his colleagues, Mohammad Jalali, Niyousha Hosseinichimeh and Andrea Wittenborn. The article is now available on the Wiley Online Library and will later be published in an issue of the System Dynamics Review. The System Dynamics Society has received a huge response since sharing the news of Jays passing on November 16. Members of our community have sent countless emails to the System Dynamics Society office and to date have posted over 100 messages in the comments section on Jays page. These kind and thoughtful words illustrate the consummate importance Jay has had in the field of System Dynamics and the mark he has left on the lives of so many. Jays legacy will continue into the future as we move forward to promote the field of System Dynamics8211this is a collective common thread expressed in the messages and it is an important mission of the Society. On behalf of the System Dynamics Society, we thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories and encourage you to continue to do so. The Jay W. Forrester Tribute page has been updated to include a link to Obituaries and Notes from around the world. We continue to be touched and grateful for the outpouring of thoughts and remembrances from all 8220four corners of the earth.8221 It is with great sadness that the System Dynamics Society announces that Jay W. Forrester, Professor of Management Emeritus at MIT, has died at the age of 98 on November 16, 2016. Jay founded what became the field of System Dynamics in 1956 and has had a profound and lasting influence on it throughout its 60-year history. A lifelong innovator. Jay was a pioneer in digital computing and helped create the computer age in which we all live today. Trained in electrical engineering, Jay came to MIT in 1939, where he worked on feedback control servomechanisms during World War II. After the war, Jay directed the MIT Digital Computer Laboratory, where he led the design and construction of Whirlwind I. one of the worlds first high-speed digital computers. He invented and holds the patent for magnetic core memory, the dominant form of random access memory (RAM) for decades (even travelling to the moon with the Apollo astronauts), until it was eventually replaced by semiconductors. Whirlwind became the basis for many innovations, from numerically controlled machine tools to SAGE, the first integrated continental air defense system . Invited to join the faculty of the MIT Sloan School of Management in 1956, Jay created the field of System Dynamics to apply engineering concepts of feedback systems and digital simulation to understand what he famously called the counterintuitive behavior of social systems . His groundbreaking 1961 book, Industrial Dynamics, remains a clear and relevant statement of philosophy and methodology in the field. His later books and his numerous articles broke new ground in our understanding of complex human systems and policy problems. Jay officially retired in 1989, but continued his work unabated, focusing on promoting the use of System Dynamics in K-12 education . John Morecroft (London Business School) wrote My life was changed by Jay Forrester. His influence came in two distinct ways, from personal encounters and from the research environment he created as founder and leader of the System Dynamics Group at MIT-Sloan. I spent a decade at MIT, first as a doctoral student and later as a member of faculty at Sloan. So there is much to remember. George Richardson, Professor Emeritus at the University at Albany, said Jay opened a path that gave many of us voices we did not know we had. What a life of towering achievements, to have been crucial to the development of computing in its infancy, and then to show us how to use its power to help us make progress together on seemingly impossible problems. I am profoundly grateful for his presence and influence in my life. Professor John Sterman, the Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management at MIT and Director of the MIT System Dynamics Group said Like so many others, I was fortunate to be able to work with and learn from Jay. He constantly challenged us to think deeply, speak plainly, and work on issues that matter, not only to build understanding, but to act. And he always led by example. Roberta Spencer, Executive Director of the System Dynamics Society, remembers, During a conversation Jay said to me figure out a way to have courage. Jay said this to everyoneI took it to heart and it changed my life. Jay was married for sixty-four years to Susan (Swett) Forrester, who died in 2010. Survivors include one daughter, Judith Forrester of Concord, Massachusetts two sons, Nathan B. Forrester of Boca Grande, Florida, and Ned C. Forrester of Falmouth, Massachusetts four grandchildren, Matthew S. Forrester of Arcadia, CA, Julia D. Forrester of Bois, ID, Neil T. Forrester of Torrance, CA, and Katherine J. Forrester of Chicago, IL as well as two great grandchildren Everett Chen Forrester and Faraday Chen Forrester, both of Arcadia, CA. Please visit the webpage dedicated to Jay and write about how Jay touched your life. A full obituary and funeral arrangement details will be available soon. Yaman Barlas, Executive Editor of the System Dynamics Review . delivered an important message in his editorial in the last issue of the SDR . Yaman discusses the challenges involved in increasing the number of papers submitted to the journal. He states My concern is that there is currently a narrow, almost parochial perception of SDR . due to the confusion of philosophy and principles of System Dynamics with tools and software. My suggestion is simple: System Dynamics belongs to the larger field of sciences of dynamic systems and SDR is a natural platform to publish good systemic-dynamic research and applications, regardless of what tools or software they use. Yaman argues System Dynamics Review will reach its full potential by SD Society members, as well as other dynamical system scientists submitting their best work to SDR . The full editorial is freely accessible through the Wiley Online Library. The deadline for the submissions to the BSLab-SYDIC Workshop has been extended until November 30, 2016. The BSLab-SYDIC Workshop, Model-based Governance for Smart Organizational Future . has been organized by the Business Systems Laboratory (BSLab), in cooperation with the System Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC). The workshop will take place at Sapienza University of Rome from January 23-24, 2017. Information about the workshop and submission guidelines can be found on the BSLab website. UAlbanys School of Business will host the World Climate Exercise on Monday, November 21 st. from 5:45 9 PM. In this simulation you must face the climate science, engage in the drama and tensions of global politics, test your ambitions against a climate-modeling tool used by actual climate negotiators, and then reflect on how the experience challenges your assumptions about climate action. The event is open to students, faculty and their friends, as well as high school students. Space is limited so register now to join in on a fun, thought-provoking evening To learn more about the World Climate Simulation. visit the Climate Interactives website. The Climate Service Center Germany, an independent scientific establishment within the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research, seeks applicants with research experience in System Dynamic modelling for a PhD position. The focus of the position will be independent research on the integration of social-ecological systems analysis using SD models to guide decision making processes. Please visit the Career Link page of our website to see the full listing. The recent motion to change the name of the Psychology SIG has passed. The name has been changed to Psychology and Human Behavior SIG, reflecting the larger scope covered by this group. If you would like to join Psychology and Human Behavior SIG, please contact the SIG representatives Pascal Gambardella and David Lounsbury . In other news, the voting process by Policy Council is currently for the creation of two new Special Interest Groups: 1.) Transportation SIG and 2.) Asset Dynamics SIG. More information about these new SIGS, including how to join, will be posted after the voting period. The Institute of Coastal Research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht seeks applicants for a PhD position in the area of ocean energy pathways. This position is part of a new Collaborative Research Centre Energy transfers in the Atmosphere and Ocean conducted together with partners including the University of Hamburg and Bremen. For the full listing, please visit the Career Link page on our website. The Climate Service Center Germany, an independent scientific establishment within the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research, invites applications for a Scientific Researcher. The position will focus on independent, self-governed research on the integration of climate and climate impact models and socio-economic models, to provide a good basis for decision making processes in the water and agricultural sectors. The full listing is available on the Career Link page on our website. Next week, on November 16 th and 17 th. AnyLogic will be hosting a two day conference at the Sheraton Nashville Downtown. The event will feature presentations from leading organizations in the industry, workshops and networking opportunities. Attendees will have the opportunity to see how AnyLogic is being applied across multiple industries and experience innovative ideas for simulation modeling. For more information or to register, visit the AnyLogic website . On November 4, 2016, the Paris Climate Agreement came into legal force, and Society member John Sterman presented the work of Climate Interactive at the United Nations Headquarters. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon chaired a session with leaders from different civil society organizations, and Climate InteractiveMIT were selected as one of a few to speak. John Stermans presentation represented not only the work of Climate InteractiveMIT, but also that of the Union of Concerned Scientists, Climate Central, and the Carbon Tracker. John said I was happy to do so as they each do great work toward our common goal. Please visit the Climate Interactive webpage to watch the video and see the transcript of his speech, which also includes related links. Professor Daniel Peter Loucks explores the topic of simplifying models to meet changing information needs in his November 3 rd blog post, Model complexity 8211 What is the right amount In the article, Loucks writes Modelers of real systems addressing real problems have the job of providing the information needed by those making recommendations or decisions. But those individuals themselves often dont know what they will need or want until they get what our models give them. He discusses the relationship between the modeler and the stakeholder, stating One way to build that level of trust and at the same time help guide modelers in determining just what level of complexity may be most appropriate is to start simple and only add complexity when it is called for. Loucks supports this point by reviewing two case studies. Read the full article on the Integration and Implementation Insights blog. The deadline for the submissions to the BSLab-SYDIC Workshop has been extended until November 15, 2016. The BSLab-SYDIC Workshop, Model-based Governance for Smart Organizational Future . has been organized by the Business Systems Laboratory (BSLab), in cooperation with the System Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC). The workshop will take place at Sapienza University of Rome from January 23-24, 2017. Information about the workshop and submission guidelines can be found on the BSLab website. The research article System Dynamics Model and Simulation of Employee Work-Family Conflict in the Construction Industry, by Guangdong Wu, Kaifeng Duan, Jian Zou, Jianlin Yang, and Shiping Wen, has been published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health . In the article, the authors explore how work-family conflict effects not only the family life of an employee, but also how the conflict impacts the employees job performance. The authors built a model that focuses on the construction industry in particular. In the abstract, they explain In order to analyze the dynamic evolution of construction industry employees work-family conflict between work and family domains, this paper constructs a bi-directional dynamic model framework of work-family conflict by referring to the relevant literature. Consequently, a System Dynamics model of employees work-family conflict in the construction industry is established, and a simulation is conducted. The full paper is available on the MDPI website. On November 10, 2015, the System Dynamics Society activated a LinkedIn Company Page. In the last year, just shy of 1,000 people signed up to follow this page. Thank you to all who are following We are proud of the page and the interest shown. As we near our one year anniversary, we expect to reach our goal of 1,000 followers, and keep growing On the System Dynamics Society Company Page, we post news of current happenings in the field of System Dynamics and welcome comments. The Society also has two Showcase pages on LinkedIn: The Case Repository and SD Conference. Stay connected, stay informed: follow us on LinkedIn Today, October 31, 2016, is the last day to submit your two page extended abstract for the special issue of the System Dynamics Review . Dont miss the opportunity to contribute to this special issue commemorating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the field Please see the full call for papers for detailed information. Send questions and abstracts to SD60thmit. edu. Full papers will be due on May 15, 2017. Member zge Karanfil has received the Yerby Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and been appointed as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Global Health and Population Department, starting September 2016. She is currently working on projects that involve chronic and cardiovascular disease modeling for Malaysia and South Korea, obesity in the Middle East, and a systematic review of risk factors for dyslipidemias in Southeast Asia. zge completed her PhD in System Dynamics Research Group at MIT in 2016, and is a previous recipient of the Dana Meadows Award from the System Dynamics Society. Her PhD dissertation is entitled: Why Clinical Practice Guidelines Shift Over Time: A Dynamic Model with Application to Prostate Cancer Screening. On behalf of the System Dynamics Society, congratulations and good luck to zge The September 2016 issue of the The Accounting Review . features the article Dynamics Decision Making Using the Balanced Scorecard Framework, by Society member Shayne Gary, along with his colleagues at UNSW Australia Business School, Kerry Humphreys and Ken Trotman. The article discusses the study of managerial mental models, building on work that Shayne has published previously. As stated in the abstract, This study examines the effects that two balanced scorecard framework (BSF) elements, causal linkages between strategic objectives (causal linkages) and time delay information (delays) in a strategy map, have on long-term profit performance in a dynamic decision-making environment. The full article is available on the American Accounting Associations website . The Springer Link journal Group Decision and Negotiation recently published the article Evaluating Facilitated Modelling Processes and Outcomes: An Experiment Comparing a Single and a Multimethod Approach in Group Model Building, by Hugo Herrera, and Society members Marleen McCardle-Keurentjes and Nuno Videira. In the abstract, the authors compare group model building and the multimethod approach, We explored the differences between these two modelling approaches in facilitating cognitive change, consensus and commitment by building an experimental research design with real clients, working on their organizations problem. The full paper can be accessed by visiting the website of Springer Link. So far the XIV CLADS has been very successful As shown in these photos of yesterdays events, Hazhir Rahmandad taught a workshop on Analytical Methods and presented The Viability of Good Jobs in the Service Sector. Today, October 21, will be the last day of the XIV CLADS. The schedule for the day includes plenary sessions and workshops, and will conclude this evening with a workshop led by Kim Warren. On October 22, the day after the conference, Kims Strategy and Business Dynamics Workshop will continue at the Leques Hotel. October 19 th. marked the first day of the XIV CLADS (Congresso Latino Americano de Dinmica de Sistemas) in So Paulo, Brazil. This three day event, promoted by the Brazil and Latin American Chapters of the System Dynamics Society, is being hosted by Centro Universitrio FEI. The System Dynamics Societys president, Etinne Rouwette, opened the first day with his keynote speech, System Dynamics, Stakeholders, and Marking an Impact. Later in the day, Etinne delivered a workshop on Group Model Building and Karim Chichakly held an introductory workshop in System Dynamics. Other events on the first day included three plenary and twelve parallel presentations. The presentations explored various topics, such as energy transition, disaster relief and taxation dynamics. On Thursday, Kim Warren gave his keynote address. Thursdays workshops were led by Kim and Hazhir Rahmandad. Eighteen parallel presentations are also on the days schedule. XIV CLADS will conclude on Friday with additional presentations and workshops. The System Dynamics Colloquium will be meeting at UAlbany in December. This student-organized colloquium brings together graduate students from UAlbany SUNY, MIT, and WPI. The one-day colloquium offers non-evaluative peer review and allows students to present System Dynamics related research to faculty, other students, and practitioners for feedback and informational exchange. In an effort to pick a date that works for the majority of the potential attendees, a scheduling survey has been created. Please vote by visiting the online survey. the poll will close at 12:00 AM on October 30, 2016. For more information about the past events, please visit our MIT-UAlbany-WPI SD Colloquia page. A new job opening for a research assistant is now available at Zrich University of Applied Sciences in their System Dynamics research group for Transition of Regional Energy Systems. Applications will be accepted through October 31, 2016. A full job description has been posted on the Societys website. As skills in German are essential to the job, the description has been posted in German. In the Citizen-Times article Climate-change models inform negotiators, engage regular folks, author Mike Cronin discusses the important role the Climate Interactive has in environmental policy. The Climate Interactive is a non-profit organization founded in 2010, with headquarters in Washington D. C. and additional offices in Asheville, North Carolina, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Hartland, Vermont. The Climate Interactive, along with Tom Fiddaman of Ventana Systems, created the System Dynamics model used to determine the effects of proposed environmental policies. The Climate Interactive plays a significant role in climate policy, in fact, during the recent Paris Climate Agreement negotiations, attendees regularly conferred with the researchers and scientists at the Climate Interactive. The models have remained as a free and open source, and are used by many. As quoted in the article, Climate Interactive co-director Elizabeth Sarwin states We make our simulations easy to use and freely accessible to people all over the world who want to understand what it will take to protect the climate. We use our tools to open up the discourse about infrastructure investments that impact the climate to bring more people and more perspectives into decision-making. Read more in the full article on the Citizen-Times website. The Australasian Chapter of the System Dynamics Society met for lunch in mid-October in Brisbane. Members included system dynamicists from the University of Queensland (UQ) and Griffith University. Discussion items included the idea of hosting the next Asia Pacific SD conference in Queensland. The UQ and Griffith SD people plan to have regular meetings to further discuss this idea and other chapter business. Shown in the photo are (from left to right) Carl Smith (current Australasian Chapter president), Russell Richards, Khoi Nguyen, Edoardo Bertone, Emiliya Suprun, Mehdi Hafezi, Rodney Stewart and Oz Sahin. Also present was Sue McAvoy. The Psychology SIG proposes to change their name to the Psychology and Human Behavior SIG. As noted by the co-chairs of the SIG, David Lounsbury and Pascal Gambardella, Our request to change the SIGs name comes from members observations that psychology, as a primary domain focus, describes only a fraction of what we actually discuss, critique, and support. This is evidenced in the workshops and presentations that the SIG has organized and supported. So far the request has been met with positive responses, and ten members have added their name to the formal request. Members of the Society may comment on the name change, contact David and Pascal by email. The Psychology SIG welcomes new members, please see the website for more information. On a Wikipedia reference page listing the people who are considered the father or mother of a scientific field, Jay W. Forrester is acknowledged as the father of System Dynamics. The list contains nearly 150 scientific fields, the person or persons considered father or mother of the field, and the rationale for the choosing that person. Under the rationale column for Professor Forrester, his book Industrial Dynamics (1961) is listed. The Systems Theory section on this page provides a link to the Wikipedia page for System Dynamics and to Jays bibliography, which includes his publications and other external links. A new research article titled A Dynamic Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for Military Personnel and Veterans, by members Navid Ghaffarzadegan, Mohammad S. Jalai and their Virginia Tech colleague Alireza Ebrahimvandi, has recently been published in PLOS ONE. In this study, the authors developed a System Dynamics simulation model of the population of military personnel and veterans affected by this mental illness and then used the model for an analysis of health policy. The full paper is available on the PLOS ONE website. Mohammad Jalai discusses the topic further in a related article published in the Conversation. Fighting another war: How many military personnel and veterans will have PTSD in 2025 When speaking of the results, Mohammad concludes, that in a post-war period there is no easy solution for overcoming the problem of PTSD, and the current screening and treatment policies used by the VA and the DOD must be revolutionized to have any noticeable effect. The VA and the DOD should work together and try to offer timely service to patients. However, we showed that they cannot do much to decrease health care costs. These are the consequences of wars. For the use of the public and policymakers, the authors have provided access to the online model . In Principles of Systems . author Jay W. Forrester explains the basic principles behind system behavior. The book introduces the concepts of structure and dynamic behavior on which were based the authors earlier books, Industrial Dynamics . 1961 and Urban Dynamics . 1969. Due to the general nature and wide applicability of the principles discussed, the book has been accepted as a starting point for teaching dynamic systems on many multidisciplinary courses on urban, ecological, corporate and other complex social systems. The reprinted edition of Principles of Systems can be ordered through the Societys book store on our website. Member Diana Fisher is reaching out to colleagues in the field of System Dynamics for assistance in creating a database of K-12 teachers (globally) who are using systems thinking (BOTGs, causal loops, ladder of inference, iceberg, andor Behavior of a Systems Thinker cards) andor are using System Dynamics models or are having students build System Dynamics models in their classes. Once these teachers are identified, they would be invited to participate in the annual international research conference when the conference is relatively close to their location. Diana would also like to determine how best to help network those teachers to share resources. If you know any K-12 (pre-college) teachers who are using STSD in your area, Diana requests that you send her their names and contact information (email to fisherd at pdx. edu ) so she can communicate with them to see if they are willing to be part of the database. Please note that she would like to have the information within the next 2-3 weeks. On behalf of Diana, thank you for any help you can provide The Fall 2016 issue of the Creative Learning Exchange newsletter, The Exchange . features various articles that engage young students in System Dynamics modeling. The newsletter opens with an overview of the book Model Mysteries: An Exploration of Vampires, Zombies and Other Fantastic Scenarios to the Make the World a Better Place . by Anne LaVigne and Lees Stuntz. Model Mysteries contains six chapters, each presenting a mystery to solve by using SD modeling. In the article To be or not to be I am Hamlet, Hae-Hyun Park reports on Professor Chang Kwon Chungs Shakespeares Hamlet Modeling program . Alan Ticotsky follows a group of Massachusetts high school students as they investigate the crisis of opioid addiction in his article Students Examine the Opioid Crisis. Also in this issue, the Creative Learning Exchange announced that WPI will host DynamiQueST 2017. The event will take place Friday, March 17, 2017, at the WPI Student Center. More information about DynamiQueST 2017 can be found on the Creative Learning Exchange website . Technology, Policy and Management (TPM) has the unique opportunity to establish a new chair in Policy Modelling for Global Challenges in The Hague. The move of the TPM MSc in Engineering Policy Analysis to The Hague, a major centre for the United Nations (along with New York, Geneva 038 Vienna), creates opportunities to strengthen collaboration between the TU Delft and The Hague based organizations working towards solving global challenges. This will be conducive to the quality and relevance of both research and educational activities. The new chair holder will lead the 8216Delft in The Hague8217 initiative, manage the branch in The Hague and create and pursue opportunities to strengthen research and education, both in Delft and in The Hague. For more information on this position, please use this link. To see a list of all the job listings, or to post a job, please see the Career Link page. The University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences (UND SMHS) will partner with colleagues at the University of Bergen in Norway (UiB) to train students in each of the universitys areas of expertise. As System Dynamics is increasing applied to analyzing public health topics, the need for cross training students of public health and students of System Dynamics is evident. The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education under the Partnership Program with North America will fund the project from January 2017 through December 2020. The grant titled Model-based Public Health Education, was awarded to UND SMHS Assistant Professor Arielle Selya, PhD, and Master of Public Health Founding Director and Professor Raymond Goldsteen DrPH, in collaboration with Associate Professor David Wheat and Professor Pl Davidsen in the Department of Geography at UiB. The grant will allow the exchange of studies for up to five students per year, providing students the opportunity to gain highly marketable skills. Read more about this project in the full article . Jeroen Struben has recently been appointed assistant Professor at EM Lyon Business School in Lyon, France. Jeroen will be teaching within the Strategy and Organization Department. Among other classes, he will teach the new master level course Systems Thinking and Sustainability. Jeroen studies dynamics of market formation and transformation, addressing questions, such as How do alternative products and practices penetrate in the marketplace 8211 or society at large, rather than falter Jeroen analyzes market formation processes, focusing on the over-time interactions across stakeholders working through both social and material adoption challenges. He conceptualizes and studies these efforts as market formation processes because significant uptake of such products involves the joint development of consumer familiarization, complementary infrastructure, and technology improvement. Jeroen tackles these problems using simulation and empirical analysis of large spatiotemporal datasets. His current research program consists of three projects: (I) Market formation for alternative fuel vehicles, (II) Market formation for nutritious food, and (III) Market formation theory. Jeroens research produces insights for both scholars and practitioners about coordination and collective action across organizations, industries and governments. Congratulations to Jeroen On behalf of the Society, we wish you the best of luck in your new position. Breaking the Deadlock: How Qualitative System Dynamics Can Help to Overcome Emergency Department Crowding in Singapore The article Emergency department crowding in Singapore: Insights from a systems thinking approach, by members Lukas Schoenenberger, John Ansah, and David Matchar, along with their colleagues from Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, Steffen Bayer, Rajagopal Mohanavalli, Sean Lam, and Marcus Ong, has been published in the open access journal SAGE Open Medicine . The work vividly shows how causal loop diagramming can be used for both eliciting the systemic structure of emergency department crowding and causally inferring (relative) impacts of different policies currently debated by policy-makers in Singapore. The full article can be viewed on the SAGE Open Medicine website. System Dynamics Thinking Addressing Day-to-Day Decision-Making Krishna Pendyala, founder of the ChoiceLadder Institute is looking for System Dynamics Thinking articles or papers that address day-to-day decision-making, choices that take a few minutes and do not involve a systematic or process-oriented decision-making. He is also interested in collaborating with a researcher who is willing to do an expanded literature search and write a white paper along similar lines. For more information, please contact Krishna directly. In August, isee systems held a live webinar giving an overview of the newly released Stella Architect. The overview provides guidance for navigating the latest features and introduces the new interface design and publishing tools of Stella Architect. The webinar, presented by isee systems lead developer, and Society member Bill Shoenberg, is now available on the isee systems website. There is still time to submit your paper for the Asia-Pacific Region System Dynamics Conference The deadline for the submission of papers has been extended to November 3, 2016. The conference will take place February 19-22, 2017, at the National University of Singapore. The program committee welcomes all research and documented consulting activities using System Dynamics, including applications of the methodology to solve real world problems, new technical and software developments, and productive integration of complementary methodologies in order to create new solutions. Please visit the Asia-Pacific Region Conference website for information on submission requirements and instructions on how to submit your paper and key dates. The article Absorptive capacity, technological innovation, and product life cycle: a System Dynamics model, by Bo Zou, Feng Guo and Jinyu Guo, was recently published in the web based journal Springer Plus . The article is a summary of the authors study of using System Dynamics modeling to provide analysis for adjusting the management policies of businesses. In the abstract, the authors state While past research has recognized the importance of the dynamic nature of absorptive capacity, there is limited knowledge on how to generate a fair and comprehensive analytical framework. Based on interviews with 24 Chinese firms, this study develops a system-dynamics model that incorporates an important feedback loop among absorptive capacity, technological innovation, and product life cycle (PLC). The full article can be viewed on the Springer Plus website. The German Chapter of the System Dynamics Society, Deutsche Gesellschaft fr System Dynamics e. V. (DGSD) will hold its annual meeting at Stuttgart University on October 6-7, 2016. This meeting will be a celebration of the 10 th anniversary of the DGSD. International guest speakers include: Dr. David Lane, Henley Business School, University of Reading, Reading, UK and Dr. Brad Morrison, Brandeis International Business School, Waltham, USA. The conference program will feature the presentation of the Gert von Kortzfleisch Prize for outstanding SD work in Germany, a PhD Colloquium, a Company Colloquium, the presentation of the first DGSD scholar enrolled in the European Master in System Dynamics program, Miriam Spano, and dialogue on the DGSD core values. Conference attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in the climate change strategy game World Climate Simulation. Additional details and registration information can be found on the meeting website. In his blog post Business can rock the world, Bjrn Kj. Haugland, Executive Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer in the DNV GL Group, discusses the forecast of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The article features details about the DNV GL report The Future of Spaceship Earth, a study of seventeen SDGs each paired with a leading global company with relevance to a particular goal. Haugland notes In our quest to assess the likelihood of the SDGs being achieved by 2030 we took, as a starting point, the long-term forecast created by one of the original members of the Club of Rome, Jrgen Randers. We then surveyed over a dozen forecasting models. Of these, we found the two most suitable supplementary models were the System Dynamics-based T21 model of Millennium Institute System Dynamics, and the Regional Integrated model of Climate and the Economy (RICE) led by Professor William Nordhaus of Yale University. Our team performed structural sensitivity analyses using these two supplemental models, and drew on the T21 model in particular to assess SDG issues and targets not covered by the Randers model. The results were expressed in terms of a scorecard, which revealed progress in the areas of health, innovation and education, but shows the sustainable development goal in climate action falling short across the board in all five global regions. Read the full blog post for additional information and a video presentation. Access the full report from DNV GL to learn more about the seventeen companies involved in this project. SD Modeling for Strategy and Performance in Higher Education A video presentation by member Kim Warren of Strategy Dynamics, Workshop: Modeling University Strategy and Performance with System Dynamics . is now accessible online. Kims presentation focuses on how to model challenges for higher-education organizations. Your questions and comments are welcomed and can be shared on the forum that follows the video. The presentation was recorded from a session at the EAIR (The European Higher Education Society) Forum held earlier this month at Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK. Additional information on EAIR Forum can be found their website. As a part of Romes Systemic Week, Sapienza University of Rome will host the BSLab-SYDIC Workshop from January 23-24, 2017, and the 17 th Congress of World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics from January 25-27, 2017. The BSLab-SYDIC Workshop, Model-based Governance for Smart Organizational Future . has been organized by the Business Systems Laboratory (BSLab), in cooperation with the System Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC). The workshop committee will accept the submission of extended abstracts for panel presentation or poster session until November 1, 2016. The deadline for registration and membership is December 30, 2016. For more information about the workshop and the conference, visit the SYDIC website. We are pleased to introduce our team of conference organizers for the 2017 Cambridge, Massachusetts, Conference The Program Chairs are John Sterman and Nelson Repenning from MIT Sloan, and the Workshop Chairs are Jack B. Homer from Homer Consulting and Hazhir Rahmandad from MIT Sloan. Thank you to our conference volunteers for their dedication and service For more information on the 35 th Annual International System Dynamics Conference, a 60 th Anniversary Celebration, visit the conference website. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is requesting information on new ideas, approaches, and capabilities for developing interactive simulations that can be used to calibrate the validity of different social science research methods and tools in drawing strong inference about causal mechanisms that can lead to emergent complex behaviors in human social systems. Please see the Request for Information (RFI) for full information. Responses will be accepted until October 18, 2016. The Call for Papers deadline for the Asia-Pacific Region System Dynamics Conference is October 13, 2016. The conference will take place February 19-22, 2017, at the National University of Singapore. Information on submission requirements and instructions on how to submit your paper can be found on the A-P Conference website. The website also contains links to two articles by member Tom Fiddaman featuring tips on writing good System Dynamics Conference papers. Earlier this week, isee systems announced the release of Stella Simulator. Stella Simulator is a stand-alone, XMILE-compatible simulation engine based on isee systems STEAM engine. It can be used for sever or High Performance Computing applications, or embedded in desktop applications. Visit isee systems website for additional details. On October 5, 2016, the India Chapter will host a New DelhiNational Capital Territory regional meeting for System Dynamics professionals and those who are interested in the subject. The meeting will take place from 5-7 p. m. at the headquarters of IORA Ecological Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in Lado Sarai, New Delhi. The Governing Council of the SDS India Chapter is meeting at 10 a. m. on October 7 th. at the Symbiosis Institute of Computer Science in Pune, Maharashtra. The focus of this meeting is to develop a strategy for engagement and activities for 2016-2017 in India. The India Chapter welcomes your suggestions, comments, and ideas on how to increase the level of engagement with System Dynamics practitioners in India please email Karan Khosla at indiasysdyngmail. For information about the India Chapter, please visit their web page. The Latin American and Brazil Chapters of the System Dynamics Society invite you to attend the XIV Latin American Conference of Systems Dynamics (CLADS 2016), October 19-21, 2016, at the University Center FEI, So Paulo, Brazil. The following Society members are scheduled to speak at the conference: Kim Warren, Hazir Rahmandad, Etinne Rouwette, and Karim Chichakly. A registration discount is available through September 26, 2016. Additional conference information can be viewed on the CLADS 2016 website. On behalf of the Russian Chapter, Member Natalia Lychkina invites system dynamicists to participate in the IV International Research Conference, System Analysis in the Economy 2016. The SAvE 2016 Conference, hosted by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, will be held in Moscow, November 9-11, 2016. The main purpose of the conference is to create a platform for scientific generalizations and achieved practical results in the social and economic sphere in order to develop the science of the economy and society on the basis of the theory of socio-economic systems. The founder and head of the conference is the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Georgii Borisovich Kleiner. The deadline for submission of reports for presentation to students, masters and post-graduate students is October 30, 2016. Please see the conference website for additional details. For information about the Russian Chapter, visit their web page. FBS Review Review Penuh FBS adalah salah satu broker dari forex itu sendiri yang banyak digunakan oleh trader forex yang berada di ASIA tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Banyak trader forex di Indonesia menggunakan broker ini. FBS itu sendiri merupakan singkatan dari financial broker success. Ini akan membantu anda jika anda binjadi pemain pemula yang belum begitu faham tentang bisnis ini. Dalam website resminya tersdia juga layan konsumen atau customer service dengan pelayanan yang memuaskan dan dengan pelayanan yang ramah sehingga untuk medapatkan penjelasa yang lebih dalam tentang forex ini mereka akan menjelaskan dengan jelas dan ramah. Dengan adanya website ini maka trader forex pemula. Jika anda ingin membuat akun dan akan menyetor dana minimum pun tidak perlu memakai jaringan internasional kini anda juga bisa menyetor dana melalui bank yang ditunjuk untuk bekerjasama seperti bank BRI, BNI, BCA, Mandiri, atau NISP. Untuk minimal deposit yaitu 5 dolar atau sekitar 50000 rupiah. Perusahaan yang berdiri pada tahun 2009 ini sudah mempunyai banyak trader diseluruh Indonesia. Keunggulan Broker Forex FBS Banyak keuntungan FBS yang disajikan dalam bisnis ini baik dari segi jaringan keamanan dan kenyamanan. FBS untuk broker forex itu sendiri sudah memilki banyak anggta dan sudah tersebar diberbagai Negara besar. sekitar 60 negara sudah mengi kuti dan mejadi trader forex ini dengan berbagai versi bahasa yang ada dan untuk pelayanannya itu sendiri pun 24 jam nonstop dengan hari kerja yaitu 5 hari. 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Artikeltulisan di web analisaforex, boleh dijadikan di copy paste di situs lain, namun berdasarkan etika harus mencantumkan link balik ke situs analisaforex Baca Juga Artikel Terkait close Wednesday, 22022017 9:21 PM Wednesday, 22022017 9:19 PMWednesday, 22022017 9:18 PMSabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd SABAH ENERGY CORPORATIONrsquoS LATEST VIRTUAL PIPELINE SYSTEM (VPS) CUSTOMER . KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia ndash 19 January 2017: Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd (ldquoSECrdquo), the licensed distributor and seller of natural gas in Sabah and the Federal Territory of Labuan today officially commissioned its ninth Daughter Station that is located at Shangri-Larsquos Tanjung Aru amp Spa (STAR), Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu. The official commissioning ceremony was launched by Datorsquo Harun Haji Ismail, Chief Executive Officer of SEC. Datorsquo Harun Haji Ismail was joined at the ceremony by Mr. Gavin Weightman, General Manager of STAR, senior Management and staff of STAR and SEC. Quote from Datorsquo Harun Haji Ismail: ldquoSabah Energy Corporation has a proven track record in providing Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to its customers. Today, we are pleased to include STAR as our ninth customer. Our Virtual Pipeline System which delivers CNG is a safe, reliable and effective method of delivering energy to industrial and commercial customers in Sabah. SEC and STAR are delighted to achieve this momentous occasion of the official commissioning of the Daughter Station at STAR today. The Daughter Station stores and supplies Compressed Natural Gas, the cleanest form of fossil fuel, to STAR. rdquo SEC is committed to expanding the growth of natural gas supply by extending its CNG Virtual Pipeline System to various customers who are located in areas where there is limited or no existing network of gas pipeline. SEC is optimistic that more companies in Sabah will enjoy the benefits of natural gas such as clean burning fuel, relatively lower cost of fuel compared to diesel, LPG and MFO while reducing the carbon footprint of existing hotel resorts, factories and industrial processing plants. 2ND ndash 4TH DECEMBER 2016 ndash 5TH SEC CORPORATE RETREAT 2016 . SECs Annual Corporate Retreat 2016 was organised to maintain, promote and develop collaborative team spirit and culture in the organisation. As we continue our journey together into the years ahead let the ldquoWErdquo factor be the mainstay of the SECs culture. This year the event was held in Kundasang at Mount Kinabalu Heritage Resort amp Spa. The theme chosen for this year Corporate Retreat is ldquoCorporate Image, Safety and Health Practices ndash Mattersrdquo. A representative from NIOSH Kota Kinabalu, Encik Wan Sarman Wan Salman bin Sakan gave a talk on a very interesting topic on general safety in the work place. This was followed by a talk on Corporate Dressing by Ms. Cleopatra Clare Asing of DImage Maker at the Heritage Hall. There was a welcoming dance by staff of SEC followed by a welcoming speech by the CEO, Dato Harun Haji Ismail during barbeque dinner at the Tinompok Restaurant. After dinner, 2 persons from the Malim Gunung group were invited to give a talk on their real life experience of the earthquake which struck Ranau, Sabah on 15th June 2015, with moment magnitude of 6.0 richter scale. Games, sketch drama and karoake were organised for everyone to enjoy during the meaningful three (3) days activities. In addition, there was a presentation of Long Service Award and announcement for the winner of inhouse Innovation amp Creativity competition. On the 3rd day of the Corporate Retreat there was a golf game at Mount Kinabalu Golf Club and futsal competition. After lunch at the Tinompok Restaurant we departed to Kota Kinabalu. 16TH AUGUST 2016 ndash SECS BLOOD DONATION DRIVE . 19 September 2016 Mary Chin Kota Kinabalu: Swepa (Sabah Women Entrepreneurs amp Professionals Association) hopes to convince the State Government to build and operate a proposed Bare foot College in Sabah, like the headquarters in Tilonia in India, so that more rural villages in the region can enjoy lights at night and live a better life. It is also looking at embarking on the 3rd Barefoot Solar project to change more lives. Swepa President Wynnie Jong said like the first project, Swepa Barefoot Solar Porject 2.0 has been brought to fruition in tandem with the associations tagline Women Helping Women. Gining Jaineh, 44, (Kg Benontungan Suyad) and Rusni Singkamung, 44, (Kg Sungai Magandai), two illiterate grandmothers, became the second to be trained in ldquosolar engineeringrdquo to light up their villages upon return. ldquoGining and Rusni assume the responsibility of repair and maintenance of the solar lighting units for a minimum of five years. These two solar mamas play the key role in sustaining and replicating solar technology in their respective rural communities. ldquoAfter the completion of this second project, we will not stop here but will continue our mission to identify and electrify more villages next year, rdquo she said. Jong explained the roles played by the respective project partners while acknowledging the presence of Lydia Tan who represented the Hong Kong-based Tan Sui Lin Foundation, which is the major partner. The Foundation donated USD60,000 for purchase of the solar lighting systems. (Lydia is the daughter-in-law of the Foundations Founder, Datuk Dr Tan Sui Lin). Other significant partners are Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) which donated RM150,000 for the construction of the Rural Electronic Workshop (REW) building at Kg Sungai Megandai, Asian Forestry Company Sabah (AFCS) which helped Swepa to identify the villages, organise and provide logistics support and coordination throughout the construction of the REW building, Raleigh International for gathering a team of venturers (age between) and volunteer leaders (age between 25 and above) to put up the building, State Fire and Rescue Services Department (Bomba Sabah) which airlifted 241 boxes of solar lighting units weighing 4016 kilos from Tandek to Kg Sungai Magandai, Pacos Trust, Daily Express and the State Government. Pacos provides various forms of support such as community consultation and monitoring community capacity building for the next five years once all solar installations have been completed. Jong also expressed her gratitude to the Government of India and Barefoot College for their sponsorship of the Solar Mamas technical training in India. Louis Pang Photography together with Imago raised more than RM3,000 in aid of the project during Mothers Day celebration in May this year. Daily Express is the media partner. She later presented certificates of appreciation to the Deputy High Commissioner of India to Malaysia, Nikhilesh Giri, SEC Deputy CEO, Christopher Ng, AFCS Projects Director, Thondik Venantius, Raleigh Borneo Country Director, Dr Brandon Charleston, Director of Bomba Sabah, Nordin Pauzi, PACOS Programme Coordinator in Community Education, Rufina Koyou, Jasmine Pang (who represented Louis Pang Photography), Lydia and the General Manager of the Palace Hotel, Phang Joo See. The hotel sponsored the homecoming lunch for the grandmas and guests. Ng said SECs contribution was part of the corporations Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. Photo shows Kota Marudu District Officer, Arnold Joibi (centre) with the two ldquosolar mamasrdquo, Swepa leaders and partners of the Swepa Barefoot Solar Project 2.0 at the cake-cutting ceremony to mark the launch of the recently-completed REW building. Sixth from right is President Jong while Tambakau is 5th from left and on her left is Christopher. Third from left is Event Organising Chairperson Kate Chin. 16TH AUGUST 2016 ndash SECS BLOOD DONATION DRIVE . In response to the need of blood bank, the Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd (SEC) Sports and Recreation Club and Recreation Club of Ministry of Resource Development and Information Technology organised blood donation campaign to replenish the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) blood bank. The good effort and hardwork of the working committees of SEC and KPSKTM managed to collect 115 pints for the needy. The activity was an annual event for the KSR-SEC as part of the companys ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. Amongst the donors are from Monfort Youth Training Center, Ministry of Resource Development and Information Technology, Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia, Progressive Insurance, Yanmar Kota Kinabalu Sdn. Bhd. Fanmount Transportation Sdn. Bhd. Ranhill Power II OampM Sdn. Bhd. Standard Marine, Angkatan Hebat, Unity Force Sdn. Bhd. Sepangar Chemical Industries and walk in donors. Picture shows the Working Committee headed by Encik David Jinivon, President of KSR-SEC and senior officers from the Ministry. 1ST AUGUST 2016 ndash ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT . Extracted from The Borneo Post dated 5th August 2016. 29TH JULY ndash 1ST AUGUST 2016 ndash EXHIBITION IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF STATUTORY BODIES AND GOVERNMENT AGENCIES COURSE . The objective of this exihibition is to potray products and activities of SEC and its group of companies. The exihibition also provides an opportunity to introduce new products or services to potential customers. It was held at 1Borneo Centre Attrium for 3 days and officiated by Special Tasks Minister Datuk Teo Chee Kang, attending on behalf of Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman. SECs booth exhibiting its Compressed Natural Gas business . SECs CEO, Dato Harun Haji Ismail briefing Special Task Minister, Datuk Teo Chee Kang on activities of SEC and its Group of Companies . 25th July 2016 ndash SEC PAYS BUSINESS TITHE (ZAKAT PERNIAGAAN) . Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) a government linked company paid business tithe for the year 2015 to Sabah State Islamic Council (MUIS). Dato Harun Hj Ismail, CEO of SEC handed a cheque to Sahibus Samahah Datuk Hj Bungsu Aziz Jaafar, Mufti Negeri Sabah at a ceremony held at SECs office, Wisma Bandaraya, Kota Kinabalu witnessed by Senior Officers of SEC and MUIS. Picture shows Dato Harun Hj Ismail handing over a cheque to Sahibus Samahah Datuk Hj Bungsu Aziz Jaafar witnessed by Officers from SEC and MUIS. 23RD JUNE 2016 ndash SABAH ENERGY CORPORATION SDN. BHD. (SEC) BREAKS FAST WITH CHILDREN FROM MADRASAH TAFIZ BAYU SYAHADAH AND MADRASAH PENDIDIKAN AL QURAN NURUL FURQUN . SECs Board of Directors, CEO, Management and staff members hosted the breaking of fast event at the Palace Hotel, Kota Kinabalu. This year SEC invited children from Madrasah Tafiz Bayu Syahadah, Ranau and Madrasah Pendidikan Al Quran Nurul Furqun, Putatan. Earlier on, Madrasah from Ranau received several items i. e. water tanks, tables, plastic chairs and wall fans. While Madrasah from Putatan received building materials and carpets. At the event, YB Datuk Au Kam Wah, Chairman of SEC Sdn Bhd presented Qurans and religious books to both the Madrasah. The children also received Raya packets, ldquoangpowsrdquo collected from personal cash contributions from the Management and staff. Madrasah Tafiz Bayu Syahadah, Ranau Madrasah Pendidikan Al Quran Nurul Furqun, Putatan Standing from left to right: Ustaz Musyayin Bin Marsib, En. Abd Rashid Hee, Ustaz Nazrey Bin Johani, Datuk Kadoh Agundong, YB Datuk Au Kam Wah, Dato Harun Hj Ismail amp Datuk Donald Peter Mojuntin with the tafiz children. 23RD JUNE 2016 ndash RAYA COOKIES FOR NINE SECURITY FORCES IN SABAH Annually, SEC participates in the joint contribution of Hari Raya cookies with State government-linked Companies and other NGOs to nine (9) security forces and enforcement agencies in Sabah. The contribution of Hari Raya cookies, wishes and prayers to the security personnels who are on duty during Hari Raya celebration is one of our ways to show our appreciation and gratitude towards their good deeds to the nation. Dato Harun Hj Ismail, CEO of SEC presenting contribution to YAB Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman and witnessed by the State Secretary, Tan Sri Hj Sukarti Hj Wakiman and respective Heads of the Security Forces. Group photo of the contributors . 6TH MAY 2016 ndash SABAH ENERGY CORPORATION SDN BHD 35TH ANNIVERSARY AND FUND RAISING DINNER . YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj Aman officiating SECs 35th Anniversary witnessed by Dato Harun Hj Ismail, YB Datuk Au Kam Wah, YB Datuk Siringan Gubat and YBhg Datuk Donald Mojuntin Group photograph of the Recipients with the Guest of Honour, YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj Aman, Dato Harun Hj Ismail, YB Datuk Au Kam Wah, YB Datuk Siringan Gubat and YBhg Datuk Donald Peter Mojuntin Extracted from Daily Express dated 7th May 2016 Chief Minister: Right decision to turn SEC into GLC Kota Kinabalu. Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the decision to turn Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. into a full State Government Linked Company (GLC) in 1997 was worth it. He said the decision was to ensure that the company remained relevant and would always go along current trends and act speedily in the challenging and dynamic market. ldquoOver the last 35 years, SEC has attained significant growth with diversified interest in power plants, industrial glue manufacturing, production of spiral pipes and eco-tourism. The latest investments in settng up a ship repair yard and another in provision of spun concrete piles are to be lauded. ldquoThis is a testimony of SECs success in transforming into a successful GLC, rdquo he said, when launching SECs 35th Anniversary and KSR-SEC Fund Raising dinner, Friday. He noted the companys important contribution in developing the States economy for the past three decades since its establishment in 1981 with a mission to optimise the use of coastal natural gas instead of having it burnt and wasted. He said the measures taken by SEC has shown that success would follow if projects are managed in a prudent and transparent manner. He stressed, however, on the importance of effective management and prudent spending. The need to manage effectively and to always be prudent in spending are points that I repeatedly remind all GLCs and am pleased that SEC has constantly practised these virtues. The results of your hard work is seen in SECs ability to pay dividends. Musa also said he was pleased that the SEC has continued to enhance its key functions as a stakeholder in the downstream oil and gas industry. He said aside from the companys direct efforts to promote the use of gas from here among the Small and Medium Enterprises and the Small and Medium Industries, the State Government has also succeeded in bringing in major investments such as the ammonia plant in Sipitang and the Oil and Gas Terminal in Kimanis. Opportunities abound for the private sector to participate in the development of Sabahs oil, gas and energy sector and I welcome all stakeholders, big and small, to take advantage of this potential either by yourselves or in partnership with our GLCs, he said. However, he stressed that while it is important to measure success in terms of economic or financial success, the business sector must also reach out to communities who are in need help through commitments made via the Corporate Social Responsibility platform. SEC declares RM7 million dividend to State Govt Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) has declared an interim dividend payment of RM7 million to the State government for the financial year ended December 31, 2015. With this latest dividend, the gross amount paid by SEC to date amounts to more than RM183 million. The dividend was handed over to Datuk Pengiran Hassanel, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance by Dato Harun Ismail, the CEO of SEC and witnessed by Chief Minister-cum-Finance Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman. Also present were SEC Chairman, Datuk Au Kam Wah and the companys Board of Directors. Musa said SEC must continue to practise good governance in order to remain competitive especially during these challenging economic times. ldquoI commend your good performance. However you must continue to raise the bar by practising prudent financial spending, transparency and accountability, rdquo he said. And, Musa also reminded SEC to be mindful of joint ventures and ensure they do not engage in lopsided deals. ldquoYou must always protect the interest of the company above everything else, rdquo he said. Meanwhile, Harun said that based on the pre-audited accounts, SEC and its group of companies were expected to achieve a pre-tax profit of about RM86 million for the 2015 financial year. The 2015 profit is lower than 2014s due to the uncertainties brought about by the plunge in global oil prices which affected Asian Supply Base Sdn. Bhd. mainly. Harun added that against the State governments paid-up capital of RM299.9 million, the accumulated profits over the years would have increased the shareholders funds to about RM880 million by end 2015. While 2016 and 2017 are expected to be challenging in view of the continued global uncertainties especially with respect to oil prices, he said SEC and its companies would remain focused on energy and the oil and gas sectors ndash areas which it has had a long experience. ldquoSECs strong balance sheet allows us to continue organic growth in the area of natural gas reticulation. And, plans are underway to deliver energy in the form of liquefied gas to an even broader spectrum of consumers in Sabah. ldquoThis is the next phase in the technology to be adopted by SEC after the introduction of the Virtual Compressed Natural Gas System in 2012,rdquo he said. Harun said liquefied gas would allow more consumers to benefit from cleaner and cheaper energy and assist more stakeholders in the business community in lowering their operational cost. 7th April 2016 ndash Corporate Briefing ndash BIMP EAGA Ventures Sdn Bhd (BEV) Business amp Environmental Friendly Piling Technology. Mayor to developers. Give priority to environment Kota Kinabalu: Billions of ringgit are made in construction but very few builders consider the environment or develop the concept of recycling building materials. ldquoAs the worlds largest and most fragmented industrial activity, construction faces a huge challenge in pursuit of sustainability. ldquoConstruction accounts for an estimated 40 per cent of all resource consumption and produces about 40 per cent of all waste including greenhouse gas emissions, rdquo said Mayor Datuk Yeo Boon Hai (pic) in his address on ldquoEnvironmentally Friendly Developmentrdquo at a corporate briefing here on Thursday. His speech was read by City Hall Director General Joannes Solidau. Also present at the event were, Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Chief Executive Officer cum Bimp-Eaga Ventures Sdn. Bhd. Chairman Dato Harun Haji Ismail, developers and builders. In construction, every step form planning to construction, building use and management, maintenance and renovation, dismantling or demotion, resource consumption to waste production triggers a number of environmental problems, he said. Yeo wants builders to change their mindsets, put second on their list the need to complete projects over the shortest time and while making profits from development, to put environment on top for a change. He said builders need to consider sustainable green design as part of the construction process and adopt the 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) concept. ldquoIn implementing any development and construction projects, City Hall has to take into consideration the public interest such as safety, noise pollution, vibration, damages to adjacent building and public infrastructure such as road, drain and other amenities. ldquoWe receive a lot of complaints from our people. We take this matter seriously and will look for the best possible solutions that makes everyone happy ndash the people, the industry player and the government, rdquo he said. Meanwhile, he said City Hall always welcomed innovative ideas and proposals that will help protect the environment while developing amenities to benefit the society. Earlier, Harun revealed that their company is offering an alternative and cost effective solution to the construction piling namely the ldquoHydraulic Injection Piling Methodrdquo. In civil engineering, piles of timber, steel or concrete are driven into the ground to support a structure bridge piers may be supported on groups of large diameter piles. Contrary to the Bore Pile Method, Hydraulic Injection Piling offers more cost savings, no vibration and noise and potentially shortens project completion time, he said. Such technology is currently being used in Klang Valley and elsewhere in Peninsular Malaysia and is proven to not cause damages to adjacent structures or buildings. Extracted from Daily Express dated 8th April 2016. Seated from left to right. Dato Harun Hj Ismail, Encik Joannes Solidau, Encik Robin Leong and Tuan Hj. Abdul Kahar Hj Mohd Zain 26TH JANUARY 2016 ndash MICCI SABAH BRANCH VISITED SECS MOTHER STATION OF COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS VIRTUAL PIPELINE SYSTEM AT KOTA KINABALU INDUSTRIAL PARK. Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce amp Industry, Sabah Branch headed by Brig. Gen reg Datuk A. Arulpragasam, the Immediate Past Chairman, MICCI Sabah BranchChief Executive Officer, Sabah International Dairies Sdn. Bhd. paid a courtesy visit to SECs Mother Station. The entourage was given a briefing by Tuan Hj Limat Hj Munul, Sr. Manager, Energy on the process of Virtual Pipeline System comprising of mother and daughter station concept. The VPS allows for the quick, easy and cost effective construction of installations for expansion according to increase in demand. The VPS enables SEC to bring the benefits of natural gas to a wide spectrum of consumers within a radius of 70 km from KKIP. Group photograph of the entourage with the CEO of SEC, Dato Harun Hj Ismail 22ND JANUARY 2016 - 2016 SIE COMMITTEE COURTESY VISIT TO SABAH ENERGY CORPORATION SDN. BHD . 2016 SIE Committee led by its President, Datuk Mohd Basri Abd. Gafar paid a courtesy visit to SECs office to brief CEO Dato Harun Hj Ismail regarding the highly anticipated event which is going to be held on the 15th ndash 18th September 2016 at the 1Borneo Hypermall, Kota Kinabalu. Sabah International Expo is a multi sector trade and investment exposition held every two years. Generally the trade exihibition focuses on development of business, trade and investment opportunities both within the State of Sabah and Malaysia and with important regional and international trading partners. SECs CEO, Dato Harun Hj Ismail receiving a memento from Datuk Mohd Basri Abd. Gafar . 19TH JANUARY 2016 - UMS PAID A COURTESY VISIT TO SABAH ENERGY CORPORATION SDN. BHD. UMS Investment Holdings Sdn Bhd paid a courtesy visit to SECs office headed by its Manager, Business Development Commercialization and Consultancy Encik Vincent C M Yong. The group entourage were given a briefing by Encik Adzmir A. Rahman, Sr. Manager, Business Development amp Marketing on the business activities of SEC. Group photograph of Dato Harun Hj Ismail receiving a memento from Encik Vincent C M Yong, Manager of Business Development and Commercialization witnessed by SECs Management and UMS Investment Holdings Sdn Bhd Executives . 11TH - 13TH DECEMBER 2015 - SABAH ENERGY CORPORATIONS 4TH ANNUAL CORPORATE RETREAT quotFostering a Cohesive Organistion Through Employee Engagementquot was the theme of Sabah Energy Corporations 4th Annual Retreat held from 11th - 13th December 2015 at the Borneo Golf Resort amp Country Club, Bongawan, Papar. The Corporate Retreat Programme has become SECs Annual Calendar Event since its introduction in 2012. The retreat programme aims to inculcate valuesprinciples which will be engrained in the way businesses will be conducted in the Company. Group photo with CEO, Dato Harun Hj Ismail (8th from left, 2nd row) . Chief Executive Officer, Dato Harun Hj Ismail mentioned in his speech that in line with the theme for the year, he considered employee engagement utmost important in the organisation as it has an impact on productivity and achievement in the business performance. It is a common understanding that highly engaged employees are always willing to give their personal effort, time and go the extra mile for the organisation above and beyond what is expected. Dato Harun further reiterated that a highly engaged workforce with a deep sense of commitment, dedication and involvement should be embedded in SECs culture. Last but not the least, Dato Harun Hj Ismail wished all employees seasons greetings and hoped that all staff members with renewed energy, motivation and new levels of commitment will face the challenges of year 2016. 7TH DECEMBER 2015 ndash MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH GAS MALAYSIA BERHAD On the 7th December 2015 in conjunction with the ldquoUnlocking Oil amp Gas Opportunities in Sabahrdquo Symposium, SEC signed an MOU with Gas Malaysia Bhd. SEC is the sole natural gas provider in Sabah while Gas Malaysia Bhd is involved in gas distribution in Peninsular Malaysia. The MOU signals the intention of both parties to work together in exploring opportunities in the Oil amp gas with particular emphasis on harnassing and distributing Biogas in Sabah. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) and Gas Malaysia Berhad in exploring business opportunities in oil and gas particularly Biogas. Dato Harun Hj Ismail, CEO of SEC and Enchik Ahmad Hashimi Abdul Manap, CEO of Gas Malaysia Berhad exchanging signed MoU witnessed by YB Datuk Raymond Tan, Minister of Industrial Development, Datuk Iskandar Malik, President of SOGCA and Encik Christopher Ng, Dep. CEO of SEC. 29TH NOVEMBER 2015 ndash FSI HELP URGED TO GAIN ECONOMIC HUB STATUS KOTA KINABALU: The Federation of Sabah Industries (FSI) has been urged to continue supporting the government in pushing for the State to gain economic hub status in the region. Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman said trade associations are important partners of the government where he looks forward to a continued partnership with FSI. He said FSI also provides valuable input about the industrial sector to the government through its active participation in various consultative panels and committees, which have helped in planning and policy formations and urged them to contine their good work. ldquoLet me assure you that the government listens and that we are finding workable solutions to resolve outstanding issues. ldquoI urge you to continue to support the government in pushing for Sabah to gain hub status. The government is all for options that could propel Sabah to economic prosperity. We see this happening should we achieve hub status. Your theme for tonight - ldquoSabahrdquo Hub For The Far East ndash The Future is Nowrdquo is timely. He said this in his speech at the 32nd Anniversary Dinner of the Federation of Sabah Industries (FSI) at Hakka Hall Tg Lipat here, on Sunday. ldquoEvents such as this provide an opportunity to hear from FSI on your latest initiatives. FSI as a representative of the industry, especially manufacturers, has been working tirelessly in concert with the government of the day and other trade associations for common causes, notably those affecting the industry in terms of high-cost of production. You have always highlighted issues that affect your members and the industry and the rakyat in general. ldquoVarious government policy changes that were necessitated by our nations quest to achive a high income economy by 2020 has impacted the industry. Additionally, we have just crossed the threshold of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) introduction and recently, we have seen the ringgit depreciate. ldquoI understand the industries are also bracing for minimum wage hike to RM920 for Sabah effective July 1, 2016. Therefore, industralists must find creative ways to mitigate such impacts and must find ways to further diversify the economy especially through downstream processing. ldquoSabah will offer ample potentials to be tapped ahead. Under the 11th Malaysia Plan, the launch of the Pan Borneo Highway project signifies enhanced logistical linkage between Sabah and Sarawak, providing new markets as well as enabling local companies to benefit from its construction. Meanwhile, Musa said the Sabah Development Corridor will continue to attract more investments and together with Kota Kinabalu being designated as growth catalyst city to enable economic growth, the future looks bright. ldquoMembers and the industrial sector in general should look to FSI for possible partnerships with foreign investors as a way to expand your business. FSI has cultivated close working ties with foreign embassies and trade chambers such as trade, marketing and investment missions and business matching. He said he was made to understand that FSI jointly with MICCI Sabah will be bringing in foreign and local business people and exhibitors together in the Sabah International Expo 2016 (SIE2016) happening in Kota Kinabalu from 15th to 18th September next year. ldquoDo take this opportunity to participate and explore new opportunities and possible joint venturesrdquo. Extracted from. Daily Express dated November 30, 2015. 26TH NOVEMBER 2015 ndash BIMP EAGA VENTURES SDN. BHD. ASSOCIATE COMPANY OF SABAH ENERGY CORPORATION SDN. BHD. SEC has recently subscribed to 30 equity in BIMP EAGA Venture Sdn. Bhd. The other 70 equity is held by Niledsa Sdn. Bhd. a Sabah local company. BIMP EAGA Venture Sdn. Bhd. s core business is in the supply of Spun Concrete Piles and Poles to the construction industry. Apart from its primary focus in Sabah, BIMP EAGA Venture Sdn. Bhd. aims to meet market demand from Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines. Handling over of Share Certificate marking the completion of SECs subscription of 30 equity in BIMP EAGA Venture Sdn. Bhd. 4th November 2015 ndash Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd donated two (2) Hemodialysis Machines to Pitas Hospital Extracted from Borneo Post dated 8th November 2015 13th October 2015 ndash Fire Drill at Compressed Natural Gas Terminal, Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park, Jalan Sepanggar Extracted from Daily Express dated 14th October 2015 Extracted from New Sabah Times dated 14th October 2015 Extracted from Daily Express dated 6th September 2015 Extracted from Daily Express dated 5th September 2015 THUMBS UP FOR CLEANER, SAFER AND CHEAPER ENERGY: FSI Vice-President for General Affairs, Mr Richard Lim (7th left) leading a courtesy call on Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd (SECrsquos) CEO, Datorsquo Harun bin Haji Ismail (8th left) and his Division Heads. The FSIrsquos delegation comprises its new line-up (2015-2016). FSI Deputy President for Industry Relations, Datuk Ir. Chong Hon Len is at 6th right. FSI lauds the initiatives by SEC to provide compressed natural gas (CNG) which is a cleaner, safer and cheaper energy source supplied through its virtual pipeline system and said that Sabah industrialists should switch to this cost-saving alternative where possible, in light of the high costs of production for Sabah businesses. Already, some existing customers have even testified to better quality products from using CNG said SECrsquos CEO, Datorsquo Harun Haji Ismail during a courtesy call on 24 Aug 2015. The purpose of the courtesy call was to get to know the members better, listen and understand their concerns and to gather feedback as to how FSI can serve them better. At the same time, members were briefed on the vision, mission and objectives of FSI and the events and activities of present and near future by FSI new line-up that consist largely of young and dynamic business people and professionals. The networking was also part of FSIrsquos effort in grooming younger generation for future leadership in FSI. The event was also held in conjunction with FSIrsquos 32nd Anniversary Celebration or FSI Nite 2015. This yearrsquos theme is ldquoSabah: Hub For The Far East ndash The Future Is Nowrdquo . A dinner will be held in commemoration, on Sunday, 29 November 2015 at the Grand Ballroom, Hakka Hall, Tg. Lipat, Kota Kinabalu. 3rd September 2015 ndash KSR-SEC Blood Donation Drive 2015 This year the event was jointly organised by Kelab Sukan Rekreasi, Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd and Recreation Club of Ministry of Resource Development and Information Technology. In conjunction with the World Donation Blood Day 2015 theme ldquoThank You for Saving My Liferdquo, a total of 105 pints of blood was collected and the majority donors are from Monfort Youth Training Center, Powerco Letrik Usaha Sdn. Bhd. Colorcoil Industries Sdn. Bhd. Yanmar Kota Kinabalu Sdn. Bhd. Fanmount Transportation Sdn. Bhd. Ranhill Power OampM Sdn. Bhd. Sabah Net Sdn. Bhd. and walk in donors. Dato Harun Hj Ismail (centre), Datuk Bruno Vun (right) and Christopher Ng (left) mingling around with blood donors 4th AUGUST 2015 ndash ldquoTOWARDS BOARD EXCELLENCEquot In conjunction ldquoWith Towards Board Excellencerdquo course organised by Ministry of Finance, Kota Kinabalu, SEC participated in one of the booth potraying its Compressed Natural Gas businesses and processes. Sharing light moments from left to right: YB Datuk Samsudin Yahya, Datuk Iskandar Datuk Malek, Dato Harun Hj Ismail, Dato Harris Hj Annuar Tan, Datuk V. Rajasekran and YB Datuk Saddi Abdul Rahman 28TH JULY 2015 ndash HARI RAYA LUNCHEON On the 12th day of Syawal SEC held a Hari Raya luncheon at its office at Wisma Bandaraya. Management and staff were served with variety of traditional dishes and kuih Hari Raya. In addition to that, there were lucky draws for the staff. Dato Harun Hj Ismail picked lucky draw winners for the staff Hj Ismail Assim handing one of the lucky draws to Puan Carol Mindong at the event 2nd July 2015 ndash Raya Cookies for Nine Security Forces in Sabah Annually, SEC participates in the joint contribution of Hari Raya cookies with State government-linked Companies and NGOs to nine (9) security forces and enforcement agencies in Sabah. The contribution of Hari Raya cookies, wishes and prayers to the security personnels who are on duty during Hari Raya celebration is one of our ways to show our appreciation and gratitude. Dato Harun Hj Ismail, CEO of SEC presenting contibution to Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor who represented the Chief Minister and witnessed by the State Secretary, Tan Sri Sukarti Wakimans Group photo of the Contributors CORPORATE INTEGRITY PLEDGE Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd (SEC) takes pride in its efforts to practise and maintain the highest standards of Integrity in the conduct of its business. Integrity is a core value embedded in the Companys Mission Statement and has always been a way of life at all levels in the Company. In July 2013, SEC signed a Corporate Integrity Pledge (CIP) under a program initiated and supported by the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) and the State Government of Sabah. Following that, a thorough internal process was done to institutionalise and further enhance the integrity values that SEC has been practising since its inception. On 1st July 2015, the formal institutionalised CIP processes involving all Stakeholders will commence. These processes will involve all parties from whom SEC will procure goods and services. SEC is pleased to invite all Stakeholders to be a part of the Companys Integrity culture and values. SEC and ASB Donated RM100,000.00 to Ranau Earthquake RANAU - 19th July 2015: The District Officer of Ranau, Encik Faimin Kamin received cheques totalling RM100,000 from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) and Asian Supply Base Sdn. Bhd. (ASB), subsidiary of SEC respectively in aid of the recent earthquake victims. The contributions were handed by SECs Chief Executive Officer, Dato Harun Hj Ismail and ASBs Chief Executive Officer, Dato Harris Hj Annuar Tan to Ranau District Officer, Encik Faimin Kamin during a ceremony held at Ranau District Office. In addition to the donation, both companies have also made contribution 270 cartons of drinking water to the victims to ease the drinking water crisis in Ranau. The cheque presentation ceremony were witnessed by Minister of Resource Development amp Information Technology, YB Datuk Siringan Gubat, Datuk Bruno Vun and Chairman of ASB, YB Datuk Madius Tangau and other senior officers 8th June 2015 ndash MAMPUs Visit to SECs Mother Station Jawatankuasa Penyelerasan Pemodenan Pentadbiran Awam (JPPPA) paid a visit to Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. led by YBhg Dato Seri Zainal Rahim bin Seman, Ketua Pengarah Unit Permodenan Tabdiran dan Perancangan Pengurusan Malaysia (MAMPU). He was accompanied by his deputy, Dr. Suhazima Bt Dzazali and other senior officials. The entourage was briefed by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO), Encik Christopher Ng on the Compressed Natural Gas and the technology of Virtual Pipeline System ndash An innovative way of natural gas distribution in the absence of a physical pipeline. Seated at the centre, YBhg Dato Seri Zainal Rahim bin Seman and other MAMPU officials Dato Seri Zainal Rahim Bin Seman and other officials with SECs Sr. Manager, Corporate Services and Property, Encik Moses Lee during light refreshment 27TH MAY 2015 ndash SEC PAYS BUSINESS TITHE (ZAKAT PERIAGAAN) Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC), a government linked company paid RM58,076.40 business tithe to Sabah State Islamic Council (MUIS). Dato Harun Hj Ismail, CEO of SEC handed a cheque to Datuk Hj Bungsu bin Hj Jaafar, Mufti Negeri Sabah at a ceremony held at SECs office, Wisma Bandaraya witnessed by Senior Officers of SEC and MUIS. Picture shows Dato Harun Hj Ismail handing over a cheque to Datuk Hj Bungsu bin Hj Jaafar witnessed by Officers from SEC and MUIS. 26TH MAY 2015 ndash SABAH ENERGY CORPORATIONrsquoS LATEST VIRTUAL PIPELINE SYSTEM (VPS) CUSTOMER KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia ndash Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd (SEC), the distributor of natural gas in Sabah and Federal Territory of Labuan officially commissioned its eighth Daughter Station that is located at Tuaran Crumb Factory Sdn Bhd, Sungai Damit, Tuaran. Tuaran Crumb Sdn Bhd is wholly-owned by Sabah Rubber Industry Board (Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah). The Daughter Station stores and supplies compressed natural gas (CNG) to the Tuaran Crumb Factory as fuel for the dryer. The factory produces Standard Malaysian Rubber (SMR) products such as SMR 5, SMR 10 and SMR 20 with an annual capacity of 54,000 Metric Tonnes a year. The factory is certified for MS-ISO 9002: 1994 and MS-ISO 9001: 2008. The official commissioning ceremony was launched by Datorsquo Harun Haji Ismail, Chief Executive Officer of SEC. He was joined at the ceremony by YB Datuk Ahmad Bujang, Chairman of Sabah Rubber Industry Board, Datuk Harris Matthews, General Manager of Sabah Rubber Industry Board cum Director of Tuaran Crumb Sdn Bhd, Senior Management and staff of SEC and Tuaran Crumb Sdn Bhd. Quote from Datorsquo Harun Haji Ismail: ldquoSabah Energy Corporation has a proven track record of providing compressed natural gas to our seven existing customers. We are pleased to include Tuaran Crumb Sdn. Bhd. as our eight customer. Our Virtual Pipeline System is a safe, reliable and efficient method to provide compressed natural gas to industrial and commercial customers in Sabah. This smart partnership between SEC and Tuaran Crumb will bring the benefits of using natural gas to the rubber processing industry. In earlier tests, it was found that natural gas which is a cleaner fuel had resulted in better quality SMRrdquo. SEC is committed to expanding the growth of natural gas supply by extending its CNG Virtual Pipeline System to various customers who are located in areas where there is limited or no existing network of gas pipeline. SEC is optimistic that more companies in Sabah will enjoy the benefits of natural gas such as clean burning fuel, relatively lower cost of fuel compared to diesel, LPG and MFO while reducing the carbon footprint of existing factories, hotel resorts and industrial processing plants. Sitting from left to right (4th, 5th amp 6th) Datuk Harris Mathews, YB Datuk Ahmad Bujang, Dato Harun Hj Ismail and officers from Tuaran Crumb Factory Sdn Bhd and Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. 8TH APRIL 2015 ndash SABAH ENERGY CORPORATION SDN. BHD. PAYS RM7.5 MILLION DIVIDEND Source: Extracted from Borneo Post dated 9th April 2015 CHINESE NEW YEAR LUNCHEON 24th March 2015 In the year of Goat, as an annual tradition, Management organised luncheon for all staff in the office. Tossing of Yee Sang headed by Dato Harun Haji Ismail, CEO of SEC, Dato Harris Haji Annuar Tan, CEO of ASB and Senior Managers from SEC amp ASB Mary, Senny, Georgina and Shashi dressed in Chinese customs for CNY 2015s event Dato Harris handing lucky draw gift to one of the winner, Miss Belinda Ng Chris, Dato Harris, Dato Harun and Anita were amongst the Senior Management staff attending the CNY 2015 Luncheon at 1st floor, SECs office 12hb Disember 2014 ndash Anugerah Inovasi Ketua Menteri Sabah (AIKMS) 2013 Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) telah mencalonkan ldquoVirtual Pipeline System (VPS): An Innovation Way of Gas Distribution in the Absence of Physical Gas Pipelinerdquo untuk Anugerah Inovasi sempena Sambutan Hari Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah Tahun 2013. Pencalonan ini adalah di antara 5 finalis yang telah di senarai pendek oleh Jawatankuasa Penilaian AIKMS. Pemenang-pemenang Anugerah AIKMS telah diumumkan pada Malam Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri Sabah 2014 yang telah diadakan di Dewan Bangkuasi, Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah pada malam 12hb Disember 2014 yang dihadiri oleh YAB Ketua Menteri Sabah. Dalam Majlis berkenaan, pencalonan SEC telah diumumkan sebagai Pemenang Anugerah Inovasi Harapan Dan Berpotensi Negeri Sabah 2013. Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SEC, Datorsquo Harun Hj Ismail menerima trofi Anugerah Inovasi Harapan dan Berpotensi (AIHB) tahun 2013 daripada YB Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman SKN disaksikan oleh YAB Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman. YAB Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman, YB Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman dan Datuk Abu Bakar Hassan bersama pemenang pemenang anugerah 5th ndash 7th Dec 2014 ndash 3rd Annual Corporate Retreat Programme This year the programme was held at Kudat Golf amp Marina Resort with the theme ndash ldquoBuilding Team Excellence Through Values, Creativity and Innovationrdquo. SECs 3rd Annual Corporate Retreat was organised to continually promote team culture in the organisation and also as a forum for the exchange of innovative ideas as well as in responding to the positive changes taking place in the company, in an effort to make Team Excellence as one of our winning culture. Dato Harun Hj Ismail, CEO, SEC (8th from left) with all employees who attended the Annual Corporate Retreat Program YB Datuk Bolkiah Hj Ismail bersalaman dengan Dato Harris Hj Annuar Tan (Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, ASB) selepas upacara menandatangani plague, di saksi oleh Dato Harun Hj Ismail (Pengarah ASB). Tan Sri Khalil Hj Jamalul dan lain-lain Program baikpulih bangunan sekolah (SAN) ini adalah di antara hasil usaha pihak Asian Supply Base Sdn. Bhd. (ASB), (anak syarikat Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.) melalui program-program tanggungjawab sosial korporatnya (CSR). Pihak Syarikat berharap agar sumbangan ini sebanyak sedikitnya dapat membantu pihak pentadbiran SAN dalam menguruskan hal-ehwal sekolah dengan memberi keselesaan yang mana akan meningkatan lagi kecemerlangan para pelajar. 19th ndash 21st September 2014 ndash Sabah International Expo 2014 Extracted from New Sabah Times dated Friday, September 19, 2014 9th September 2014 ndash Charity Visit to Kiulu (Text extracted from Daily Express dated 10th September 2014) A total of 53 senior citizens here now can literally see better after they received free spectacles courtesy of the Sabah Energy Corporation (SEC) Sports amp Recreation Club in collaboration with the Assemblyman Office and Tuaran Hospital. Presenting the spectacles, SEC Chief Executive Officer, Dato Harun Hj Ismail hoped SEC would be able to continue carrying out more corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes here. He said the contribution from SEC might not be that big but hoped it would be the starting point of cooperation with the community here in the future. Assemblyman, Datuk Joniston Bangkuai who was also at the ceremony at the town resthouse on Tuesday expressed gratitude to SEC for choosing his constituency for its CSR programme. He also hoped many more government-linked companies would emulate the efforts by SEC to contribute to the people here who remained steadfast in supporting the government. One of the recipients, Terminah Damit, 50, from Kampung Ranau-Ranau really appreciated the assistance because as a farmer she simply could not afford to buy spectacles that can cost up to RM300. Another recipient Noumie Kuntagil, 58, also from Kampung Ranau-Ranau said she never realised that she had eyesight problems until she underwent free eyesight checks at the Tuaran Hospital. Most of the recipients were thankful for the contribution because rdquoat our age it really helps us a lotrdquo. An elated recipient after putting on the new spectacles. Also seen in picture is Joniston and Harun SECS MAJLIS BERBUKA PUASA ndash 21st July 2014 Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) organised a breaking fast event at Tabung Haji Hotel in Kota Kinabalu. Amongst the attendees are SEC Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Dato Harun Hj Ismail, Senior Management and staff. SEC also invited children from Rumah Anak Yatim Baitulamin, Pitas to join the breaking of fast event. SEC donated RM2,000.00 to Rumah Anak Yatim Baitulamin, Pitas handed over by SEC Board, Datuk Asnimar Hj Sukardi. SECs Chief Executive Officer, Dato Harun Hj Ismail handed cash donation collected from staff members to the orphanage children. At the same occasion, SEC Sports amp Recreation Club (KSR-SEC) donated water cooler and wall fans to Sekolah Menengah Agama Al-Irsyadiah, Marakau, Ranau which were handed over by its President, Ir. Hassan Hj Mudin to the representative of the School, Encik Aiezad Asni. . Ybhg Datuk Asnimar Sukardi handing over contribution to Encik Sabdin Ibrahim, Chairman of Rumah Anak Yatim Baitulamin, Pitas SECs CEO Dato Harun Hj Ismail giving out green packets to the orphanage children KSR-SEC President, Ir. Hassan Hj Mudin handing over contribution to Encik Aiezad Asni of Sekolah Menengah Agama Al Irsyadiah, Marakau, Ranau Group photo of SEC Board Members, Chief Executive Officer and KSR-SEC President with the orphanage children from Pitas Sabah Energy aims to promote use of natural gas with its VPS KOTA KINABALU: State-owned company Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd aims to focus on expanding the market base for their Virtual Pipeline System - a move to promote the use of natural gas. The company, spearheading the energy resources development in the state said their VPS programme that was launched in July 2012, is currently entering its second phase of business growth. Chief executive officer Datuk Harun Ismail said the company have ordered additional gas compressors to expand capacity to compress natural gas and to meet current and future needs of their clients. VPS is a proven technology where natural gas is compressed at a Mother Station at SECrsquos premises in Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park, and then transferred into special purpose built containers. The containers are then delivered by trucks to the customersrsquo premises where a Daughter Station will decompress the gas to the customers required pressure. The decompressed gas is then fed into the customersrsquo internal piping system. quotThis system cater to clients that are located in areas where there is no existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure and so far, we have eight clients (seven industrial and one commercial) around Kota Kinabalu. quotWe will continue with our existing natural gas awareness marketing campaigns in the private sector, at the same time work closely with government agencies in raising awareness. quotWith the governments gradual removal of fuel susbidies in the country, we expect to attract greater number of new clients to sign up where significant fuel savings is achieved by switching to natural gas, quot Harun added. quotThe market for compressed natural gas is relatively untapped. However challenges include the initial market response of wait and see approach, when we first introduced VPS. quotThey were sceptical of the System in terms of technical performance, reliability of supply and various related issues, but we went to great lengths to brief the target groups. quotTo sum it up, the reception to VPS has been better than our initial market expectations when we first launched two years ago, quot said Harun. Sabah Energy Corp chief executive officer Datuk Harun Ismail aims to focus on expanding the market base for their Virtual Pipeline System. NSTIzhari Ariffin. SECrsquos 7th Virtual Pipeline Daughter Station at Kauluan Sdn. Bhd. Kauluan Sdn. Bhd. which manufactures fish feed products became Sabah Energy Corporation (SEC) Sdn. Bhd. rsquos 7th customer to utilise compressed natural gas via SECrsquos Virtual Pipeline System. The fish feed factory which is located in the Sepangar Bay area started receiving gas delivered from SECrsquos Mother Station on 27th June 2014. Picture shows the team from SEC and Kauluan Sdn. Bhd. at the 7th Daughter Station at the Sepangar Bay factory SEC is now distributing natural gas to industries in Steel, Building materials, Food processing, Tourism and Animal feed. Compressed natural gas is fast becoming the fuel of choice due to its cost competitiveness and properties as a cleaner fuel. 20th June 2014 - SECs 5th amp 6th Virtual Pipeline Daughter Stations begin operations Sabah International Diaries Sdn Bhd (SID) became the 5th industrial customer to utilise compresed natural gas (CNG) delivered to its premises in Kolombong here via Sabah Energy Corporation (SEC) Sdn Bhds Virtual Pipeline System. The team from SID and SEC at the 5th Daughter Station Apart from a reduction in fuel costs, the consistent heating values and burning characteristics of CNG would also enhance SIDs processess. As a major stakeholder in Sabahs tourism industry, the Magellan Sutera Resort (Advance Prestige Sdn Bhd) strives to reduce its carbon footprint and has decided to convert to using CNG which is environmentally cleaner than alternative fuels. On June 21st 2014, this became a reality when the resorts engineering team declared its readiness to start using CNG from SECs 6th Daughter Station at the resort premises. The team from SEC and Magellan Sutera Resort personnel at the 6th Daughter Station More industies are now aware of the benefits of CNG as a more cost competitive and cleaner source of fuel. It is expected that CNG will become the fuel of choice due to these advantages. 18th June 2014 - Press Appreciation Dinner An Appreciation Dinner was hosted for members of the press media for their continued support over the years in providing media coverage for SECs activities. SEC wishes to strengthen further working relationship with members of the media through collaboration efforts where the use of natural gas will be promoted as the cleanest source of energy in Sabah to replace wood waste and other fossil fuels like diesel, LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and Medium Fuel Oil (MFO). Dato Harun Hj Ismail, CEO of SEC, extended his utmost gratitude to the members of the media for their effort in providing wide media coverage to the Virtual Pipeline System. Members of the media have consistently supported SECs efforts to promote natural gas as the alternate source of energy in Sabah. In conclusion, SEC sincerely hope that all members of the media will continue to assist to disseminate information about SECs natural gas business, the benefits of using natural gas to potential users as well as the general public. Dato Harun Hj Ismail thanked all the press members for attending SECs Appreciation Dinner and looking forward to seeing many of you in our upcoming events. CEOSEC, Dato Harun Hj Ismail chatting with RTM Director, Encik Abdul Jailani Bin Mahmud Representatives from the media group SEC Management with the invited guests Dato Harun Hj Ismail giving a short speech during the dinner 9th June 2014 ndash SEC Declares RM6.5m Dividend Extracted from New Sabah Times dated 10th June 2014 28th ndash 29th May 2014 ndashState Public Sector Innovation 2014 - ldquoSabah Inovatif Rakyat Sejahterardquo Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) participated in the above event which was held at the Tun Ahmad Raffae Auditorium, Menara Tun Mustapha, Teluk Likas, Kota Kinabalu. SEC showcased The Virtual Pipeline System - Compressed Natural Gas and Development Milestones. SECs booth presented the VPS Concept, Its Technology, Process and Equipment in Natural Gas Distribution. DCEOCFO, Encik Christopher Ng (3rd left) and SECs Senior Management and Staff at SECs booth 26th May 2014 ndash Board of Directors Visit to CNG Mother amp Daughter Station Sabah Energy Corporations Board of Directors was invited for a familiarisation visit to the CNG Mother Station at KKIP and Ching Kuang Holdings Sdn. Bhd. s Daughter Station at Telipok, Tuaran Road. CNG Mother Station, KKIP En. Azuan Zainuddin briefed on the process of loading CNG MATS to the truck for delivery to Daughter Station View of CNG MATs ready for delivery at Mother Station Unloading CNG MATs for replenishment at the Ching Kuang Holdings Sdn. Bhd. s Daughter Station Extracted from bi-monthly Newsletters for FSI Members ndash Vol. 22014 MarApr 2014 16th April 2014. UTM - SEC MoU and UTM - SSTC MoA Extracted from Borneo Post dated 16th April 2014 12th April 2014 - SEC SIGNS NATURAL GAS AGREEMENT WITH SABAH RUBBER INDUSTRY BOARD (SRIB) 4th April 2014 - Lawatan Penilaian Bagi Pencalonan Anugerah Inovasi Ketua Menteri (AIKM) Sabah 2013 10th February 2014 - Chinese New Year Luncheon SEC welcomes the Year of the Horse, which is said to bring prosperity and wealth by organising the yearly CNY luncheon for all the staff. YB Datuk Au Kam Wah, CEO and DCEO and Sr. Managers from Asian Supply Base Sdn Bhd were amongst those present to perform the Yee Shang at SEC office on 1st Floor, Wisma Bandaraya. A variety of sumptuous meal was served and tossing of the Yee Shang as a symbol of abundance, prosperity and longetivity, all adding good wishes for the new year. Picture shows from left to right: DCEO, En. Christopher Ng, En. David Teo (ASB), YB Datuk Au Kam Wah, CEO, Dato Harun Hj Ismail and En. Moses Lee performing the Yee Shangquot 9th February 2014 - Commissioning of Gas Supply to Sabah Steel Industries Picture shows the team from Steel Industries (Sabah) Sdn. Bhd. Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) and its technology provider and contractor at Steel Industries (Sabah)s Daughter Station. Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) achieved another milestone in its efforts to make available Natural Gas to a wider spectrum of consumers via its Virtual Pipeline system. On 9 February 2014, SEC commissioned its supply of natural gas to Steel Industries (Sabah) Sdn. Bhd. the 4th Virtual Pipeline consumer to benefit from utilising natural gas which is environmentally cleaner and more cost competitive than alternative fuels. The next three consumers who will have natural gas delivered to their premises via the Virtual Pipeline system will be a dairy processing factory, a factory producing fish meal feed and a major holiday resort. Under Phase 1 of this innovative system, a total of seven customers would have benefited from using natural gas by the end of the first quarter of 2014. SEC is also finalising discussions with several other consumers in the rubber processing, plastics moulding and food processing industries. Another major resort is also getting ready for conversion to use natural gas in line with its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. The efforts to promote the utilisation of natural gas have been well received and SEC looks forward to be able to make available this indigenous energy resource to more local consumers. This lower cost energy will compliment Government efforts to enhance economic development in Sabah while lower emissions from natural gas also contribute to efforts to promote Sabah as an environmentally friendly tourist destination.